Elite: General talk

17 Jul 2022, 5:01pm
Imagine. You're on a ship with 3 SLF bays. 3 ships in your wing = 9 SLF bays. 4 ships and 12 SLFs. Why are you so cruel to FDev's antiquated engine and networking code that barely processes order-spam for just one fighter?
17 Jul 2022, 7:04pm
MeowersImagine. You're on a ship with 3 SLF bays. 3 ships in your wing = 9 SLF bays. 4 ships and 12 SLFs. Why are you so cruel to FDev's antiquated engine and networking code that barely processes order-spam for just one fighter?

See I honestly question this. During the combat community goal surrounding Nova Paresa, I was regularly flying with a full wing in open play and we were always launching SLF's and I never noticed it impact performance, even when multiple wings were in the same instance with a bunch of SLF's out. Also why would the game be able to support a dozen AI's in their own ships and have issue with the AI's in SLF's? I know that a lot of players have reported SLF's causing problems, I just haven't been noticing it from my own experience nor do I understand it.

Last edit: 17 Jul 2022, 7:10pm
17 Jul 2022, 7:41pm
MeowersImagine. You're on a ship with 3 SLF bays. 3 ships in your wing = 9 SLF bays. 4 ships and 12 SLFs. Why are you so cruel to FDev's antiquated engine and networking code that barely processes order-spam for just one fighter?

See I honestly question this. During the combat community goal surrounding Nova Paresa, I was regularly flying with a full wing in open play and we were always launching SLF's and I never noticed it impact performance, even when multiple wings were in the same instance with a bunch of SLF's out. Also why would the game be able to support a dozen AI's in their own ships and have issue with the AI's in SLF's? I know that a lot of players have reported SLF's causing problems, I just haven't been noticing it from my own experience nor do I understand it.

i crashed like twice because of it
17 Jul 2022, 7:51pm
Jackalgas100i crashed like twice because of it

That sucks. I suppose it could still work if it was disabled when in a wing maybe? Sort of like how if you have players in your ship, you can't wing with someone else.

Last edit: 17 Jul 2022, 8:10pm
20 Jul 2022, 11:25am
MeowersImagine. You're on a ship with 3 SLF bays. 3 ships in your wing = 9 SLF bays. 4 ships and 12 SLFs. Why are you so cruel to FDev's antiquated engine and networking code that barely processes order-spam for just one fighter?

I would be happy with two SLF bays and a hydraulic Table Cart. which came second to the Scorpion for 'rolling out'.

You and me, Table Cart, we are going to open Raxxla.
20 Jul 2022, 2:50pm
I've been waiting for something like this. This will be a great boost for crossplay games going forward.

Obviously, Elite need no worry.

22 Jul 2022, 7:58pm
POV: You are in a FC and to 'condas start attacking you what do you do?
23 Jul 2022, 1:44am
Jackalgas100POV: You are in a FC and to 'condas start attacking you what do you do?

Watch your FC kill them?
23 Jul 2022, 1:50am
How do I write logs gere?
23 Jul 2022, 8:19am
Ataxia_PlightHow do I write logs gere?

Commander --> Logbook --> Add new logbook entry.
23 Jul 2022, 3:20pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Ataxia_PlightHow do I write logs gere?

Commander --> Logbook --> Add new logbook entry.

Perfect ty (i did manage to find it using add shortcut)

Logs, such a grand idea!
26 Jul 2022, 3:33am
Yuna Sakashiro
Ataxia_PlightHow do I write logs gere?

Commander --> Logbook --> Add new logbook entry.

Perfect ty (i did manage to find it using add shortcut)

Logs, such a grand idea!

Wait till you figure out how to imbed your images. Admittedly ive not figured out the code to center anything.

26 Jul 2022, 7:11am
Greetings Cmdrs
I have a 1 person (loner, lol) PMF, and another person(s) is definitely working for it, yet I have no idea who.
Is there any cunning ways of leaving a message somewhere, or finding out who, so we could (platform permitting) meet up?
I did think I could upload an image of a message (in character / roleplay) on here, that might pop up for them when checking inara, but it seems a bit clunky, and I wondered if there was a better way.
Cheers o7
29 Jul 2022, 4:13pm
Bluecrash, please check your Discord account. It seems to be hacked. If that isn't the case, please refrain from sending me Links to pornographic Discords.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Jul 2022, 9:27pm
29 Jul 2022, 4:25pm
Ryan MurdocBluecrash, please check your Discord account. It seems to be hacked. If that isn't the case, please refrain from sending me Links to pornographic Discords.

So, it is not the usual thargoid non-sense that collects your google credentials?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Jul 2022, 9:27pm

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