Elite: General talk

15 Nov 2022, 11:23am
Yuna SakashiroThe reflective dashboard the Courier got in Odyssey is horrible. But I noticed the Adder has the same problem.

Let's just be grateful that FDev doesn't build real space ships.

The dashboards of all the Empire ships are problematic to some degree, but for me what's worse is (and this only happens in the Courier) the flashing of the cockpit frame like when you're in the shadow of an object, then not (and it suddenly brightens up) and then goes dark again - all the while you're simply cruising in SC while there's no object between you and the sun (and the sun is behind you). It's really obnoxious and has been a problem since launch. Lighting is fixed though apparently so I don't expect this to get addressed, after how many attempts it took them to almost fix the Krait cockpit lighting, and that happened early on when presumably their dev team was better staffed.
15 Nov 2022, 11:26am
Yeah, they made a big thread about cockpit lighting in their forum, so I posted pics to illustrate the problem. I think that was more than a year ago.

Of course nothing was done about it at all.
15 Nov 2022, 11:42am
Python is another ship with lighting issues in the cockpit, that I even removed from my fleet because not only the cockpit is generally too bright (even in pitch black environments) but there are also audio issues with the engine sounds not being centred (I'm playing with headphones so it's very noticeable).

It's painful to see this kind of regression especially in places that are pretty fundamental such as the cockpit which is where you spend 90% of the time in-game. Which is why I'm considering switching back to 3.8 if U14 doesn't offer anything substantial that keeps me motivated to log into 4.0 instead.
15 Nov 2022, 12:04pm
EDHM has a function called 3pmods that allows you to turn down or off the cabin lights.
15 Nov 2022, 12:13pm
Yuna SakashiroLet's just be grateful that FDev doesn't build real space ships.

I would be happy if they could build a real game. It gets frustrating playing a perpetual beta.
15 Nov 2022, 12:16pm
Beta is a compliment. I would call it alpha at best.
15 Nov 2022, 3:19pm
TiggerEDHM has a function called 3pmods that allows you to turn down or off the cabin lights.

I've just checked a how-to-install video on Youtube.

It may well be legit, and it's indeed both impressive and sad that someone else has to come along to fix aspects of the game just like that (while the IP owner does nothing), but the deal breaker for me is the fact that a) the mod installs via installer, and b) it even requires an antivirus exclusion rule.

Poorly implemented lighting is not worth the risk of installing potentially harmful software created by someone I don't know or trust on my machine, though YMMV.
15 Nov 2022, 3:32pm
Whatever is coming with update 14, it will be untested and full of bugs.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Nov 2022, 7:23pm
15 Nov 2022, 3:41pm
I looked at my wall of text from this morning and realised I put way too much thought & energy into this game at this point. I guess it's a mix of FOMO, sunk cost fallacy and just really not wanting the game to end - given that I've been playing this religiously since 2015 perhaps no real surprise, it's become too big a part of my life to just stop playing, but it's getting stale and as a result am putting too much hope into U14 which is likely to disappoint just like anything since Fleet Carriers really (3.3 was the last time I was impressed with a content update of theirs - when was that, 4 years ago?).

Sorry for these monologues, there's not really much to say other than it's no longer the headline IP of FDev and it gets treated accordingly - although when you look at how they handled F1... I guess it could still be worse. FDev is moving on, I should probably do the same.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Nov 2022, 7:23pm
15 Nov 2022, 6:09pm
On a similar note but more hopeful tone...

I do think perhaps it is time we all , the human player pilots of the Galaxy, come up with an actual plan for dealing with the incoming Stargoids.
Because its very clear from a narrative perspective, the Super Powers have no idea what to do...

Part one is the act of Anti Xeno combat pilots need to begin working together the minute incursions begin (and im almost certain they will)
we need to shore up defenses in systems hit and respond to station rescues , which is probably a moot point because I would assume most organized AXI squads have been waiting intently for the other shoe to drop

Part two is a bit more esoteric
We need to gather probes links and sensors and deliver them to, AMMONIA PLANETS
you remember a while back when there was a CG for scanning ammonia worlds, well maybe we need to drop thargoid objects in orbit around those kinds of worlds
I would also hesitate to suggest but it is possible if we offer them meta alloys we might find some way to break the language barrier and possibly initiate trade

Dont mind this mess these are the ramblings of a very unimportant maid
but if any of this sounds plausible to you please let me know

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Nov 2022, 7:23pm
15 Nov 2022, 7:08pm

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Nov 2022, 7:23pm
15 Nov 2022, 7:30pm
Update14 would be the end of humanity and so the end of ED...all our grievances to FD would be resolved and everybody would finish the game at the same time. "finita, la commedia"
15 Nov 2022, 7:31pm
Look I dont expect much out of this, yall had 8 years to find one planet around the galaxy and yall aint even done that yet
Dont give me the googly eyes like im a crazy person
im not a crazy person, the doctors who did my examination said my psychosis was benign and treatable with onionhead
15 Nov 2022, 7:32pm
Shg56Update14 would be the end of humanity and so the end of ED...all our grievances to FD would be resolved and everybody would finish the game at the same time. "finita, la commedia"

Next Elite game is 1000 years in the future, super powers spread out near colonia, humanity lost its home and seeks to reclaim it
yea i could see that actually
15 Nov 2022, 7:36pm
Plus half of us would be admitted to Vienna main psychiatry institution

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