Elite: General talk

11 Dec 2021, 3:00am
Ah, using tier 2 fuel spoon scoop is... an interesting experience.

11 Dec 2021, 6:12am
MeowersAh, using tier 2 fuel spoon scoop is... an interesting experience.

I enjoy running a 7A fuel scoop on my Anaconda with a 4C fuel tank. Jump 81 LY's, instant tank refuel, jump again.
11 Dec 2021, 7:34am
Mobius_11804Hi again
I've got another question.
I picked up five tons tritium from a poor pirate soul, who was unlucky enough to cross my path.
Nö to my question, ist there any way to donate these five tons to a carrer fiel depot, or do i have to sell them off and buy new ones?

Yes, you have access to the Fuel Depot button when you dock at any carrier. Assuming the carrier's fuel tank isn't full you should be able to donate that way np.
11 Dec 2021, 8:56am
StavrosHello, if i engineer a 3c multicannon and change to a higher class after, will the upgrade carry over?


so is it worth waiting to upgrade a higher class weapon or is just as easy to do it again?

I'm wondering if you are misunderstanding the "C" in your "3c multicannon"?

Weapons do not have the same A-E grading system as internal modules. The letters just seem randomly assigned - only the numbers mean anything.

Multi-cannons, listed by hardpoint size:

Small: 1F (fixed), 1G (gimbal / turret)
Medium: 2E (fixed), 2F (gimbal / turret)
Large: 3C (fixed / gimbal / turret)
Huge: 4A (fixed / gimbal)

So you can get a bigger multi-cannon, but you would have to put it in a larger hardpoint. There is no "upgrade" available to a better multi-cannon that you can put in the same hardpoint.
11 Dec 2021, 11:01am
Light-HawkI enjoy running a 7A fuel scoop on my Anaconda with a 4C fuel tank. Jump 81 LY's, instant tank refuel, jump again.

The pain my arseholes is about bringing both SCBs here to engineer the heck out of them. Normally, I'm replacing both tier 4 SCBs with extra fuel tank and scoop before going somewhere that far. So it's quite a comfortable setup on the long run, even with my crappy jump range. But now... I had to improvise.
11 Dec 2021, 3:59pm
How's everyone enjoying the new four tons on the Scarab and the new Scorpion?

For me? I'm just glad we have more cargo space in the Scarab. Running back and forth two tons at a time got old real fast.
11 Dec 2021, 4:59pm
Knightwolf 1785How's everyone enjoying the new four tons on the Scarab and the new Scorpion?

For me? I'm just glad we have more cargo space in the Scarab. Running back and forth two tons at a time got old real fast.

If you ask me, the Scarab should have had handling closer to the new Scorpion does stability-wise. As it stands I absolutely hate how that SRV handles. That said, the gun on the Scorpion is just ... sad and completely ruins it for me.
11 Dec 2021, 6:56pm
I'm still hopeful for an eight ton SRV someday. Running around getting Meta and Guardian items would be so much help.
11 Dec 2021, 9:36pm
Light-HawkI enjoy running a 7A fuel scoop on my Anaconda with a 4C fuel tank. Jump 81 LY's, instant tank refuel, jump again.

The pain my arseholes is about bringing both SCBs here to engineer the heck out of them. Normally, I'm replacing both tier 4 SCBs with extra fuel tank and scoop before going somewhere that far. So it's quite a comfortable setup on the long run, even with my crappy jump range. But now... I had to improvise.

You can just go there, pin the blueprint and do it when you get back... unless you pinned a different blueprint of course.
13 Dec 2021, 1:03am
The yearly holiday free ARX started.
(Dec 13-Dec 25)
13 Dec 2021, 1:22am
Knightwolf 1785I'm still hopeful for an eight ton SRV someday. Running around getting Meta and Guardian items would be so much help.

30 ton truck will do fine!
13 Dec 2021, 1:45am
Heck yeah! That would be even better than eight tons.
13 Dec 2021, 2:08am
Knightwolf 1785I'm still hopeful for an eight ton SRV someday. Running around getting Meta and Guardian items would be so much help.

30 ton truck will do fine!

Knightwolf 1785Heck yeah! That would be even better than eight tons.

Something like the new Anvil Spartan that Star Citizen just got only made for cargo transport and a 30 ton payload capacity would be awesome.
14 Dec 2021, 6:25am
Knightwolf 1785I'm still hopeful for an eight ton SRV someday. Running around getting Meta and Guardian items would be so much help.

30 ton truck will do fine!

Knightwolf 1785Heck yeah! That would be even better than eight tons.

Something like the new Anvil Spartan that Star Citizen just got only made for cargo transport and a 30 ton payload capacity would be awesome.

Now that would be a sight to see.
16 Dec 2021, 8:24pm
KurakilThe yearly holiday free ARX started.
(Dec 13-Dec 25)

I just logged on today after weeks of being out-of-the-loop. I missed out on the first few days!!!!!!!!!!!

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