Elite: General talk

30 Oct 2021, 12:17am
I am curious what FPS monitoring app people use here.
30 Oct 2021, 12:40am
KurakilI am curious what FPS monitoring app people use here.
30 Oct 2021, 12:56am
KurakilI am curious what FPS monitoring app people use here.


I had no idea that was a thing. Is that listed anywhere or is it undocumented and just something you have to know?
30 Oct 2021, 12:57am
KurakilI had no idea that was a thing. Is that listed anywhere or is it undocumented and just something you have to know?
I'd seen it here, earlier... Looks like it's really an undocumented option.
30 Oct 2021, 2:14am
Also useful:

Ctrl-B: show network traffic bandwidth
Ctrl-Alt-G: hide cockpit HUD
30 Oct 2021, 3:27am
Colonia Bridge Megaships?

Trying to find a list of all the megaships on the way to Coloina... supposed to be 30. All I can find is this list. Any ideas CMDRs?
30 Oct 2021, 7:06am
SmalooColonia Bridge Megaships?

Trying to find a list of all the megaships on the way to Coloina... supposed to be 30. All I can find is this list. Any ideas CMDRs?

I guess that article's been updated since you posted, as it has 30 ships in the list!

This post on the Frontier forums has the same list, but with links to EDDB
30 Oct 2021, 10:17am
Co'hen MacBain
SmalooColonia Bridge Megaships?

Trying to find a list of all the megaships on the way to Coloina... supposed to be 30. All I can find is this list. Any ideas CMDRs?

I guess that article's been updated since you posted, as it has 30 ships in the list!

This post on the Frontier forums has the same list, but with links to EDDB

I found a spreadsheet too... it was part populated... guess they've all been 'found'? Not sure why they had to be found when Brewer Corps said they would 'all be in place'... was this another grind thing! HA!
30 Oct 2021, 10:33am
SmalooColonia Bridge Megaships?

Trying to find a list of all the megaships on the way to Coloina... supposed to be 30. All I can find is this list. Any ideas CMDRs?

You can have them listed here, too: https://inara.cz/station/?search=cb-
Maybe I should put that in some extra list on the site, for the convenience.

Edit: The list of the Colonia Bridge megaships is here.

Last edit: 30 Oct 2021, 11:19am
30 Oct 2021, 10:42am
SmalooColonia Bridge Megaships?

Trying to find a list of all the megaships on the way to Coloina... supposed to be 30. All I can find is this list. Any ideas CMDRs?

You can have them listed here, too: https://inara.cz/station/?search=cb-
Maybe I should put that in some extra list on the site, for the convenience.

Tx Artie... as always on the ball!
30 Oct 2021, 12:24pm
Yeah very nice many thanks from me too
30 Oct 2021, 2:48pm
I went to one of those megaships last night. Don't expect to refuel your carrier there. Tritium supply was only 8t.
30 Oct 2021, 11:07pm
SakashiroI went to one of those megaships last night. Don't expect to refuel your carrier there. Tritium supply was only 8t.

Hmmm... I kinda thought that was the point of the CB?
31 Oct 2021, 3:16pm
HELP: I need a physics refresher course.

When orbiting a planet, if I accelerate to go faster will I move closer to the planet or further away? I seem to remember things work contrary to common sense.

Similarly, In orbit, how do I catch up with something traveling faster ahead of me?

Last edit: 31 Oct 2021, 3:44pm
31 Oct 2021, 4:25pm
Descartesif I accelerate to go faster will I move closer to the planet or further away?
Depends on the vector of acceleration. If you accelerate, facing prograde ('forward' relative to your current orbital movement), your 'highest point of orbit' (apoapsis) will be further away, yes.

Catching up is done by changing speed, yeah. Objects on lower orbits have shorter rotation periods, so, accelerating and moving away from the planet, you may let the target object pass 'below' you, so, you will 'fall' on it eventually, and then you need to decelerate (reverse) to its speed. Also, if your orbit is high enough (so you won't hit a mountain or be slowed down by an atmosphere) you may decelerate, moving to the lower orbit, so your rotation period will be shorter, and you 'catch up' with the object eventually. Then you have to accelerate to make the speeds equal again.

Object, that is moving faster than you, will reach higher 'altitude', gradually losing its speed before it start to 'fall down', so, its orbit is less circular, more ellipsoid than yours.

(yes, I kick arse at KSP)

Last edit: 31 Oct 2021, 4:32pm

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