Elite: General talk

01 Jul 2022, 2:34am
Cmdr Geoff64reedHi guys
I'm new but not to Elite... my psn is geoff64reed and I'm looking for a group,wing squad to help me get better at the game as well make money to get better ships so I to can help out... I've not unlocked much as I'm still learning but any help would be so helpful to me and my friends that play as well.. hope to here from someone soon, like today as I'm home from work already

Join The Fatherhood. Resistance is Futile.
01 Jul 2022, 3:06pm
Cmdr Geoff64reedHi guys
I'm new but not to Elite... my psn is geoff64reed and I'm looking for a group,wing squad to help me get better at the game as well make money to get better ships so I to can help out... I've not unlocked much as I'm still learning but any help would be so helpful to me and my friends that play as well.. hope to here from someone soon, like today as I'm home from work already

There's no rush to get the better ships, and be better fast. The levelled NPC pirates take care of that. Elite is a survival game until you get yourself at least C-rated everything on any ship. Recently had couple of weeks of fun with an A-rated Sidewinder. About 6 months in the game and considering myself an advanced noob.

I'll go on adding that combat-elite is likely not what a casual player wants to first pursue, trading for background simulation and ranks and exploring for General learning of the mechanics and getting money are more likely easier way to get familiar with the Galaxy. You'll do a lot of running away, but it's better to learn fast when to bail out of combat if you can (C-rated ship likely required for that)

Last edit: 02 Jul 2022, 8:13am
02 Jul 2022, 2:50pm
What I'm looking for is a group to fly with and talk to, take me under there wing show me things I've not seen yet... Help me understand how to engineer my ship and much more is why I've come here to join you guys, sick of flying alone, trade runs, killing pirets by myself. I'm 47 from Australia, Sydney.
I'm a family man looking for a Elite Dangerous family or have I come to the wrong place?
02 Jul 2022, 3:11pm
Also I'm still waiting on the FB pages to be joined up as a member.... would be much better if I was added to a chat on ps4/5 to talk about most of what's been posted here as my spelling suxs hard, but that's life down under.... plz add me as a friend and to a chat group so I can at less talk to some of you first to get a better idea of where everyone is at so I'm not wasting your time or my time... thank you all for taking the time to write to me about the game... hope to talk soon
02 Jul 2022, 4:50pm
Also I play on console ps5.. don't think pc is cross play
02 Jul 2022, 5:45pm
Im on a ps5 and trying to import data to this site has been a problem. I emailed my issues and was told to sign out from my psn account and Blah Blah Blah, it didn't work...Any possible solutions ?
02 Jul 2022, 8:05pm
Sonny58_lIm on a ps5 and trying to import data to this site has been a problem. I emailed my issues and was told to sign out from my psn account and Blah Blah Blah, it didn't work...Any possible solutions ?

There is only one person who can help you. His name is Artie.
02 Jul 2022, 11:19pm
03 Jul 2022, 6:32pm
03 Jul 2022, 6:59pm

Praise him; thank him, and always be kind to everyone around...
And your prayers shall be heard.

Oh, he owns and runs and pays for this site. Here
03 Jul 2022, 7:18pm
03 Jul 2022, 9:41pm
03 Jul 2022, 9:47pm
I don't even want to think how you're going to give a birth.
04 Jul 2022, 12:29pm
Hey, it's 3308. It will be fine *rubs belly*
04 Jul 2022, 1:25pm
Salvation vs. the Far God cult. Incoming CG?

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Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...