Elite: General talk

27 Nov 2022, 5:42am
Bubbles burning already,
in other news I guess someone ran into , if you can believe it
Spoiler is link to CMDR Dylan D and a pretty decent lore accurate encounter with a suspected Black Flight ship
Gotta say , while I do rep Azimuth I dont know whats going on with this or how or when Black Flight was restarted

27 Nov 2022, 5:42am
Yuna SakashiroDamn Goids pop up everywhere! Will soon the entire bubble be like that?

They were popping Saturday morning when I was playing (US - Mountain time zone). Started as encoded and degraded emissions sites. Came up on several sites of destroyed ships. Not unusual until I counted about a dozen or more of these emission zones in the Cubeo system (generally, I only see four to five zones up at a time in a system). Also, some of these emission areas had threat levels of 3, 4 or 5. Same was true in other nearby systems.

Took that as my hint and started my exploration tour a day earlier than planned. Once I was out of the bubble, everything seemed to go back to normal. Almost no emissions and no interdictions. I believe we are seeing the opening shots from the front line Thargoid wave.
27 Nov 2022, 7:13am
One does not simply start exploration tour before content drop.
27 Nov 2022, 9:58am
Yuna SakashiroToday in the Kingfisher system I was almost ganked by Thargoids again. I had Webgear's stream open in my browser, and I made the mistake of dropping my Adder out of SC before minimizing the game and saying o7 in the browser chat. It took me a moment to realize that the Thargoid noises I heard weren't coming out of his stream. Shields hadn't quite dropped yet, but the phasing damage had already eaten parts of my hull. Somehow I managed to low-wake anyway (mass lock factor 30!) with 37% hull left.

Damn Goids pop up everywhere! Will soon the entire bubble be like that?

i was watching that - we were trying to get Web to scan the data logs as a challange, he is a good bounty hunter, but pretty shit using kit that he does not use for bounty hunting. Funny to watch.
27 Nov 2022, 10:35am
Sir Sprocketti was watching that - we were trying to get Web to scan the data logs as a challange, he is a good bounty hunter, but pretty shit using kit that he does not use for bounty hunting. Funny to watch.

Yes, he didn't seem familiar at all with the exploration mechanics of the game. So I teamed up and escorted him. Finding POIs is the bread and butter of passenger sightseeing missions after all.
27 Nov 2022, 6:59pm
Ok I would like to ask confirmation on the suspected Thargoid sensors found in the Kingfisher cargo
I was there that morning to check on things before Hostiles got in system, and all i pulled were a ton of escape pods and some wreckage parts that i took back to a station
Im just curious did any one here actually see the thargoid tech in the wreckage at all?
28 Nov 2022, 10:10pm
Spaceballs 2 aka Taranis is about to arrive and so the movie not the movie but film "Spaceballs 2 - the quest for more money".
29 Nov 2022, 8:54am
Just read through those.

Thruster issue - no mention
PWA issue - no mention

Very disappointing that two of the most impactful bugs aren't even listed as known issues unless I've missed it somehow?

Instead we get "Fixed "Cactoida Pullulanta - Green" being labelled "Cactoida Vermis - Green"." - well that's a sigh of relief. Apparently a community issue of note (?!).

Business as usual then, they seem to simply focus on quick/obscure fixes instead of sorting out the truly problematic and game-breaking bugs, makes for slightly longer patch notes I guess.

Shame... still somewhat curious what the narrative will bring but if they can't even address bugs that have affected core gameplay loops for months then I can't get as excited as FDev claim to be.
29 Nov 2022, 9:04am
I have some hope.

"Balancing pass carried out in terms of VFX for all ship cockpits, to improve visual behaviour."
29 Nov 2022, 9:12am
The thruster issue is probably the one bug that bothers me the most. It's noticeable in all ships (most players probably don't notice as much, usually when their DC messes up on their meta Cutter) and disabling rotational correction 'fixes' it, but that's not a great workaround for various reasons. I enjoy flying/hooning around and the drift this bug causes is really annoying, especially in combat and docking.

The PWA issue prevents one from sub-surface mining so an entire gameloop not working. Works fine in 3.8. Broken since U12.

How hard can it be to un-break stuff that was working perfectly fine previously. Regression bugs that don't get fixed (normally should be covered by hotfixes imo) for months are about the most obnoxious issues in this game and FDev clearly have form in these.
29 Nov 2022, 9:53am
Oh - and the bug (feature?) of invisible planets in SC until you're really close is AWOL as well.

Given the more lower cadence of updates that are further apart time wise this basically means if it ever gets fixed, it won't be until well into next year. Same for the other 2 aforementioned issues.

The narrative really will need to pick up the slack to make me want to continue playing in 4.0 - 3.8 still seems to be the better version to play if your focus is ship-based gameplay and AX doesn't interest you. I'm also curious whether those performance improvements come with further visual concessions such as draw distance/LOD.
29 Nov 2022, 5:02pm
29 Nov 2022, 5:18pm
An entire day (and counting) to roll out a <5GB patch. While keeping the game offline, and not even providing the option to preload the download either.
29 Nov 2022, 5:32pm
I bet the issue is related to the split between live and legacy.

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