Elite: General talk

30 Mar 2022, 10:53pm
That's hilarious
31 Mar 2022, 8:12am
If anyone wants to play come to belobog large station ship name is bebop I keep a crew seat open for bounty’s can help make money ???? ???? really quick for beginners

When will the update be done for console ?
31 Mar 2022, 10:01am
Dragon GamingI have a squadron but they are not on a lot so

You need to do what's best for you. Find another squadron. Your current squad mates won't turn on you if you want to search pastures new. People move on and so should you. The black is immense ...... "Dr. Livingstone I presume?"
31 Mar 2022, 5:41pm
Spung420budsIf anyone wants to play come to belobog large station ship name is bebop I keep a crew seat open for bounty’s can help make money ???? ???? really quick for beginners

When will the update be done for console ?

Console development has been abandoned by FDev. Only critical updates to the existing game going forward.
01 Apr 2022, 8:23pm

I'm Planning a week long Expedition to the Orion Nebula to Map as many star systems and discover any and all Biological and non-biological things there are to find out there. I've allways wanted to explore the galaxy and seeing as I'm 38 and probably not on anyone's list of crew to actually go into space this is the closest ill ever get so any and all are welcome to come with me ill be leaving as soon as I load my carrier up with enough Ammenities, Ammunition, Tritium, and Susie's to last a week out in unchartered space.

I will be traveling from star to star so jump range is not a must And I want to map a 500 light year radius around my Carrier If all goes well we should be back to the bubble in a week And if we find anything of significant value discovery wise or credit Wise I might stay a little longer The trip to the Orion Nebula should take no more than half an hour Leaving us plenty of time to travel ⁹ discover I will start at the
EZ ORIONIS star System and figure out our itinerary as we go any and all Commanders are welcome to come just be at The United Federal Exploration Fleets Headquarters by 20:00:00 In Game Time Today
I know its short Notice but I really want to take this trip A.S.A.P. o7

Carrier Location: The RHEA System - Planet RHEA 5 A
Carrier Name U.F.E.F HE/\DQU/\RTERS TOX-8VT

If you are exploring Orion - you really need to prepare your computer to see light differently. There are so many things, even animated hidden out there. I have touched on these things at our Fringe Lab.

It takes external software as well as setting your Nvidia Experience game filter to eliminate the DOF (Depth of Field). Hit me up on discord for more info.

02 Apr 2022, 10:08am
Many of you have heard of the newest effort of the infamous xenophobic warmonger to fuel a war.

I am and always was confident that Salvations rise to power is only possible because we as a community allow so.

In order to provide an alternative to his initiative, the Carrier "Hermes Trismegistos [VZG-4HH]" has buy orders set up for Guardian Relics, Orbs, Urns, Totems, Tablets and Ancient Keys.

It is stationed in the same Orbit as the Musashi and I pay significantly better than the madman.

I intend to either keep, destroy or sell them to Prof. Tesreau, should there be an opportunity.

So, if you would like to partake in the community goal, spend time with the other players and not miss out on anything, but at the same time not steer humanities story into absolute chaos, feel free to do that with a little bonus, using my proposition.

veritas manet in aeternum
03 Apr 2022, 11:34am
All these greedy miners
03 Apr 2022, 11:42am
Should we have a CG to carry new rocks there?
04 Apr 2022, 4:37pm
Can someone please join im squadron
04 Apr 2022, 8:08pm
is there any way to filter galleries by Shine?
05 Apr 2022, 7:54am
05 Apr 2022, 8:56am
05 Apr 2022, 11:23am
Pick "Popular" or "Featured"
05 Apr 2022, 11:41am
but here are not all the ones I 'liked'

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Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...