Elite: General talk

27 Aug 2022, 2:30am
PauthosI have lost everything, for what, I had no cargo, no credits, nothing...

You have not lost your last cow, not like a couple noobs I met before who invested everything into FCs and went to square one after losing her. Credit collection and Engineering that should be your guarding angels.
27 Aug 2022, 2:53am
PauthosThis game is just as bad as grand theft auto.

Hell is other people.
27 Aug 2022, 7:47am
PauthosYou know I have actually been enjoying this game, exploring, and finaly getting pass to the sol system. I had put everything I had into my ship. I get there and some one interdicts me then rams my ship to death, and I have lost everything, for what, I had no cargo, no credits, nothing. I have just now been getting into the open play and hoping to meet other players, and this is my first encounter. This game is just as bad as grand theft auto.

You're going to find more assholes than good people in Elite. This was basically how my first open encounter went as well. The reason why you'll find more gankers is that all these assholes know where to congregate to grief other players. They especially like hanging out at engineering sites and of the sort. There's no rhyme or reason for doing what they do, unfortunately. Suggest you play in solo so you can hear the same kinds of players cry about more people not playing in open in hopes that Frontier forces more players into open. Or wing up with a squadron.
27 Aug 2022, 7:53am
ChallengeWhy does one of my ships have [hot] in the Name space?

I don't think I stole it.

it means you have a Bounty on it.

27 Aug 2022, 11:09am
Shg56not like a couple noobs I met before who invested everything into FCs and went to square one after losing her.

Goodness. Begs the question though, how can one be so noobie by the time one makes it to FC ownership
27 Aug 2022, 12:10pm
Mac4Goodness. Begs the question though, how can one be so noobie by the time one makes it to FC ownership
Thanks to the game design that allows people to have top shelf stuff in the first week of playing.
27 Aug 2022, 12:22pm
MeowersThanks to the game design that allows people to have top shelf stuff in the first week of playing.

Really? It took me a while to get to the single half-finished Conda I'm at! Granted, maybe instant fortune wasn't first and foremost on my mind.
27 Aug 2022, 1:51pm
Mac4Really? It took me a while to get to the single half-finished Conda I'm at! Granted, maybe instant fortune wasn't first and foremost on my mind.
Yep, there's a lot of 'guides' to instant riches that you can get even starting on a Sidey, but, about FCs in particular... FDev boosted mission and voucher/bond/etc. payoffs by 1000 times quite a while ago as far as I know. It was before introducing the cringeneering into the game. So, it was more like original '84, '93, '95 games where you had to work on outfitting your ship.

But now, stacking those 50 mil missions, CGs, all that stuff, it is possible to afford a FC within a few days of doing arse-flattening, mind-numbing repetitive grind. That doesn't require the intellectual capacity that makes people 'know' the game, effectively removing them from noobs list.
27 Aug 2022, 2:54pm
Mac4[quote=Meowers]Thanks to the game design that allows people to have top shelf stuff in the first week of playing.

There are plenty of cmdrs. out there who aim to join C&D club asap... (C&D - ships shaped like dicks and coffins)
27 Aug 2022, 3:01pm
Mission stacking never really worked for me. Just recently I went to Albardhas because that was reported to be a place where you could stack massacre missions from up to 18 factions in the surrounding systems. Well, I found none. Maybe the BGS had changed the power dynamics in that region in the meantime. And I just can't be bothered to find out which system is the latest center of attention.

If I need money, I carry commodities in my T-9. Works every time, without any preparations.
27 Aug 2022, 5:36pm
Mac4Goodness. Begs the question though, how can one be so noobie by the time one makes it to FC ownership

Thanks to the game design that allows people to have top shelf stuff in the first week of playing.

Or the well meaning veteran who pumps a newbie with 150mil via FC trading and tells them "hey go run Robigo mines" and then suddenly you have someone who has no idea what they are doing with a kitted out python or better flying around doing low-rez zones or flying passengers back and forth racking up stacks with out really any thing to burn it on so yea, i could see that kind of player going , "Ow wow I need me one of those FC thingies"

Only to get hit with the reality of the service charges and Trit supply costs
27 Aug 2022, 5:54pm
ChallengeWhy does one of my ships have [hot] in the Name space?

I don't think I stole it.

it means you have a Bounty on it.


Thanks. It's gone now. Apparently the bounty took awhile to register as done. A Fed military installation placed it and the patrol ships collected it.
27 Aug 2022, 7:24pm
Thank you everyone. I do now understand my mistake of not having the buy back, and why it is number one rule, leson learned. Also I see the benefits in playing solo for a while to learn all the ins and outs. Nothing lost can not be regained, just really liked that ship. I am greatful to see here that there are good pilots among the bad.
Thank you for all the advise and help.
28 Aug 2022, 5:17pm
Hello All,
Is messaging no longer available in Inara?
Thank you,
Cmdr Remod

I just found it. You have to select a commander and there is an envelope button on their home page.
28 Aug 2022, 5:45pm
RemodHello All,
Is messaging no longer available in Inara?
Thank you,
Cmdr Remod

I just found it. You have to select a commander and there is an envelope button on their home page.

it's either there if you want to contact some commander directly from their page or it's under My profile > Private messages in general.

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