Elite: General talk

03 Sep 2022, 6:37am
Running to Colonia might not be the answer, the bridge is like a long string of lights leading the way to it.
03 Sep 2022, 6:48am
To Colonia you can catch a carrier and bring your big ship(s). You can even go ahead with your explorer and meet up with your ships once carrier catches up. Otherwise ferrying your ships is a cost/benefit thing as all else.
03 Sep 2022, 10:43am
Alex Hoffmannif you want to transfer a ship from the bubble to colonia it will cost the full price of it´s worth, the smaler ones are ok to tranfer if needed but the bigger ones are very expensive. and yes it take realtime, if i remember right around 60-70 hours to trsansfer something.

Better just have someone from real pilots to transfer ship for a cost, but we don't have such mechanics now, due to obvious reasons.
03 Sep 2022, 9:55pm
Alex Hoffmannif you want to transfer a ship from the bubble to colonia it will cost the full price of it´s worth

Ouch that does get pretty expensive.

MiseriRunning to Colonia might not be the answer

Nah it was just the logical next step in my baby drop-in-the-ocean career.

DemonolightTo Colonia you can catch a carrier and bring your big ship(s). You can even go ahead with your explorer and meet up with your ships once carrier catches up.

Thanks for the reminder, that is an option I'd completely overlooked. Shall keep it in mind, ty.
04 Sep 2022, 11:31pm
MiseriI guess I just thought I was doing something wrong with my ship thank you for the helpful insight

I am using phantom with 70ly jump as long range exploration ship and MKII as a bubble buddy with 40LY jump range while carrying 64T cargo load. I could post its specs. if you are still interested.
05 Sep 2022, 4:54pm
How do you now if a carrier is say heading to Colonia?
05 Sep 2022, 6:40pm
Fredi KanouteHow do you now if a carrier is say heading to Colonia?

Search on Discord for the Fleet Carrier Owner’s Club, there are weekly departures announced to and from Colonia.
The ‘Sleeper Service’ travels between LHS 2687 and Tir (near Colonia) every Monday (two carriers crossing in opposite directions).

I highly recommend this service if you wish to take a few ships for exploring around Colonia.
09 Sep 2022, 1:49am
I am trying to use the EDHM-UI mod and while I am able to apply the already-existing themes the mod has within the game, when I try to customize my own I am unable to get it to apply in-game. I'm just changing one color element until I can get it to work but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I change the shield rings color from the blue to a green, save as a custom theme, apply theme, go in game and press F11, then nothing happens.
09 Sep 2022, 3:41am
KurakilI am trying to use the EDHM-UI mod and while I am able to apply the already-existing themes the mod has within the game, when I try to customize my own I am unable to get it to apply in-game. I'm just changing one color element until I can get it to work but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I change the shield rings color from the blue to a green, save as a custom theme, apply theme, go in game and press F11, then nothing happens.

Sometimes you need to exit game too.
11 Sep 2022, 2:08pm

Canonn Gnosis Discord has been hacked.

Do not verify or follow any links

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Sep 2022, 4:33pm
11 Sep 2022, 3:27pm

Canonn Gnosis Discord has been hacked.

Do not verify or follow any links

Well that sucks. Hope that's resolved soon.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Sep 2022, 4:33pm
11 Sep 2022, 4:11pm
The Canonn Discord has been hijjacked and is now hosting malware that will take your account. Do not click on any verification links. Stay away from the discord server.

11 Sep 2022, 4:59pm
Canonn is bound

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Sep 2022, 5:10pm
12 Sep 2022, 8:37am
DarwinThe Canonn Discord has been hijjacked and is now hosting malware that will take your account.

Does Discord not have measures in place to prevent such actions? Pretty awkward if it doesn't, isn't it.
12 Sep 2022, 10:00am
Mac4Does Discord not have measures in place to prevent such actions? Pretty awkward if it doesn't, isn't it.

Discords response has been rather poor so far. The Discord server remains compromised and up, despite multiple phishing reports. The ownership has even been transferred, admins removed etc. We are currently recommending anyone still there to report as phishing and then leave. Or just leave.


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