Elite: General talk

13 May 2022, 6:41pm
Kegaira Ohaya
Silver Taffer
Sakashiro What they certainly won't do is hide it somewhere and then wait for us to stumble upon it, because in a galaxy this large and with a player base this small, it might take forever.

Just think Raxxla

I do! That is the whole point... If they even have ONE thing out there that sits waiting to be discovered, then exploration means more than just pretty photos...

Think moon landing conspiracy theories. There must be many FDev employees over the years who have , maybe even left...under a dark cloud(??), so if Raxxla is somewhere in the game currently it would have been leaked. Especially if it's got a sign above it saying Raxxla.
Not that I know much about it but wasn't Raxxla and it's inhabitants around that far back before mega light travel? Around or before the mega-ship era and we are finding them fairly close to das booble.
14 May 2022, 3:55pm
Has anybody tried to drop a canister of Biowaste into the dredger?
15 May 2022, 10:09am
MeowersHas anybody tried to drop a canister of Biowaste into the dredger?

How about an SRV with Thargoid Probe floating into space? That wish to see...
19 May 2022, 10:21am
CupcoIt's ok if you like balls of various sizes.

As long as you work with them the same then sure
19 May 2022, 4:25pm
What game are we on is it eve online or something?
19 May 2022, 9:42pm
Captain ChipWhat game are we on is it eve online or something?

You sir or madame are lost. This is Elite Dangerous.

Last edit: 19 May 2022, 10:02pm
22 May 2022, 12:59am
Captain ChipWhat game are we on is it eve online or something?

You sir or madame are lost. This is Elite Dangerous.

really? i didn't know
22 May 2022, 9:10am
Hi, I'm sure this has been asked many times before but I haven't found it: Is there a site/post for a shuttle service to and from Colonia?
22 May 2022, 4:46pm
Neosilver-GKHi, I'm sure this has been asked many times before but I haven't found it: Is there a site/post for a shuttle service to and from Colonia?

You could join up to the Fleet Carrier Owners Discord, they have regular carrier departures to and from Colonia, you can even find one heading for Sag A* or Beagle Point.
28 May 2022, 1:24am
Every player who sees this, attack The Dark Wheel, put they're stations on lock down if needed, destroy they're ships, Don't wipe them from the bubble though but I do believe they are a Native faction, so they cannot be removed anyway.
Exactly how long have we been trying to get they're attention? The squadrons themselves don't really interact with anyone either, they are the door to Raxxla, so let's gain they're attention. Anyone down? I am on my way to Colonia gonna go mining and engineer my hull reinforcements for my Alliance challenger, after that I will probably chase down the dark wheel, I'm gonna do it with or with out you guys
28 May 2022, 1:31am
Neosilver-GKHi, I'm sure this has been asked many times before but I haven't found it: Is there a site/post for a shuttle service to and from Colonia?

Honestly your better off just to engineer a conda and use that, I beat a carrier to Colonia, by the time it boots up, I have already jumped 500 ly. I get it, it can be a little boring and quite but hey you make a ton of money and explore and most likely discover systems nobody else has, one run to Colonia , 1,500 systems for me
28 May 2022, 11:47am
Kegaira OhayaI mean, is the point of exploration just pretty photos then? No chance to find guardian ruins in the other side of the galaxy, or even... something else

Hi, i might be wrong however i've been keeping exploring and looking for guardians and or thargoids and why not even AI.........there must be something out there
28 May 2022, 11:52am
According to Fdev, there is another alien race out there yet to be discivered.
28 May 2022, 11:55am
Lambast MercyAccording to Fdev, there is another alien race out there yet to be discivered.

28 May 2022, 12:24pm
Take it with a pinch of salt. Fdev say a lot of things.

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