Elite: General talk

31 Dec 2021, 9:42pm
I hope 3308 will be better than 3307.
31 Dec 2021, 9:50pm
Don't worry, the bar is set very low
31 Dec 2021, 10:07pm
Happy new year gals and lads!
31 Dec 2021, 11:36pm
Happy New Year!
01 Jan 2022, 12:00am
EpisparhOld but gold!

And it's not even correct

Happy new year! Let's hope that my eyes can see more fluently in 3308
01 Jan 2022, 12:04am
Merry Christmas everyone

New year I mean
01 Jan 2022, 12:58am
01 Jan 2022, 7:45am
Happy New Year Everybody!
01 Jan 2022, 6:27pm
Happy New Year Everybody. I really hope this new year could bring us a bit of normality again. But after a careful reflection, i think that the best wish i can make to anyone is that also in this strange and painful journey through the desert that we are use to call "pandemy", untill we reach the end of it, could be transformed in something good. I mean that we should try (is difficult I know) to avoid that these years never became a kind of "black hole" in our lifes: a wasted time, an empty and black space that emerged suddenly in the middle of the normal flowing of our lifes. I think is also a kind of respect for the memories of all those people that passed away due to COVID. There are thousand of ways, little, strange, incomprehensible, and weird too, that anyone can find for give a meaning to this historical time. So my real wish for anyone of you is this: may you find new possibilities also in this hard historical time. If we did it in this situation, we can did it ever.

My deepest respect and hugs


PS: forgive my english

04 Jan 2022, 1:05pm
Good Morning Everyone!

Just now getting back into Elite again, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with the current best ring mining location and what to mine? I see Borran no-longer has its over lapping low-temp diamond spot . Thank you in advance!

CMDR Warzone
04 Jan 2022, 6:40pm
WarzoneGood Morning Everyone!

Just now getting back into Elite again, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with the current best ring mining location and what to mine? I see Borran no-longer has its over lapping low-temp diamond spot . Thank you in advance!

CMDR Warzone

Welcome back!

As always you can check sell prices here:

I will try to fill some changes since introduction of tritium and reshuffling of hotspots.

Current meta commodities
For laser mining - platinum, followed by painite
For core mining - Musgravite and Monazite(void opals and LTD do not have high demand nowadays)

There is a change on how station pay for commodities. With the introduction of demand, the station will pay you less if you have in your cargo more than 10-20% of station's demand.

Station A buys platinum for 280k and have a demand of 100t. Station B buys same commodity for 260k but have demand of 5000t demand. Let's say you have a cutter with 512t platinum. If you go to station A with full cargo you will get significant cut on the offered price (probably something less than 200k per ton) while station B will offer price closer to max if not max. In order for station A to pay max price you will need to dock with just 10-20t in ship's cargo.

Exception of this rule are Fleet Carriers. Their prices are fixed and once the demand is met they no longer buy.

As for where to mine:

https://edtools.cc/miner still works.
If you decide what mining you want to do and still cannot figure where, just send me DM and I will give you my favorite location.

P.S. That question would get a higher audience if you posted it into Game talk

Last edit: 04 Jan 2022, 6:50pm
04 Jan 2022, 7:19pm
EpisparhWith the introduction of demand, the station will pay you less if you have in your cargo more than 10-20% of station's demand.

Typical FDev grind mechanic. "Oh, you want to get paid full price? Bring us the commodity in multiple small quantities!"
04 Jan 2022, 10:17pm
Well, the game loops are mile wide and inch deep.
Applying grind is far easier way than developing a meaningful game mechanic that will engage and reward the player.

But then we live in a time where MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a major trend in all aspects of business.

05 Jan 2022, 8:48am
I love fdev grind mechanic. I could sit all day doing one thing for a month. Bruh, destiny 2 is less grindy at this point.
05 Jan 2022, 8:54am
Every day in a month is quite excessive. Do you need help with some particular grind or you just exaggerated a bit?

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