Elite: General talk

04 Dec 2022, 8:50pm
Yuna SakashiroThe claim that Thargoids could wipe out the entire bubble is likely just PR spin. The Pilots' Federation District is safe because that's where Horizons newbies begin their journey. And once they leave that zone, there have to be places to go and things to do for them.
If the Thargoids can't interdict Apex, then the game will turn into a primitive FPS with something like a planet generation engine.
04 Dec 2022, 10:01pm
Yuna SakashiroYes, but those were CGs where FDev chose the location

I see, thanks. I could've guessed that was all under FDev's direction. Way before my time; I've only been playing since this spring or so I think

Broken Messfor noobs it's the best time ever to start

I dunno, while I can see it brings some excitement, it seems to me that beyond that, it pretty much confines us all to AX combat (or defense at least), or bust. That's actually pretty limiting, and to new players it seems like a steep entry. (I'd even been wondering how with Odyssey, you get plonked straight into on-foot combat, as if that were the gist of the game, whereas it seems to me the pilot experience should come first. Mind you, at least that's how Odyssey presented itself to me when I bought it only at a later stage, it's possible it opens in a different way if you're an entirely new player. Come to think of it, you'd still find yourself in the starter zone and whatnot, yes I suppose it is possible there's a different curve there.)
04 Dec 2022, 10:14pm
To be fair, you can completely ignore the whole AX war if you want. Most of the bubble is still working business as usual, whether that changes drastically at some time in the future is anyone's guess (depends whether FDev are serious about burning the bubble if nobody opposes the Goids - I have my doubts they will follow through with this). And even if it does, it's gonna be such a glacial slow burn that you'll still be ok most of next year without too many inconveniences I reckon.

Just because it's the headline story doesn't mean one has to engage in it. Yesterday I decided to take a break from war activities and go exo salad hunting, just to earn some credits and rank before they nerf it back again. Sure, the game cheated me out of over 200m (game promised payout of over 500m, but I ended up with about half that in my account.... I hear it's maybe some integer overflow issue...). Everything is still very much optional in this game. But the choices new players have vs when we started in 2015 are a fair bit wider - the only problem is that thanks to FDev's apparent inability to fix issues that they broke themselves over time, a good few activities are either not working at all, not worth the effort, or very glitchy.
05 Dec 2022, 2:55am
Ok, so this CQC thing is ridiculous. And I now have a solution to the issue. ......there, it's all better now.
05 Dec 2022, 6:03am
VIPER55Ok, so this CQC thing is ridiculous. And I now have a solution to the issue. ......there, it's all better now.

I don't mind playing it (even though I consider myself to be average at best), but I prefer team matchups and there are never enough people for that. And it's the most grindy rank to get.
05 Dec 2022, 11:45am
VIPER55Ok, so this CQC thing is ridiculous. And I now have a solution to the issue. ......there, it's all better now.

I don't mind playing it (even though I consider myself to be average at best), but I prefer team matchups and there are never enough people for that. And it's the most grindy rank to get.

I was just making fun of it, trying to inject some humor in this. Because to be called "Helpless" is the FDevs making fun of us on a whole different level. So I thought I would poke jests at it. Smile and have fun.
05 Dec 2022, 12:49pm
I wonder what the chances of a hotfix are... plenty of old/new issues that would warrant one. Today's Disco Scanner post doesn't even hint at the possibility though...
05 Dec 2022, 1:44pm
VIPER55Ok, so this CQC thing is ridiculous. And I now have a solution to the issue. ......there, it's all better now.

I don't mind playing it (even though I consider myself to be average at best), but I prefer team matchups and there are never enough people for that. And it's the most grindy rank to get.

team playing could also be a key to the massive goids present. would be nice to see many people for some coordinate counter attacks. last days i tested several ships for ax combat and so far i can say the clipper, krait II, mamba and the cutter doing there job fine at combat zones. with the cutter i got 3 cyclops in row, than i have to escape.. hull was to much down.. nice is that even the npc´s helps you with repair and decontamination limpets when you fighting with them. for rescue missions i tried the orca, fast enough to get away.. but a bit to less storage / passanger cabines. will rebuild a cutter for rescue mission..

Last edit: 05 Dec 2022, 2:03pm
06 Dec 2022, 1:00pm
HOLY COW!! So my little DBX that cost 1.9 Mill to purchase........is now worth over 13.5 Mill????? Sheeeesh, talk about economics gone wrong g.
06 Dec 2022, 2:31pm
Your ship cost is same. The modules you bought increase total value.
06 Dec 2022, 2:35pm
EpisparhYour ship cost is same. The modules you bought increase total value.

That's what I said. It's "WORTH"/Value is 13.5M. Not it's cost.
06 Dec 2022, 3:53pm
Nothing wrong with the economy - if you buy upgrades they are added to the total value. You can remove them and use them elsewhere or sell them.

Your dbx is not even an extreme example. I have a sidewinder that is 3+ mil (the base ship is 32k) that is 1% base value to 99% upgrades value.

Base ships are junk - upgrades are what makes them worth something.
06 Dec 2022, 5:31pm
I believe you're missing my point. And I am new by the way. So to see a 1.9M ship "valued" at 13.5M was not expected. That's it. No rocket science or analysis needed. I personally thought it was amusing and conveyed my surprise. As your example goes, I have a Cobra which has a purchase price of 348K. It is valued at 5.6 Million. I extrapolated that conclusion when I first saw this. My post was meant to be funny, not start a debate. And yes, this is an indication of a broken economy system in MY opinion.
06 Dec 2022, 6:00pm
It is well known fact that usually the armor, power plant or the shield for a ship cost far more than the ship itself.

Not sure how you see that as a joke but it is what it is.
Sorry, I do not get it.

And the actual "value" of ships is not CR as they are easy to get but the engineering applied as it cost far more time to get the proper engineers unlocked and obtain the required materials.
06 Dec 2022, 6:30pm
EpisparhYour ships cost is the same. The modules you bought increase total value.

That's what I said. Its "WORTH"/Value is 13.5M. Not its cost.

I'm sure the amount you spent on the modules adds up to more than its "worth"

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