Elite: General talk

28 Aug 2022, 5:47pm
Meowersa few days of doing arse-flattening, mind-numbing repetitive grind

Ah, yes, that must be where I missed out

PauthosThank you everyone. I do now understand my mistake of not having the buy back, and why it is number one rule, leson learned. Also I see the benefits in playing solo for a while to learn all the ins and outs. Nothing lost can not be regained, just really liked that ship. I am greatful to see here that there are good pilots among the bad.
Thank you for all the advise and help.

Cheers, live and learn, & all that.

I've only been playing for a few months, myself. Mostly solo'd it, at first. Lately, I fly mostly in open, with no ill effects, so far. But knowing full-well it could happen any moment. If that would cost me my ship a few times, I'd probably reconsider.

But yeah, either way consider flying in solo at least in some of these hotspots, such as Sol where newer players can be expected to show up, engineers esp. those that are typically unlocked at an early stage (Farseer and who have we), and systems where community goals (CG's) are handed out or targeted at. That is what I do. And unless you're fully prepared to engage in PvP combat, then, and to suffer the consequences.

And yeah you'll have learned now to fly with at least your insurance covered; make it preferably two or three times that, I'd say, to be able to fill up on cargo to quickly cover your losses, but that will depend a little on playstyle, my income is mostly from trading I guess. Either way, try to make it so you can get back on your feet asap. It's been a long time since I lost a ship to NPC combat, I must say. Knock on wood, always. Knowing what fights to run from is also a crucial skill I'd say, btw.

Good luck out there and if any questions, just ask here, it's a friendly and helpful bunch. o/ Or ask if you want to wing up to be shown the ropes some. Me I'm more of the solitary kind, but there may be other takers.
29 Aug 2022, 6:53am
Aleksander Majjam
PauthosYou know I have actually been enjoying this game, exploring, and finaly getting pass to the sol system. I had put everything I had into my ship. I get there and some one interdicts me then rams my ship to death, and I have lost everything, for what, I had no cargo, no credits, nothing. I have just now been getting into the open play and hoping to meet other players, and this is my first encounter. This game is just as bad as grand theft auto.

You're going to find more assholes than good people in Elite. This was basically how my first open encounter went as well. The reason why you'll find more gankers is that all these assholes know where to congregate to grief other players. They especially like hanging out at engineering sites and of the sort. There's no rhyme or reason for doing what they do, unfortunately. Suggest you play in solo so you can hear the same kinds of players cry about more people not playing in open in hopes that Frontier forces more players into open. Or wing up with a squadron.

I've found more good people than arseholes by a very large margin, but the negative players do leave more of an impression, ganked at my first community goal for instance. I'm always in open, though not at the time of day that most gankers are out, and unlikely to be in those systems.

Don't let the bastards get you down, and hope to see you in the black.
29 Aug 2022, 10:05am
found this nice videos about hip 22460 and thargoids action there Elite Dangerous News: Thargoids New Aggressive Behaviour and if you want to fight them watch this video first Elite Dangerous Odyssey | AEGIS modified AX missile: raw checks, usage in HIP 22460

edit1: wish i had some of thoose double augmented ax missiles from one of the last cg´s.. could be helpfull in the future.. they are not available at human tech brokers.. checked it yesterday.

edit2: a save place around the 60 ly radius of hip 22460 i would recommend (fc parking position) so you can test ships and weapons configs in peace.. often it´s not necessary to reach the system, often you get interdicted by that aggressive thargoids types at first or second hyperspace jump within that 60 ly radius.

edit3: the thargoids getting closer to the bubble, system didio (near shinrarta) is full of them, had nice fights yesterday there.. time to reactivate my dusty ax stuff..

Last edit: 29 Aug 2022, 10:48am
30 Aug 2022, 2:12am
Unless the Thargoids plan on making their way out to Colonia, I'm not gonna sweat 'em.
30 Aug 2022, 7:24am
ScubadogUnless the Thargoids plan on making their way out to Colonia, I'm not gonna sweat 'em.

That would be interesting..... I can see it now..... "Thargoid scouts appear in the Colonia region. As a result of the Proteus Wave, Thargoids appear to be scouting the galaxy to figure out what parts humans occupy. It is believed the Colonia Bridge may have been a proverbial bread crumb trail that has lead their scouts to the Colonia region. No place is safe from the threat of Thargoid attacks!"
30 Aug 2022, 12:11pm
We appear to be heading back to the way things were in Elite 1984. Every hyperspace jump carried the risk of a misjump that plonked you in front of a pissed Thargoid or two.
30 Aug 2022, 10:58pm
New Artemis suit?

31 Aug 2022, 7:02am
I feel like im doing something wrong
Ive almost completely engineered my FSD on my Krait mk2 and yet it only gets 27.08 LY at best
Ive seen people getting 50ly plus with theirs and I just feel like im missing something or did something wrong?
31 Aug 2022, 7:37am
MiseriI feel like im doing something wrong
Ive almost completely engineered my FSD on my Krait mk2 and yet it only gets 27.08 LY at best
Ive seen people getting 50ly plus with theirs and I just feel like im missing something or did something wrong?

Aside from the nickel-and-dime mass of the internals/utilities/weapons, your bulkheads, power distributor, thrusters, and power plant are all adding extra mass due to your engineering choices. Lightweight Alloy, lightweight life support and lightweight sensors will help. 50ly+ builds most likely downsize everything possible and engineer with whatever lowers mass the most. There's no secret, just the usual min/max exploration-only build. My Krait MkII is not optimized for jump range at all and with my typical combat loadout I can get a little over 30ly without an FSD booster.
31 Aug 2022, 8:00am
Thanks I guess that would explain a lot, Id much rather have a ship that can actually DO something other then go zoom really far and look at planets, not that ships geared solely for exploration are bad I just prefer to do ya know, stuff and things and fly cargo sometimes. You know after flying my t9 for a few weeks everything else feels so much looser in steering and jump range, I guess I just thought I was doing something wrong with my ship thank you for the helpful insight
31 Aug 2022, 9:35am
MiseriThanks I guess that would explain a lot, Id much rather have a ship that can actually DO something other then go zoom really far and look at planets, not that ships geared solely for exploration are bad I just prefer to do ya know, stuff and things and fly cargo sometimes. You know after flying my t9 for a few weeks everything else feels so much looser in steering and jump range, I guess I just thought I was doing something wrong with my ship thank you for the helpful insight

If you can afford the power and have it unlocked, a Guardian FSD Booster would help out a lot as it adds a fixed amount, independent of anything except the FSD Booster module size itself.
31 Aug 2022, 9:56am
The FSD booster is important, class 5 extending jump range by 10 Ly.

Also replace the FSD with a pre-engineered V1 from tech brokers, and add mass manager instead of deep charge.

Those changes will give you 40Ly jump range. If you want more, you'll have to lose weight.
31 Aug 2022, 10:45am
MiseriI feel like im doing something wrong
Ive almost completely engineered my FSD on my Krait mk2 and yet it only gets 27.08 LY at best
Ive seen people getting 50ly plus with theirs and I just feel like im missing something or did something wrong?

the krait phantom is similar to the mk ii (one hardpoint less and two smaler internal slots) but with little more jump range and speed.. a bit pimped 50-55 ly jump range
03 Sep 2022, 1:28am
MiseriThanks I guess that would explain a lot, Id much rather have a ship that can actually DO something other then go zoom really far and look at planets, not that ships geared solely for exploration are bad I just prefer to do ya know, stuff and things and fly cargo sometimes. You know after flying my t9 for a few weeks everything else feels so much looser in steering and jump range, I guess I just thought I was doing something wrong with my ship thank you for the helpful insight

I'm kind of in the same space ship boat (sorry couldn't help myself), in that I like the idea of having my all-purpose ship around me.*

I probably won't be telling you folks anything new when I say that I found now to ferry your stuff over from the Bubble to Colonia would take around 60 hours and what looks to be a small wad of money. That may not be very fast and not for free, but it's a lot better than I expected, and would IMO make it feasible to retrofit your ship just for jumping, only to put it back together again when you're done. You could doodle around some or take a break for a few days and voilà, you're good to go again. (I'm assuming the transfer period is in real time, right?)

*Although I am increasingly beginning to see the merits of having dedicated ships for various roles. Presumably those could be ferried over, then, as needed, in lieu of building an entire fleet in each of your desired areas. Which may ultimately be the ideal situation, but hey I haven't been playing since 1980 What would transfering say an entire engineered Anaconda over that distance cost, anyone? I have just the one ship, so can't tell.
03 Sep 2022, 5:16am
if you want to transfer a ship from the bubble to colonia it will cost the full price of it´s worth, the smaler ones are ok to tranfer if needed but the bigger ones are very expensive. and yes it take realtime, if i remember right around 60-70 hours to trsansfer something.

Last edit: 03 Sep 2022, 5:42am

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