Elite: General talk

09 Jun 2021, 11:33am
I haven't even figured out how to use external camera mode when off the ship... I'd have thought it'd be the same button as while flying but apparently not.
09 Jun 2021, 11:38am
LordPsymonI haven't even figured out how to use external camera mode when off the ship... I'd have thought it'd be the same button as while flying but apparently not.

As far as I remember, you have to bind it separately in configs, but it can be the same button as well.
09 Jun 2021, 11:42am
I couldn't find the binding for it, but perhaps I am blind or looking in the wrong place. I'll have a look tomorrow when it ain't so late.
09 Jun 2021, 12:21pm
LordPsymonI couldn't find the binding for it, but perhaps I am blind or looking in the wrong place. I'll have a look tomorrow when it ain't so late.

General Controls >>> Camera Suite >>> Commander - Toggle Camera Suite
09 Jun 2021, 6:29pm
I've been quiet about Oddysey and also in general lately, so I thought perhaps I could stick my oar in for the hell of it.

Regarding EDO: well, I bought it just after release - it really wasn't expensive at around 13 Euros. I have close to zero interest in the FPS side of things, and even stepping out of my ship on foot is well, meh. The main reason I bought it was for the texture upgrades, and (I hoped) some small improvements in the UI in-ship.

I don't like the new UI, for one, especially the system and galaxy maps. The cons outweigh the pros. The planetary textures are nice, but it's all got a sort of median look now: everything seems to have been sanded down, for want of a better phrase. Terrains are no longer so extreme that you want to scream at the sheer insanity of it.

(I suppose I must add that I'm approaching this purely from an Explorer viewpoint)

What I also found irritating was the amount of debris found on out of the way planets. Odd random shipwrecks or outposts, which really screwed up my search for relevant first time finds, like new Guardian ruins, or megaships, etc. When I jumped into a virgin system, I'd get all sorts of signals which would neccesitate more surface scans, only to find random backwater one-alien towns protected by herds of skimmers, with no relevance beyond picking up some arbitrary data. Not worth the time of the scantrip.

Of course, there were the other issues with EDO that others have mentioned volubly in the past, involving disconnections, lag, frame rate drops, etc. which I won't bother repeating.

So, I've gone back to Horizons, and will stay on there for the foreseeable future. I'm a few thousand light years from the Bubble in some random direction, decided by coin toss (literally), and am clocking up newly discovered systems daily, roughly 80% of those I fly through, without any performance issues, and thoroughly enjoying myself.

It's not that I'll miss anybody anyway - I have a few in game friends, but I think I've met one of them in game once or twice - our paths just never align, or maybe I should shower more often. I have yet to actually fly in a squadron, or team up in a Battle Royale. Maybe one day.

On ED and third party apps: I played ED totally by myself for over 6 months, and never even considered 3rd party sites like Inara (Praise Be to Artie). The thing is, all 3rd party sites do are to allow you to play more efficiently, and to advance faster. You really don't need them. In fact, the game becomes more realistic without that outside help. Trial and error is a pain, yes, but you do move forward, and achievements have a much greater level of satisfaction. I still remember the absolute joy of upgrading to my first Cobra: the whole Universe suddenly changed. Then the painful steps towards my Asp Explorer, and suddenly the necessity of engineers and the start of the material grind.

Ah, good times!

The way I see it, if there were no 3rd party apps or resources, it would just make the game longer. To me, that's not a downside. This is a game without an end goal, really. Unless you need to keep up with others for PvP purposes, there is no need for external consultation.

Just my 0.02.
10 Jun 2021, 4:04pm
ArtieIt will be fine. I bet many people (myself included) are just waiting for the upcoming patches sorting out the rest of the problems the release version has and then hop back in to enjoy the Odyssey. Such fluctuations aren't unusual, now it was just in a shorter period of time due a high amount of bugs, but it will go upwards after all the patches.

It's also Summer in the northern hemisphere, and Covid restrictions are being lifted in many areas - so there is a LOT to do IRL. It's not all/just about the FDev bugs.
10 Jun 2021, 10:53pm
Does anyone know any system to trade with the squad?
11 Jun 2021, 2:30am
So anyone going to do the job Salvation is asking us to do in game? I'm surprised to even get a message from them.
11 Jun 2021, 7:12am
The guys and girls at CANONN are all over it
11 Jun 2021, 8:03pm
Does anyone else experience motion sickness playing Elite? What do you do to help?

It's an issue I'm aware that I have occasionally, but I have not experienced it with Elite until yesterday driving an SRV planet side.
If your interested in the story your welcome to read it: Panic at the Crash Site Log 006

What I describe narratively in the story is very distressing in reality. I plan to avoid the trigger (SRV planet side) but maybe someone else knows a trick? Is there a setting that I can change that will help? If anyone else experience this please share your advice.

Other than that, I do have dramamine so I can use that before going into those types of situations if it becomes required for one reason or another. Just seeing if anyone else has insight. Thanks in advance. (hope this is the right place to post to ask)
11 Jun 2021, 8:48pm
ZetonDoes anyone else experience motion sickness playing Elite? What do you do to help?

Have no motion sickness issues neither here nor in RL, but I do experience dizziness (that is followed by headaches if I try to play for long) while playing EDO landfall content with its 'lower than 50' framerate. I had similar performance issues with other games only to find that it was incomfortable, but EDO... for some reason it's an exception. EDH space flight content with stable 60-70 fps is completely fine for me. And also I always turn off any 'motion blur' effects, but not because of health, they just don't let me see things well while making sharp turns. But I guess... it's a personal perception issue that might be connected to other personal issues, so my tip probably won't help you. But... maybe having lower framerate is the reason for you as well.

The tip is... I just don't play EDO content until optimisation or purchasing a better PC
But, yep, try to turn off any 'blurring' settings.

Last edit: 11 Jun 2021, 8:57pm
11 Jun 2021, 9:20pm
Dying light made me sick for a couple of days after playing excessively. Motion Blur, Camera Shake, Strobe Flashing

Here it's also the strobe and the fisheye fov and the anger of waiting 3min for a data download.
11 Jun 2021, 9:53pm
ZetonDoes anyone else experience motion sickness playing Elite? What do you do to help?

I don't get motion sickness in RL, but I used to get a bit dizzy with first-person view video games.
So I make sure my screen is a good distance away from me - in that I can't touch it from my seated position - and that seems to have done the trick!

I think it's one of those personal things where you have to try a bit of this and that to work out what's right for you
11 Jun 2021, 9:57pm
ZetonDoes anyone else experience motion sickness playing Elite? What do you do to help?

It's an issue I'm aware that I have occasionally, but I have not experienced it with Elite until yesterday driving an SRV planet side.
If your interested in the story your welcome to read it: Panic at the Crash Site Log 006

What I describe narratively in the story is very distressing in reality. I plan to avoid the trigger (SRV planet side) but maybe someone else knows a trick? Is there a setting that I can change that will help? If anyone else experience this please share your advice.

Other than that, I do have dramamine so I can use that before going into those types of situations if it becomes required for one reason or another. Just seeing if anyone else has insight. Thanks in advance. (hope this is the right place to post to ask)

There are graphical settings you can use to help with this. I can't remember what they are offhand but the descriptions tell you what they're for. Things like maintain horizon lock and blackout/redout effects are things you want enabled.

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