Elite: General talk

05 Aug 2022, 4:20am
Aleksander Majjam Dude. This is one of the most interesting things I've ever seen.

It is, hadn't heard of it before. But it looks like it does just 1 art style? That seems a serious drawback to me. Maybe it acknowledges it does so even in the fine print though, haven't looked at it that closely. But it would seem to me to take it down from "AI does art" to something more like "program takes a cue from textual input to do its own art form." I mean that's still not bad, it's just... something different.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Aug 2022, 9:55pm
05 Aug 2022, 4:36am
Aleksander Majjam Dude. This is one of the most interesting things I've ever seen.

It is, hadn't heard of it before. But it looks like it does just 1 art style? That seems a serious drawback to me. Maybe it acknowledges it does so even in the fine print though, haven't looked at it that closely. But it would seem to me to take it down from "AI does art" to something more like "program takes a cue from textual input to do its own art form." I mean that's still not bad, it's just... something different.

I'm in the discord right now and this thing is spitting out an image compilation for people every few seconds. I don't think the art style is the same at all. You can use words like "painting" or "realistic". This one looks almost 3D to me. The prompts were: spyder girl holding a flower on a dark gloomy planet

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Aug 2022, 9:55pm
05 Aug 2022, 7:30am
dudes, who are these targoids?
05 Aug 2022, 8:30am
Павел Клыженкоdudes, who are these targoids?
05 Aug 2022, 8:42am
what ?
05 Aug 2022, 10:04am
Павел Клыженкоdudes, who are these targoids?


05 Aug 2022, 12:01pm
Павел Клыженкоdudes, who are these targoids?

инопланетные жуки, сейчас у нас с ними война из-за экспансии.
05 Aug 2022, 1:25pm
EpisparhAI making art

Can’t really consider it art, it’s only art if it’s human created. It’s just code and as they say GiGo (Garbage in Garbage out)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Aug 2022, 9:55pm
05 Aug 2022, 1:52pm
EpisparhAI making art

Can’t really consider it art, it’s only art if it’s human created. It’s just code and as they say GiGo (Garbage in Garbage out)

The AI was created and trained by humans. Its output is art because humans selected it for artistic quality.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Aug 2022, 9:55pm
05 Aug 2022, 2:06pm
Yuna SakashiroThe AI was created and trained by humans. Its output is art because humans selected it for artistic quality.
And human-created 'art' might be literally a shit, smeared over a canvas in some kind of pattern.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Aug 2022, 9:55pm
05 Aug 2022, 2:33pm
I know that I start to feel headaches when I look to that BS.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Aug 2022, 9:55pm
05 Aug 2022, 2:54pm
Aleksander Majjam
ArtieIt seems somebody discovered Midjourney image generator. It can provide interesting pictures indeed.

Dude. This is one of the most interesting things I've ever seen.

My prompt: elitedangerous spaceships huge space

Prompt 2: Jedi Woman lightsaber blonde

I tryied it its awesoome! I am gonna pay membership.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Aug 2022, 9:55pm
06 Aug 2022, 3:24pm
“Art for art sake money for gods sake” Well F*** Art Let’s Dance!!!
08 Aug 2022, 7:42pm
From today's Galnet:

Upon detonation, the energy pulse generated by the Proteus Wave will cause catastrophic disruption to all Thargoid biomechanical technology within range. Every alien vessel in HIP 22460 will immediately cease to function.

(Emphasis added.)

Umm, OK, but how is this different from previous deployments of Salvation's weapon?
09 Aug 2022, 10:45am
Yeah, also had me wonder. Not sure what "within range" means here, but surely they don't all flock right into HIP 22460?

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