Elite: General talk

04 May 2023, 10:19am
Good morning CMDRs
Cynthia Dawn here, I've been playing this game since 2018. I am returning now.

I had a PMF inserted as part of an old group I flew with, Ashen Rose Commune, in the system Adriatikuru. Now that I am returning, I once more have a desire to fly alongside other Commanders.

Would anyone be interested in reviving this faction? I am reluctant to lead a group myself as I have extensive life obligations, but consider this an adoption request- if anyone fancies making this PMF into something cool again, I will fly (albeit on and off) with the resulting group, and I will happily lend what I know from five years of Elite gameplay.

Stay dangerous xx

-Cynthia Dawn

P.S I remade my account here, that's why it looks new. I've used Inara since 2020 but deleted my old account when I got a computer I couldn't play the game on. So this is a new one!
07 May 2023, 12:21am
Will there be subspace drives soon in Elite?
07 May 2023, 9:27am
Blackvertigo1Will there be subspace drives soon in Elite?

I'm going to hazard a guess and say you mean something that allows for jumping to different planets/stars inside a system?

Assuming that this is indeed what you mean, and I apologise if I am mistaken (Correct me if I am), but you are being incredibly vague here, because "subspace drives" as a term currently has zero relevance to Elite Dangerous: No, that will never happen.

And here's why: It would completely wreck how this game plays. Like as not, travelling in systems via supercruise is an integral part of the loop, so to speak. It's the point where you are vulnerable, opening up things like piracy, assassination attempts on you, your attempts to hunt down another ship, and finding things in general.

Elite is a game about spaceships. Which means by default it is a game that involves travel. And by default that means it takes time. There's a pretty good and well-thought lore explanation for how travel currently works. Hyperspace jumps will only be able to detect the largest centre of gravity in a system. Supercruise works quite differently: You're technically not moving at all in supercruise, but rather the drive is moving space itself around you.

The fact that travel takes time, is by design and works pretty well. Space is big, after all, even inside a single system. And by almost-literal definition: Mostly empty.

Last edit: 07 May 2023, 9:38am
09 May 2023, 9:20pm
Well....it certainly seems like it's becoming less about spaceships. Which disappoints me.
10 May 2023, 9:18am
ScubadogWell....it certainly seems like it's becoming less about spaceships. Which disappoints me.

Consider this. You're getting more on foot without it "becoming less about spaceships".

You're getting "more stuff" and the "stuff you like doing in spaceships" is still similar.

So, why is it "becoming less about spaceships", please?
10 May 2023, 1:24pm
There is rumor saying thargoid scouts are doing way too much dmg. Anyone have video clip that would allow to see how much? Curious if it wont bother my ax corvette in ground ax zones while dealing hydra solo.
10 May 2023, 2:06pm
Rayman.There is rumor saying thargoid scouts are doing way too much dmg. Anyone have video clip that would allow to see how much? Curious if it wont bother my ax corvette in ground ax zones while dealing hydra solo.

In release notes they said scout has not buffed up weaponary but reworked target selecting. And top priority target is you CMDR. Not sure why to change such mechanic so drastically.
10 May 2023, 2:09pm
Well yes, if I'm flying nearby 2 out of 3 scouts may reselect from station to me and start an attack (even before I starting to shoot one of them to aggro that one only on me). That's fine, but not if everyone in 5 and more km radius will rapidly turn on me as soon as I've jumped into instance.
10 May 2023, 2:22pm
A.G.DuranWell yes, if I'm flying nearby 2 out of 3 scouts may reselect from station to me and start an attack (even before I starting to shoot one of them to aggro that one only on me). That's fine, but not if everyone in 5 and more km radius will rapidly turn on me as soon as I've jumped into instance.

Hmm, are u able still one shot them or kill em quick enough? Im using 4 modified plasma chargers and they die around 1000m-1.500m with well aimed shoot.
10 May 2023, 11:06pm
ScubadogWell....it certainly seems like it's becoming less about spaceships. Which disappoints me.

NGL, but the sheer irony that you posted this the day after an update came out where the true headline feature is a giant alien thing in space is...

As already said: Stuff being put on the ground doesn't mean there's less in space. That's broken logic at best.

The space content hasn't changed, aside from having a few extra things tossed in as we saw with Update 15.

Objectively speaking, there's only more to do in space now than before.
11 May 2023, 2:31pm
Rayman.There is rumor saying thargoid scouts are doing way too much dmg. Anyone have video clip that would allow to see how much? Curious if it wont bother my ax corvette in ground ax zones while dealing hydra solo.

In release notes they said scout has not buffed up weaponary but reworked target selecting. And top priority target is you CMDR. Not sure why to change such mechanic so drastically.

Where before update 15, I could solo a space AXCZ upto - but not including - the Hydras. A Basi or Medusa dropping in was tough for me in a well engineered ship (Krait or Chieftan) running modified shards but I would consider that it was a 5/10 hardness which could take 90 minutes.

Now, in solo, 5 scouts and a cyclops are a problem. They ignore NPCs completely we're at 9/10 now and it'll take 3 hours.
11 May 2023, 3:34pm
Rayman.There is rumor saying thargoid scouts are doing way too much dmg. Anyone have video clip that would allow to see how much? Curious if it wont bother my ax corvette in ground ax zones while dealing hydra solo.

In release notes they said scout has not buffed up weaponary but reworked target selecting. And top priority target is you CMDR. Not sure why to change such mechanic so drastically.

Where before update 15, I could solo a space AXCZ upto - but not including - the Hydras. A Basi or Medusa dropping in was tough for me in a well engineered ship (Krait or Chieftan) running modified shards but I would consider that it was a 5/10 hardness which could take 90 minutes.

Now, in solo, 5 scouts and a cyclops are a problem. They ignore NPCs completely we're at 9/10 now and it'll take 3 hours.

I can image how hard must be doing space ax zones with update 15 cuz im only doing ground ones

I did a solo today and killed two hydras. I have clips from update 15.
Yeah, scouts are a bit too busted and i still able to one shot em. I don't know why but the hydra ignores me when I want to destroy her hearts. She turns around and shoots a NPC. And scouts defend cyclops more than hydras. Mayeb just me but interceptors are acting a bit weird in general.

There are thargoid hunters in ground ax zones.

There are clips showing new alien and scouts doing dmg to my corvette


Last clip is just my failed ramming attempt but she died anyway.
14 May 2023, 4:22am
Well, that was an answer to your instant Cyclops harvesting.
16 May 2023, 6:15pm
Well, that was interesting. Spent the last six weeks, give or take, scout hunting in my tanked Chieftain in alert systems around the Oya maelstrom. My usual tactic is to find level 4 Non human signals, scare off the Orthrus and wait for eight or nine scouts to show and enjoy the fight, I'm not the best combat pilot by a long stretch and usually manage to take out all the scouts, my ship usually gets damaged but nothing that can't be fixed. So after a break of a week set off to take out some scouts employing my usual tactic and got absolutely annihilated, took out one scout before being blown to smithereens inside forty seconds.
Did I miss something?
16 May 2023, 8:02pm
Surau ThasemHalta
Did I miss something?

Frontier accidentally superbuffed the Scouts, which very much looks to be a bug. They basically have all the bonuses from the Scout variants active permanently, which makes them fire the regular gun alongside the buffed one. They’re also more accurate, apparently.

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