Elite: General talk

29 Nov 2022, 8:33pm
29 Nov 2022, 8:33pm
So I finally got in. FC got moved to a system that seems like the gathering point for a LOT of carriers (the UI gave up on me so couldn't tell exactly how many, certainly more than 100). Couldn't reach it as it was scheduled to autojump to another random system 41LY away. Just docked and it already had another jump queued, to Aparctias. Hopefully the last one...
29 Nov 2022, 8:35pm
Do they interdict now, too?
29 Nov 2022, 8:42pm
Yuna SakashiroDo they interdict now, too?

Yeah, and you cannot beat them.

Your wish for aggressive thargoids was granted.

P.S. Anyway , going to Netflix. Tomorrow I will go to Guardian Weapon Site to get more blueprints for the modified weapons that Frontier didn't gave me due to bugs. And then I will park near system under Invasion status - the War has began.

Last edit: 29 Nov 2022, 8:53pm
29 Nov 2022, 8:58pm
I will continue to stand by my slogan of
I did it for the paint jobs
10/10 update, would burn bubble again
29 Nov 2022, 9:01pm
EpisparhYeah, and you cannot beat them.

Your wish for aggressive thargoids was granted.

Evasion is my area of expertise.

The Guardian module issue bothers me more. Lots of no-go zones for my Adder now. Need to switch to another ship.
29 Nov 2022, 9:18pm
You can synth now caustic sinks if you have a heat sink equipped
29 Nov 2022, 9:20pm
Just landed at a surface site in an invasion system. Wasn't shut down, power was up, but pads were offline. Shortly after another player entered in a Cobra 3, followed by an Interceptor which started to take shots at my non-AX Krait. Dismissed it, then NPCs dropped in fighting the Goid. By the time I reached my recalled ship, Goid was gone, NPCs remained.

Boarded my ship, which was slightly damaged, so one of the NPCs deployed a repair limpet.

I have to say, the game feels a lot more alive now, even without other players.

Performance is still quite ropey, lots of microstutters even in SC, I hope it's due to server wobbles. And yeah, got interdicted by a Goid twice now. Looks like I have to revisit my fleet and its outfitting.
29 Nov 2022, 9:43pm
So, I have a new purpose for a build related to the Thargoid war. The base ship will be an Imperial Clipper. More details to follow.

After looking into GalMap and the codex the live/legacy split makes sense now. Thargoid war is a BGS thing, thus BGS cannot be shared between legacy and live.
29 Nov 2022, 10:09pm
Alright, so after playing for another, the constant interdictions are starting to grate - I get the concept but they might want to tweak the regularity that this happens - even NPC pirates weren't this obnoxious before. Even more so since I can't seem to win the mini-game even remotely. It's very easy to escape, so it's not even that dangerous, just wasting time really (and with each instance change the risk of coloured snake issues).

I'd say there'll be some complaints about this over the coming days and weeks.
29 Nov 2022, 10:39pm
I changed the outfitting of my Courier a bit and dropped the Guardian FSD booster as it's only dead weight now. Then returned to the Taranis Maelstrom system. Thargoid interdiction every minute or so. But no problem for a fast ship. Didn't take any damage at all.
EpisparhSo, I have a new purpose for a build related to the Thargoid war. The base ship will be an Imperial Clipper. More details to follow.

I saw ACowForAllSeasons on Twitch taking a shieldless Clipper to the Maelstrom and returning alive. But staying for long seems to be impossible. The ship got eaten slowly, half its hull was gone when he docked back at his carrier.
29 Nov 2022, 10:45pm
Yeah, I plan to include repair and collector limpets for the materials there, plus I will need to experiment with different mechanics.

I am thinking that there is a reason for buffing AX missiles (apart of them being useless). Those caustic generators look like a proper target for them.

And then for the object in the middle... The key might be being cold, a silent running cold if it is possible. We will see. I have some stuff to prepare but the gravity field around my bed is getting way too strong now.
29 Nov 2022, 10:45pm
I went in with my AX FdL, the Gauss's obviously melted quickly but initially the caustic damage wasn't too bad (only carry regular HRPs). There comes a point when you get to a more cloudy area within the overall one, and that bounces you off actually it's meant to be a force field/charge (effect is the same i.e. it pushes you back with over 1,000m/s) while increasing the caustic damage (which then is similar to flying into a destroyed Interceptor cloud post-kill). It felt that the game applied a thou-shall-not-pass mechanic which I'd say will only be unlocked at a later stage.
30 Nov 2022, 12:16am
Humans. No lessons learned from HIP. Going with anything Guardian is just a stupid idea. That tech is not going to even function if you go in there with it. You need to go OG if you expect to have a chance of making any progress.

I'm an explorer, and the new stuff for us guys seem great. You AX guys good luck thinking the old way, using your Guardian leftovers. You better have a ton of credits to pay for lost ships if you go Guardian anything. Especially on power, thrusters and drives.
30 Nov 2022, 12:55am
Sadly, Guardian shield reinforcement packages are the only means to turn an Adder into a reasonably robust ship.

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