Elite: General talk

31 Oct 2021, 5:51pm
DescartesHELP: I need a physics refresher course.

When orbiting a planet, if I accelerate to go faster will I move closer to the planet or further away? I seem to remember things work contrary to common sense.

Similarly, In orbit, how do I catch up with something traveling faster ahead of me?

Accelerating prograde will move the opposing point in your orbit further away, and accelerating retrograde will move it closer, most notably when you are near/at periapsis or apoapsis. Lower orbits have shorter periods, so if you need to play catch-up, decrease your orbital period to something less than your target, or increase it and let it catch up to you instead. I will assume planar adjustments are not relevant in your scenario since you did not bring it up. If you need to actually rendezvous, you will need to match orbital parameters making minor adjustments on approach.
31 Oct 2021, 6:13pm
Thank you people. Now I understand why it is counter-intuitive as I vaguely remembered.
31 Oct 2021, 6:28pm
KurakilAccelerating prograde will move the opposing point in your orbit further away, and accelerating retrograde will move it closer, most notably when you are near/at periapsis or apoapsis. Lower orbits have shorter periods, so if you need to play catch-up, decrease your orbital period to something less than your target, or increase it and let it catch up to you instead. I will assume planar adjustments are not relevant in your scenario since you did not bring it up. If you need to actually rendezvous, you will need to match orbital parameters making minor adjustments on approach.
Yeah, this. I've tried to explain it without too much specific terms and without mentioning planar manoeuvres.
31 Oct 2021, 7:27pm
Meowers (yes, I kick arse at KSP)

It is great for learning and understanding orbital mechanics as long as you don't need micro precision.
31 Oct 2021, 7:33pm
KurakilAccelerating prograde will move the opposing point in your orbit further away, and accelerating retrograde will move it closer, most notably when you are near/at periapsis or apoapsis. Lower orbits have shorter periods, so if you need to play catch-up, decrease your orbital period to something less than your target, or increase it and let it catch up to you instead. I will assume planar adjustments are not relevant in your scenario since you did not bring it up. If you need to actually rendezvous, you will need to match orbital parameters making minor adjustments on approach.

Yeah, this. I've tried to explain it without too much specific terms and without mentioning planar manoeuvres.

It is much easier to show than to explain. The concepts are fairly simple but words make it seem complex. We can't directly link our minds and transfer thoughts so text will have to do. At least everyone will be spared from having to peak inside my mind and risk losing their own. 
31 Oct 2021, 7:39pm
KurakilAt least everyone will be spared from having to peak inside my mind and risk losing their own. 
Same here! But then, so much people losing their mind... My psychiatrist will just love me and give me the right of visiting her for free!
02 Nov 2021, 4:00pm
Hello everyone,

Could you tell me how come you all have high quality avatars, they should be more than 300x300?

Thank you,

02 Nov 2021, 5:11pm
Shg56Hello everyone,

Could you tell me how come you all have high quality avatars, they should be more than 300x300?

Thank you,


My method:

Take a high res screenshot with ALT+F10
Open it in a picture editor (like Paint)
Cut out/crop to the square that I want
Resize it to 300x300
03 Nov 2021, 12:04pm
Shg56Hello everyone,

Could you tell me how come you all have high quality avatars, they should be more than 300x300?

Thank you,


My method:

Take a high res screenshot with ALT+F10
Open it in a picture editor (like Paint)
Cut out/crop to the square that I want
Resize it to 300x300

Thank you!
05 Nov 2021, 4:43am
Im Selling Thagoid Probes i need to get rid of them 07
07 Nov 2021, 2:16pm

I need a little help. I'm jumping through space on an exploration journey, using the FSS to scan bodies in each system. I jumped into a system and noticed a strange reticle that I have never seen before. It looked like an orange circle cut into three parts, like this:

The reticle seemed to point to something fixed in space, near star B of the system, but there were no energy tunings on the FSS scanner that let me zoom in on it. Since I've got an explorer build with no weapons on board, I didn't want to go near it. But, now that I've scanned the entire system, this reticle has disappeared. There are several landable planets in the system, but none has any "features." I flew to the star and mapped a few of the planets, and nothing has shown up. Does anybody know what this indicates?

EDIT: The system is Gru Eork YF-D D13-25, for those in the area who may want to verify. Just turned in the exploration data.

Last edit: 07 Nov 2021, 4:38pm
07 Nov 2021, 2:20pm
07 Nov 2021, 5:44pm
FiveStringJeffIt looked like an orange circle cut into three parts, like this:

Like what? I just got flashbanged
07 Nov 2021, 5:55pm
Pressing F10 is hard.
08 Nov 2021, 7:27am

I need a little help. I'm jumping through space on an exploration journey, using the FSS to scan bodies in each system. I jumped into a system and noticed a strange reticle that I have never seen before. It looked like an orange circle cut into three parts, like this:

The reticle seemed to point to something fixed in space, near star B of the system, but there were no energy tunings on the FSS scanner that let me zoom in on it. Since I've got an explorer build with no weapons on board, I didn't want to go near it. But, now that I've scanned the entire system, this reticle has disappeared. There are several landable planets in the system, but none has any "features." I flew to the star and mapped a few of the planets, and nothing has shown up. Does anybody know what this indicates?

EDIT: The system is Gru Eork YF-D D13-25, for those in the area who may want to verify. Just turned in the exploration data.

Ive had that from time to time when using FSS . Doesnt seem to do anything ? IDK

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