Elite: General talk

05 Jan 2022, 9:05am
I exaggerated a bit. I was being sarcastic and I did the EDO grinds and engineers (besides the new ones in colonia) before they nerfed even more. So I'm done with it for now. Only materials grind for ships from time to time
05 Jan 2022, 9:32am
Rayman.I love fdev grind mechanic. I could sit all day doing one thing for a month. Bruh, destiny 2 is less grindy at this point.

At least in Destiny 2, the PvP is a whole heck of a lot more balanced than ED, even if you haven't ground Destiny 2 for all the best gear, you can still be a helpful teammate in PvP. Also the grind in D2 is a lot more enjoyable. ED has a lot of grind for the sake of grind mechanics. Not fun ways to grind, just grind to grind. Take Guardian tech for example. Best way to grind that out is to find a guardian site, and just collect mats at that site for a while, relog, collect, repeat. I'd think it would be more enjoyable/less monotonous if going through a site once got you everything you needed for a blueprint, but you needed to go to a different site for each blueprint. This would give more meaning to all the different sites, make the players explore and see more sites to get the items, and hopefully make it not feel like you are being made to waste time just for the sake of wasting it.
05 Jan 2022, 9:35am
I have unlocked new engineers in Colonia yesterday... More for completion than need.

And I rarely engineer a ship nowadays, no such need with a fleet of 50+ different specialized builds. My best advice, do not spend much in memes such as Type-10, Asp Scout, etc.
05 Jan 2022, 9:44am
EpisparhI have unlocked new engineers in Colonia yesterday... More for completion than need.

And I rarely engineer a ship nowadays, no such need with a fleet of 50+ different specialized builds. My best advice, do not spend much in memes such as Type-10, Asp Scout, etc.

Personally I like the idea of experimenting with different things. But the current system makes that a real pain in the you know what.
05 Jan 2022, 9:49am
Rayman.I love fdev grind mechanic. I could sit all day doing one thing for a month. Bruh, destiny 2 is less grindy at this point.

At least in Destiny 2, the PvP is a whole heck of a lot more balanced than ED, even if you haven't ground Destiny 2 for all the best gear, you can still be a helpful teammate in PvP. Also the grind in D2 is a lot more enjoyable. ED has a lot of grind for the sake of grind mechanics. Not fun ways to grind, just grind to grind. Take Guardian tech for example. Best way to grind that out is to find a guardian site, and just collect mats at that site for a while, relog, collect, repeat. I'd think it would be more enjoyable/less monotonous if going through a site once got you everything you needed for a blueprint, but you needed to go to a different site for each blueprint. This would give more meaning to all the different sites, make the players explore and see more sites to get the items, and hopefully make it not feel like you are being made to waste time just for the sake of wasting it.

I can't really give an opinion about destiny 2 pvp like crucible or gambit because I didn't play for many years and some weapons were too strong and ruined the fun and I was just average player. But I had some difficult pvp achievements there. I guess it's better now?

EpisparhI have unlocked new engineers in Colonia yesterday... More for completion than need.

And I rarely engineer a ship nowadays, no such need with a fleet of 50+ different specialized builds. My best advice, do not spend much in memes such as Type-10, Asp Scout, etc.

Too late i made asp scout build for raiding settlements long ago
05 Jan 2022, 9:53am
Too late i made asp scout build for raiding settlements long ago

Dang, aren't you a special one, my dear snowflake.

Great name for that ship though.
Very Oof Ship

Not all is lost! You can reuse most of her engineered modules elsewhere, excluding that reactive armor

Edit: But then you messed that reactive armor engineering , so not a big deal anyway.

Last edit: 05 Jan 2022, 9:59am
05 Jan 2022, 10:06am
[quote=Rayman.]I can't really give an opinion about destiny 2 pvp like crucible or gambit because I didn't play for many years and some weapons were too strong and ruined the fun and I was just average player. But I had some difficult pvp achievements there. I guess it's better now?

I wouldn't call it a whole lot "better" now. But for one thing, when you are in the crucible or gambit, light levels are disabled so it doesn't matter if someone is way lower in light levels in Destiny. Gear can have a factor, some weapons were definitely brokenly OP, but you could still counter them. What I meant is that Destiny, in comparison to ED, the grind is a lot less of a factor in determining who is going to win in PvP. Unless you do the iron banner PvP, then the grind completely matters. In ED, if one player has amazing skill but has not engineered their ship, and they engage a player who has no skill but has fully engineered their ship, the engineered ship wins, practically automatically. I remember one of my first stints taking my engineered Cutter out into a combat zone. An enemy player in a ship that wasn't engineered tried to gank me. Player clearly had better piloting skills than me. They knew how to just keep in my blind spot so I couldn't shoot back. They ran out of ammo before my shields could be brought down, so they ended up giving up and leaving. Looking back on it, although I tried to fight them, I didn't actually need to do anything to stay alive. Is there a way for an unengineered ship to bring down an engineered ship? Well I don't know everything by any means. There probably is a way. But I can't see it being very fun trying.
05 Jan 2022, 10:21am
Yeah I understand and its bad. It can also be compared to some racing games, where a skilled driver, driving a non meta car, will have a hard time to win against no skilled driver who drives a meta car. Unless the driver with meta car will keep making mistakes.
05 Jan 2022, 10:24am
Rayman.Yeah I understand and its bad. It can also be compared to some racing games, where a skilled driver, driving a non meta car, will have a hard time to win against no skilled driver who drives a meta car. Unless the driver with meta car will keep making mistakes.

At least in those games, it just comes down to getting that meta car. Not getting a meta car, building it out in a specific way, finding a mechanic you need to befriend and then run a ton of errands for just for them to accept you, then search the whole country to collect a whole laundry list of materials so that the mechanic can work on your car...... oh and that mechanic can only work on one part of your car (such as the engine). Now you need to repeat the whole thing with a different mechanic to get your transmission upgraded. Then repeat to get the turbo charger installed and tuned....... etc.......
06 Jan 2022, 2:16am
Returning after a year. Any point getting odyssey? From what ive seen it looks like a AI shooter meme and doesnt affect general gameplay in any way.
06 Jan 2022, 5:09am
It adds a ton of gameplay. New mechanics on foot. New missions, new settlements, new landfall planets, new species to discover (plants).
06 Jan 2022, 5:12am
WaioraReturning after a year. Any point getting odyssey? From what ive seen it looks like a AI shooter meme and doesnt affect general gameplay in any way.

Well, it is a mess for sure and so far it do not affect general game play.

However, EDO have few things that are not available to Horizons:
  • Ship exterior - you can walk around your epic ships.
  • Station and mega-ship interiors. Soon FC interiors and bridge/observation deck.
  • Progression after Elite rank to Elite 5 (pointless increase of max rank without perks)
  • Access to atmospheric worlds and new stations and settlements. (even if you do not care for first person shooting, those are additional option to trade, mission opportunities and BGS assets)
  • Speaking for BGS - Oddysey gives more tools for that.
  • Exobiology - can give you additional things to look for long exploration trips.

I probably missed some.
06 Jan 2022, 5:14am
CupcoIt adds a ton of gameplay.

You said what, mate?

Tons of grind yes. If you are not in first person shooters it adds almost nothing.
06 Jan 2022, 5:30am
I like exploring in first person shooter and adventure games.
06 Jan 2022, 5:34am
CupcoI like exploring in first person shooter and adventure games.

That is fair. However, there are people who play this game just because space and space ships. EDO adds almost nothing around those.

Last edit: 06 Jan 2022, 6:06am

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