Elite: General talk

15 Aug 2022, 2:39pm
Hello Artie, all.

A few of us have noticed *some* BGS Influence numbers seem to change throughout the day when we refresh the system page. Minor factions shown will vary the amount of influence for certain ones within the day. The expectation is to see Inf updated only after FDev's server tick. It doesn't happen to all systems and not consistently to systems where this has been observed.

To be honest, I prefer the constant flow of updates but wonder, is this working as intended at Inara? Should we be seeing influence levels change several times in a day instead of once?

15 Aug 2022, 2:52pm
Jr250Hello Artie, all.

A few of us have noticed *some* BGS Influence numbers seem to change throughout the day when we refresh the system page. Minor factions shown will vary the amount of influence for certain ones within the day. The expectation is to see Inf updated only after FDev's server tick. It doesn't happen to all systems and not consistently to systems where this has been observed.

To be honest, I prefer the constant flow of updates but wonder, is this working as intended at Inara? Should we be seeing influence levels change several times in a day instead of once?


Hello, hard to say, please tell me which faction(s) exactly and when (a day is sufficient) and I will investigate what data came in.
15 Aug 2022, 3:14pm
The latest report from yesterday for minor faction Federal Reclamation Co was that this system: https://inara.cz/starsystem/12814/ was changing seemingly as actions were being taken, like turning in missions.

Does Inara update through out the day or just once after server tick? It'd be great if it updated often.

Thanks much for the quick reply!
15 Aug 2022, 3:39pm
Jr250The latest report from yesterday for minor faction Federal Reclamation Co was that this system: https://inara.cz/starsystem/12814/ was changing seemingly as actions were being taken, like turning in missions.

Does Inara update through out the day or just once after server tick? It'd be great if it updated often.

Thanks much for the quick reply!

Thanks, as I have checked, all the influence numbers there are genuine and came in this way from the journals. Inara is making the influence (and other) updates every time somebody flew in and either imported his/her journal or sent the data over EDDN. So for frequent star systems it can be updated many times throughout the day, for less frequent star systems not that much. Either way, I am not sure why the game was reporting the numbers as they are/were, but everything is working as it should on Inara's end.
15 Aug 2022, 5:57pm
::thumsb-up:: Thanks Artie!
15 Aug 2022, 6:12pm

On earth, oh yeah

Underwater (nearest I ever got to weightlessness) more difficult

In space... yet to be tried
15 Aug 2022, 11:14pm
Jr250The latest report from yesterday for minor faction Federal Reclamation Co was that this system: https://inara.cz/starsystem/12814/ was changing seemingly as actions were being taken, like turning in missions.

Does Inara update through out the day or just once after server tick? It'd be great if it updated often.

Thanks much for the quick reply!

no joke this was happening when I was toying with OWH in maia keeping the INF fed just a little at a time, and it would change almost instantly upon finishing missions and turning them in, not sure if maybe the in game INF registers faster if there is a lot of changes going on or something like that but I certainly noticed it during that time , not sure if it was appearing on INARA or not but it was happening in game for me on the status panel in game
16 Aug 2022, 8:57am
I'm not sure if this belongs in this thread specifically, but- Is there an option on Inara to remember the Old Layout? Whenever after some time I reopen Inara, it goes back to the new layout :/
16 Aug 2022, 9:39am
SarusoidI'm not sure if this belongs in this thread specifically, but- Is there an option on Inara to remember the Old Layout? Whenever after some time I reopen Inara, it goes back to the new layout :/

Yes, under "My profile". If you are clearing the browser cookies at the session end or so, it may not remember the settings (a cookie is used for that).
16 Aug 2022, 11:29am
MiseriAzimuth is totally gone up in smoke, Caleb Wycherly is dead along with his deep held grudge against the Thargoids

You could have fooled me you were still not-so secretly rooting for Azimuth
16 Aug 2022, 11:31am
You folks really need Aegis. Those fat oily arse politicians who saw Thargoids only on GalNet news and GalFlix shows cared only about their own greedy concerns. So now it all went boom.
16 Aug 2022, 5:26pm
MiseriAzimuth is totally gone up in smoke, Caleb Wycherly is dead along with his deep held grudge against the Thargoids

You could have fooled me you were still not-so secretly rooting for Azimuth

When my contract is purchased I am loyal to the contract holder, I was not brought on to work for Dr Wycherly exclusively, I was hired to take care of operations for Azimuth Biotech, and there is where my loyalties will continue until I am relieved of duty or the company is no longer a viable employer
17 Aug 2022, 6:40am
«AS»MongoFYI: There is a Thargoid presence in the WAYUTABAL system, planet A3.

There is a Thargoid presence in the Ngaiawang system at Ngaiawang 1. It is an ammonia world.

«AS»MongoFYI: There is a Thargoid presence in the WAYUTABAL system, planet A3.

There is a Thargoid presence in the Ngaiawang system at Ngaiawang 1. It is an ammonia world.
17 Aug 2022, 7:32am
Ok , I stare at the Ad holobanners a lot in the concourse , they used to not do this wavy static bad tv reception thing, I am on Asylum atm in the system where Testament is currently located - Tangaroa.
The Holo Banners are just not the same I know they didnt do this much glitching out.
Not sure if its only this system or others, all systems, Or is this some kind of an indicator of an oncoming incursion ?

Or am i just smoking too much Onionhead gamma strain
17 Aug 2022, 7:38am
MiseriOk , I stare at the Ad holobanners a lot in the concourse , they used to not do this wavy static bad tv reception thing, I am on Asylum atm in the system where Testament is currently located - Tangaroa.
The Holo Banners are just not the same I know they didnt do this much glitching out.
Not sure if its only this system or others, all systems, Or is this some kind of an indicator of an oncoming incursion ?

Or am i just smoking too much Onionhead gamma strain

It might depend on the station economy type or maybe the faction state of the station owner. I've seen various behaviors of things change due to those factors before so maybe this falls under that umbrella.

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