Elite: General talk

06 May 2022, 12:47am
What story? The story on Galnet? Or is there more? I've found a couple abandoned settlements with audio recordings.

Last edit: 06 May 2022, 12:54am
06 May 2022, 1:28am
The story doesn't impact the game most of the time, and when it does it seems to be a little bit over a long period of time. There are exceptions like new stations or new weapon/module unlocks, since technically community goals are part of the story. For me personally whether or not there is a story doesn't really matter in this game aside from worldbuilding. I don't keep up on galnet or any other lore/narrative sources, and on the occasion I look into things I do not ever feel like I missed anything. The only thing I can tell that the story itself does is give a reason for in-game events, times, and locations. Most of the story is only ever in text form so unless you love to read, prepare to be underwhelmed. At least they seem to have good quality writers (unlike their coders...).
07 May 2022, 8:13pm
Yeah, for the most part the story is interesting but not really something I care to 'influence'. I just don't like the idea that the story is changed by the players in any meaningful way. It's right up their with the BS 'personal narrative' (read in Yamik's voice). A story that creates content for the player to enjoy? Great. CG's to participate in? Wonderful. The idea that even a CG really changed anything is almost always wrong. There are a few exceptions. Expansion of the Alliance into those nebulae was something the players did and FDev noticed after the fact. That's the only thing I can think of that was actual player driven change. CG's are almost always a relatively meaningless choice. Best described as a footnote to the overarching story, and the outcomes too often predetermined.

;tldr CGs and other story related content, and the writing are great but I'd rather do something that gets noticed and picked up by the writers than read their 'Choose Your Own Adventure' book. Content like the lost MS's etc should have always been in the game for us to find, and not just suddenly appear one day when it suits them.
10 May 2022, 12:49pm
BurstarCurrent Community Goal is a classic example of how FDev steers the storyline. The conclusion is obvious before it even begins.

What do you mean?

It says what I mean right there in the quote. Also, FTR, this quote is about a CG 5 weeks ago so if you REALLY want to know what I mean, then go research the CG(s) that were on at that time, look at the two choices, their relative rewards, and the outcome. Then put 2 and 2 together...

I sense like i annoied you, im sorry, english is not my native language and sometimes i struggle to understand it, that's all.....anyway thank you for the reply
10 May 2022, 1:59pm
There's nothing out there, only procedurally generated balls of various sizes. It makes no economic sense to produce unique content and then hide it like the proverbial needle in a haystack. If there was something to find, FDev would nudge us in the right direction. You would see clues, e.g. in the codex.
10 May 2022, 8:02pm
It's ok if you like balls of various sizes.
11 May 2022, 1:14pm
Kegaira Ohayahow do you know it was not always in the game and it actually popped out suddenly? I mean, I am certain that there ARE things out there for us to find. EDastrometrics says that we have uncovered 0.017%...

There are numerous examples of in game events started where the locations of interest spontaneously appeared in well travelled systems. To FDev's credit it's usually done in a way that this sudden appearance can be explained (ie: Known criminal created the locations for a holiday event specifically, MS's in transit, etc.) but more often then not an event sparks interest into scouring an area looking for things and nothing is found. A year later 'Tada! abandoned settlement suddenly on such and such planet within that old search radius'.
11 May 2022, 3:40pm
CupcoIt's ok if you like balls of various sizes.

I don't mean to spoil the fun, but in the end what you're looking at is random numbers.

The idea that there might be something hidden by the developers is intriguing, but even so, the chance to stumble upon it entirely by accident is so small, you could spend all your life jumping between systems without ever finding it. So unless there are specific clues given by FDev, searching is a waste of time. You're more likely to win a lottery than find an easter egg hidden within four billion star systems.

If FDev wanted seemingly random discoveries to happen, they would create handcrafted star systems and, instead of storing them at fixed coordinates in the galaxy, make them appear by chance to random explorers, regardless of where they are. In other words, you would not find the content; the content would find you instead.
12 May 2022, 11:04am
Kegaira OhayaI mean, is the point of exploration just pretty photos then? No chance to find guardian ruins in the other side of the galaxy, or even... something else


Any meaningful content spontaneously appears at FDev's whim, or is literally locked behind unattainable permits until such time they see fit to make that material accessible.

Why this irks me so? Take a look at this new tidbit of news:

A power struggle is raging within the Kumo Crew following a coordinated effort to overthrow the syndicate’s leader, Archon Delaine.

While something like this could have great ramifications for Powerplay, particularly for Kumo Crew and their leader, it won't. There will possibly be a couple Bounty hunting/piracy CGs (yay content) and in the end, regardless of who wins, Delaine will still be in charge. Why? because to remove Delaine would require creation of a replacement character complete with backstory, art depictions, PP bonuses/rewards/stats and all the coding that would entail. In the end nothing significant will change, just a footnote to his story. It's predictable, it's boring, and worse it calls attention to all these things.

ATM Hudson is up for re-election which means Winters is as well, Delaine has his control tested, LYR is making a bid for AX/Superpower influence, The Duvals have had existential threats to their lineage etc, and the Thargoids are invading-ish. All this is a recipe for dramatic changes in the pitifully bad PP content but what do FDev say? No changes to PP. 2023 Content adjustments are referring to engineering only.

This reasonably jaded view of FDev expectations saturates the game anymore. The only thing that truly impresses even to this day is the community, art dept and the Stellar Forge. Everything else is a dumpster fire to some degree or another.

Last edit: 12 May 2022, 12:00pm
12 May 2022, 11:37am
Burstar..Any meaningful content spontaneously appears at FDev's whim, or is literally locked behind unattainable permits until such time they see fit to make that material accessible.

yep i think so, like the big locked sphere sectors in deepspace (Hyponia, Froadik, Regor Sector). maybe space for some unfinished work..

restricted Sectors

Last edit: 12 May 2022, 11:43am
12 May 2022, 3:00pm
Kegaira OhayaIn a "you are the star and the center of the game" approach, yes, the content would find you. But this is a sandbox, not NMS. It's not what one person will find, it's one for all and all for one.. The whole community acts as a single organism on top of being individuals. And it's not even some big kumbaya ethic, it's just how nature works. Observe the heatmap timelapse in EDastrometrics... You will clearly see the community moving and expanding on the map like a colony on a petri dish. One or more find something, then there is activity and connections to there by many. So the "hidden gems" approach can work. No?

The content of unexplored star systems does not exist until someone visits them for the first time. There is no difference between ED and NMS in this regard.

So if you find something unique in an unexplored star system, it's either because the developers chose the location (i.e. you found the content) or because they chose the player to discover it (i.e. the content found you). You wouldn't be able to tell the difference, because nothing was there before you arrived.

So if FDev is ready to roll out new content, they will either tell us where it is (through Galnet or the codex etc.), or they will just reveal it to random explorers. What they certainly won't do is hide it somewhere and then wait for us to stumble upon it, because in a galaxy this large and with a player base this small, it might take forever.
12 May 2022, 6:08pm
Sakashiro What they certainly won't do is hide it somewhere and then wait for us to stumble upon it, because in a galaxy this large and with a player base this small, it might take forever.

Just think Raxxla
13 May 2022, 11:38am
Kegaira OhayaI do! That is the whole point... If they even have ONE thing out there that sits waiting to be discovered, then exploration means more than just pretty photos...
Currently, less than 1% of systems in Galaxy are visited. Imagine this ONE thing in something like Bah-Blah Oh-Oh 15-45Ugh system. What's the chance of finding it within the next 100 years?
13 May 2022, 11:58am
Kegaira OhayaI do! That is the whole point... If they even have ONE thing out there that sits waiting to be discovered, then exploration means more than just pretty photos...

Currently, less than 1% of systems in Galaxy are visited. Imagine this ONE thing in something like Bah-Blah Oh-Oh 15-45Ugh system. What's the chance of finding it within the next 100 years?

About the same chance of discovering ET's? There's more chance of discovering and getting a picture of a black hole for the first time. Err...
13 May 2022, 12:33pm
MeowersCurrently, less than 1% of systems in Galaxy are visited.

And even less are fully scanned and mapped.

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