Elite: General talk

10 Aug 2022, 1:42pm
Nick NovaBraben will now spend his days being a full time ganker and act as the final boss in update 15.

"Lord Braben demands rebuys!"

If you wish to escape his glorious hand, praise him via buying the ARX.
11 Aug 2022, 1:39am
Just had Hostile Thargoid contact in the bubble, Lwalama system, a few hundred light seconds from major starports. I saw a distress call, answered it, upon arrival was engaged by a Thargoid. Has anyone else had this happen? Are the Thargoids attacking the bubble now?
11 Aug 2022, 5:55am
Vapelord FockarJust had Hostile Thargoid contact in the bubble, Lwalama system, a few hundred light seconds from major starports. I saw a distress call, answered it, upon arrival was engaged by a Thargoid. Has anyone else had this happen? Are the Thargoids attacking the bubble now?

Can we get some players from here who are near the Pleiades can check with the Eagle Eye network
its supposed to warn of impending incursions
Is it even still working?
11 Aug 2022, 7:07am
Aleksander Majjam
ArtieIt seems somebody discovered Midjourney image generator. It can provide interesting pictures indeed.

Dude. This is one of the most interesting things I've ever seen.

My prompt: elitedangerous spaceships huge space


Prompt 2: Jedi Woman lightsaber blonde


nice pics- and it takes a little getting used to but with the right programming you can get this:

11 Aug 2022, 7:28am
Vapelord FockarJust had Hostile Thargoid contact in the bubble, Lwalama system, a few hundred light seconds from major starports. I saw a distress call, answered it, upon arrival was engaged by a Thargoid. Has anyone else had this happen? Are the Thargoids attacking the bubble now?

Can we get some players from here who are near the Pleiades can check with the Eagle Eye network
its supposed to warn of impending incursions
Is it even still working?

I think it must... have you ever looked at the canonn site and seen how many voice recorded first finds the cmdr Factabulous has? We tried to draft him to our squad... but something is holding it up. It's as if he writes the narrations to find!?
11 Aug 2022, 11:21am
Why.. it was removed?
12 Aug 2022, 6:46am
A.G.DuranWhy.. it was removed?

I thought I had found a new Eagle Eye message but someone informed that it was in fact an older message but i did get the valuable experience of decoding an Eagle eye message
It pointed to some system in the Pleiades sector , MI-S B41 i think
13 Aug 2022, 2:54am
General question cmdrs, do you like the New INARA or it is like switching to ODYSSEY - resistance is futile?
13 Aug 2022, 2:56am
50/50. New layout is better on mobiles, but I'm mostly a PC user. And that 'adaptive/tiled' design is now everywhere, so, no wonder that we will finally see it here. That's just the trend. I'll be sticking to the older version until it will be finally disabled, on PC, and switched to the new one on mobile already.
13 Aug 2022, 3:23am
FYI: There is a Thargoid presence in the WAYUTABAL system, planet A3.
13 Aug 2022, 5:38am
Has anyone found a way to "unfollow" image galleries? I can do it for the different chat threads but I can't find it for the galleries.
13 Aug 2022, 9:07am
It is absolute different look. You're like browsing different project. No idei, will it cause troubles for me or not, but they already dropping old style with autoswitch to new one.
13 Aug 2022, 10:47am
Meowers50/50. New layout is better on mobiles, but I'm mostly a PC user.

So am I, only on PC with big monitor and I can see almost everything on one screen without scrolling. Idea of making good perfect usually destroys good.
13 Aug 2022, 11:01am
KurakilHas anyone found a way to "unfollow" image galleries? I can do it for the different chat threads but I can't find it for the galleries.

It will stop bother you after a week of not visiting the "Latest" category. There was an option for it before, but almost nobody used it, so I have simplified it to this. Or, speaking of the old Inara, it's in the General settings.
13 Aug 2022, 11:34am
Shg56General question cmdrs, do you like the New INARA or it is like switching to ODYSSEY - resistance is futile?

It's fine by me, really (PC only here). But I'm new enough that I wasn't all that invested in the way it was. It seems functional and not unattractive to me. No complaints here.

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