Elite: General talk

25 Nov 2022, 10:35am
EpisparhJust 10 a.m. there... I bet some of them are not even in the office yet. You will get your black paint eventually in 4 hours.

I'm not going to buy them anyway. I bought one for my Courier and my SRV back in Horizons 3.8, but since 4.0 they are no longer black but grey. In fact these days it's hard to spot the difference between Midnight Black and Tactical Graphite, the latter costing a fraction of the Arx and being available all year.

The same thing happened to the black Remlok suit. It looked gorgeous in 3.8, but in 4.0 it looks like it's made of grey rubber. I have no idea why it's so hard for them to make a proper black shader in 4.0. Just dial down diffuse reflection and keep the specular one, and there you have it: shiny black material.

They also removed the blue lights from those suits btw.
25 Nov 2022, 10:45am
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhJust 10 a.m. there... I bet some of them are not even in the office yet. You will get your black paint eventually in 4 hours.

I'm not going to buy them anyway. I bought one for my Courier and my SRV back in Horizons 3.8, but since 4.0 they are no longer black but grey. In fact these days it's hard to spot the difference between Midnight Black and Tactical Graphite, the latter costing a fraction of the Arx and being available all year.

The same thing happened to the black Remlok suit. It looked gorgeous in 3.8, but in 4.0 it looks like it's made of grey rubber. I have no idea why it's so hard for them to make a proper black shader in 4.0. Just dial down diffuse reflection and keep the specular one, and there you have it: shiny black material.

They also removed the blue lights from those suits btw.

The Midnight Black may be lighter than it used to be but Tactical Graphite is lighter still. I just went in the livery and they are quite different.
As for the suit lights... I miss them but I did not like them being blue no matter what. FDev missed another chance to make suit light colors available for Arx.
25 Nov 2022, 10:56am
I've kitted out about two thirds of ships in Elite with MNB paints (cost me a pretty penny given their premium price tag, but best not to think about it), all pre-Odyssey release. In EDO, it largely depends on the lighting of the scenario; they can look pretty solidly black but often are more a light grey as you say. They actually looked alright and very much matte during the final stage of the "Alpha", but at go-live they became non-matte and more grey, which they sort-of-sort-of-not fixed over time - so they tried, yet still haven't managed to get it right.

I often wonder whether FDev's designers actually look at the product of their work in-game at all, because even in the main menu hangar scene the difference is stark and most skins look nothing like they're advertised via thumbnails in the shop (which are based on 3.8).

I guess someone is still buying these so little need for FDev to do anything about it. /shrug

Odyssey/4.0 single handedly killed my (admittedly bad) habit of buying cosmetics for this game - given that I spent a multiple on skins compared to the base game + 2 DLCs it's a blessing in disguise to be fair. Zero enthusiasm for these seasonal skin offers nowadays whereas I used to be giddy as a child in anticipation of them.
25 Nov 2022, 11:24am
Broken MessI've kitted out about two thirds of ships in Elite with MNB paints (cost me a pretty penny given their premium price tag, but best not to think about it), all pre-Odyssey release. In EDO, it largely depends on the lighting of the scenario; they can look pretty solidly black but often are more a light grey as you say. They actually looked alright and very much matte during the final stage of the "Alpha", but at go-live they became non-matte and more grey, which they sort-of-sort-of-not fixed over time - so they tried, yet still haven't managed to get it right.

I often wonder whether FDev's designers actually look at the product of their work in-game at all, because even in the main menu hangar scene the difference is stark and most skins look nothing like they're advertised via thumbnails in the shop (which are based on 3.8).

I guess someone is still buying these so little need for FDev to do anything about it. /shrug

Odyssey/4.0 single handedly killed my (admittedly bad) habit of buying cosmetics for this game - given that I spent a multiple on skins compared to the base game + 2 DLCs it's a blessing in disguise to be fair. Zero enthusiasm for these seasonal skin offers nowadays whereas I used to be giddy as a child in anticipation of them.

The fact that the look of their shaders depends on the lighting situation shows that they actually don't use PBR properly. The whole point of PBR was to put an end to exactly these problems.

Eyeball shaders are the worst offenders. In some places they don't reflect light at all, in other places they are emissive, i.e. they glow in the dark. It's like the avatar and the scene around it are lit by different sets of lights. I've taken some screenshots where my avatar was standing in a lounge in some settlement and appeared totally dark, as if no ambient light was cast on it at all.
25 Nov 2022, 12:06pm
Yuna Sakashiro
The fact that the look of their shaders depends on the lighting situation shows that they actually don't use PBR properly. The whole point of PBR was to put an end to exactly these problems.

Eyeball shaders are the worst offenders. In some places they don't reflect light at all, in other places they are emissive, i.e. they glow in the dark. It's like the avatar and the scene around it are lit by different sets of lights. I've taken some screenshots where my avatar was standing in a lounge in some settlement and appeared totally dark, as if no ambient light was cast on it at all.

Yep, and what's also still in the game is the weird glitch where the cockpit avatar starts glowing when the ship is close to the star with the bottom side of the ship facing the star. Details details...

I booted up 3.8 the other day, and it was really hard to get back to 4.0 after seeing how much better and coherent the cockpit view is in 3.8 (plus the Coriolis wireframe bobblehead, one of my faves in 3.8, has its chrome look where it's just grey in 4.0, 1.5 years post-release. I guess it only cost a little bit of money so not worth fixing - No idea if it's that simple but I imagine it being a setting a PBR parameter to 'chromed metal' as opposed to 'plastic/none').

The planets being the exception, as they do seem quite bland now in 3.8 compared to 4.0 - but while they're bland, they convey a sense of 'place' better than in 4.0 where they often morph and glitch with weird shadow artifacts and lighting oddities. Last night, I decided to check out Farseer's base, one of my favourite spots for SRV action in the past... 4.0 looked almost comically bad, whereas in 3.8 it actually looked great despite it being the older client. Completely devoid of players though (getting past them in the SRV was part of the allure), and I guess that is not going to change especially from next week onwards.

Update 14 will be the make-or-break moment for me with regards to which client will be my primary one going forward. Especially if they don't fix the thruster issue and PWA scanner problem (not holding my breath for either). I've long stopped paying attention to the story - so technically 3.8 might suffice unless they really flip over the table/sandbox to make things more interesting again. I'm 50/50 whether they can/will pull that off, thankfully we won't have to wait too long unless they drag things out in their usual style (months if not years of glacial progression).

I'm also wondering whether their mention of Updates 15 & 16 for next year means those are the only updates for 2023. If so, that suggests a further slowing down in progress in terms of content/story/whatever.
25 Nov 2022, 12:39pm
I'm actually glad they keep 3.8 around without modifying it any further for compatibility, because in recent updates some of Odyssey's bugs started to spill over to Horizons. This won't happen any more after the separation. It's nice to be able to return to the old game every once in a while, and it's great that we get a separate commander profile to do that. I always wanted to take a fleet carrier out into the black and try to be self-sufficient, and soon I can do that while keeping my Odyssey commander in the bubble for all the new stuff that's coming. Win-win!
25 Nov 2022, 1:54pm
That's not a bad idea, given that mining (especially for Tritium) is still working in 3.8, that would be the right version to keep the FC as well (cosmetics look as they should, and it's not a jaggy mess AA wise like it is in 4.0, as well as delayed loading of the skin when entering the FC instance, which is driving me nuts).

Might actually get rid of it in 4.0 and just keep 2-3 ships and just play the live client for the story content and not much else. And it's not exactly like there's all that much EDO specific stuff to see outside the bubble. Yeah, the more I think of it, that could work rather well!

The only caveat would be that FDev still have a great opportunity to mess up 3.8 as they presumably need to patch that client at least once more next week to make it 'legacy'. Uh-oh...
25 Nov 2022, 3:21pm
Yuna Sakashiro...I always wanted to take a fleet carrier out into the black and try to be self-sufficient, and soon I can do that while keeping my Odyssey commander in the bubble for all the new stuff that's coming

The discoveries that you would be making in legacy, will stay in legacy only. You won't have the first discovery title in live if you did it in legacy. That sucks.
25 Nov 2022, 6:05pm
Shg56The discoveries that you would be making in legacy, will stay in legacy only. You won't have the first discovery title in live if you did it in legacy. That sucks.

I don't really care about the discovery tags. I actually expected to lose mine when I wiped my save this year. It didn't happen, but I was prepared for it.
26 Nov 2022, 12:53am
Yuna Sakashiro...I always wanted to take a fleet carrier out into the black and try to be self-sufficient, and soon I can do that while keeping my Odyssey commander in the bubble for all the new stuff that's coming

The discoveries that you would be making in legacy, will stay in legacy only. You won't have the first discovery title in live if you did it in legacy. That sucks.

Unless I misunderstand, starting Tuesday, Live will have the same information as Legacy. But from that point forward, the two systems will be completely independent. So I think any existing discoveries will port into Live when the two systems split.
26 Nov 2022, 2:40am

26 Nov 2022, 10:03am
Yuna Sakashiro


go to 2.15.15 and watch your taxi shoot the distance after Webgear pulled you
26 Nov 2022, 11:36am
Sir Sprocketthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouX5cAVTMzw

go to 2.15.15 and watch your taxi shoot the distance after Webgear pulled you

Oh lol, thanks! Didn't know he was streaming.

I saw that Python get ready to pull me but didn't realize it was him until he sent the message.
26 Nov 2022, 11:58pm
Today in the Kingfisher system I was almost ganked by Thargoids again. I had Webgear's stream open in my browser, and I made the mistake of dropping my Adder out of SC before minimizing the game and saying o7 in the browser chat. It took me a moment to realize that the Thargoid noises I heard weren't coming out of his stream. Shields hadn't quite dropped yet, but the phasing damage had already eaten parts of my hull. Somehow I managed to low-wake anyway (mass lock factor 30!) with 37% hull left.

Damn Goids pop up everywhere! Will soon the entire bubble be like that?
27 Nov 2022, 3:12am
I hope not I barely got out of a war with my faction I don't any more stress.

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