Elite: General talk

12 Dec 2022, 12:58pm
Keep in mind you can now get 800 free Arx per week by playing both live and legacy. Asking for a double Christmas bonus on top of that is a bit greedy.
12 Dec 2022, 1:16pm
They're still 400 Arx per week because they're not interchangeable between clients. As a result, in reality it's actually twice the effort for the same 30 odd cents worth of real money. No big deal to me as I already have way too many cosmetic items, though if I were a console player or those who can't/won't afford a reasonably expensive gaming PC just for Elite I'd probably be quite miffed...

I don't want to know how confusing all this must be for a completely new player who doesn't live on the forums/here/reddit. Arx, legacy, system requirements, instancing, etc. etc. and on top of that a completely incoherent progression curve (you can go from Sidey noob to A-rated Conda in a couple of hours with a stock Artemis suit). Just glad that I experienced the game throughout the earlier years as opposed to 2022.
12 Dec 2022, 2:29pm
Broken Messyou can go from Sidey noob to A-rated Conda in a couple of hours with a stock Artemis suit

Yes, but you need Odyssey to do that. Pay to win!

I was negative about the game for a while, but U14 sort of turned things around for me. I like the solution they found for 3.8; I really expected them to just drop it. They stopped the Horizons 4.0 "tech demo" nonsense, and they gave in-game activities a new sense of purpose and urgency with the Thargoid war. I think the game is at a good place right now, and the number of players I see in open seems to confirm this.

I even spent a few Arx during the Black Friday sale.
12 Dec 2022, 3:12pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Broken Messyou can go from Sidey noob to A-rated Conda in a couple of hours with a stock Artemis suit

Yes, but you need Odyssey to do that. Pay to win!

I was negative about the game for a while, but U14 sort of turned things around for me. I like the solution they found for 3.8; I really expected them to just drop it. They stopped the Horizons 4.0 "tech demo" nonsense, and they gave in-game activities a new sense of purpose and urgency with the Thargoid war. I think the game is at a good place right now, and the number of players I see in open seems to confirm this.

I even spent a few Arx during the Black Friday sale.

Ha yeah that is true. Maybe it's not a problem for most people, I still quite enjoy a slow enough progression but that's all shot to pieces now (it was bad enough before but now they're just ripping the credit tap off the wall). Wouldn't surprise me if most players skip the majority of ships that are on offer, many of which are kinda pointless now as a result (T6 or Keelback for example).

As for U14, I for sure like the concept on paper (as in the Tharg war) but the execution is where it falls apart a little... that and the idea of having this play out excrutiatingly slowly over months if not year(s) ... not sure if I have the willpower to keep following this in the medium term, but fighting some goids in busy instances was enjoyable enough (when it worked, which is not too often unfortunately), but it's nothing really I haven't done in the past. At least they're different backgrounds to the same activities though, I can appreciate that after all these years of doing the same thing in the same scenario... I suppose if you starve someone long enough, anything will feel like a banquet.

I'm also more doubtful again after the latest rebalancing episode whether we're yet again railroaded towards an outcome that is solely dictated by FDev. I would love to see the bubble burn just to see if FD have the balls to let it happen. I think they don't because that would mean a lot of changes they'd need to implement, which takes dev resources, which isn't something they have aplenty judging from updates 1 to 14. Edit - and I guess it would also rock the boat too much with BGS players and those who are not interested in combat (given that's the only option with the goids, as per usual).

I also played a bit of X4 again yesterday, and it does "huge space battle" just so much better (currently trying to take a sector held by the Xenon (=Goids) and they're throwing everything and the kitchen sink at me, which requires being nimble on my feet in terms of battle tactics), and it being single player also helps to avoid the need to drag things out so that all players can join in on the fun over time.

Last edit: 12 Dec 2022, 3:20pm
17 Dec 2022, 11:35pm
Broken MessThey're still 400 Arx per week because they're not interchangeable between clients. As a result, in reality it's actually twice the effort for the same 30 odd cents worth of real money. No big deal to me as I already have way too many cosmetic items, though if I were a console player or those who can't/won't afford a reasonably expensive gaming PC just for Elite I'd probably be quite miffed...

I don't want to know how confusing all this must be for a completely new player who doesn't live on the forums/here/reddit. Arx, legacy, system requirements, instancing, etc. etc. and on top of that a completely incoherent progression curve (you can go from Sidey noob to A-rated Conda in a couple of hours with a stock Artemis suit). Just glad that I experienced the game throughout the earlier years as opposed to 2022.

To be completely fair, ont "expensive pc issue" if you can't afford to pay the 1500$-2000$ a mediocre gaming rig will cost you, then what is the point, just stay on that xbox. As for being a new player in an old game that has so many learning curves and grinds to do to get anywhere of a decent ship and skills to do fun things, I completely agree the state of 2022 elite is not the same. But that is why us veterans are here, you see we are extremely rich, all of us, you recruit, you teach and you fund them as speed-track them to a proficient level, i can make anyone a decent pilot up to par to at least have fun in the game in about 3 weeks to a month. We have 30 second answers to questions they dont have to go on 2 hour youtube videos to get answers for, so I usually try to send squadron invites and talk to people about the game when i see and realize they are actually new players. Basically, if you back them finacially and tech them the ropes they have really just 3 grinds, Materials (raw/manufactured) Engineers(takes a week of playtime to get the relevant ones) and guardian unlocks. Then after that is all about whichever direction they want to take in the game. This of course is my opinion but for the most part i totally agree.
19 Dec 2022, 9:37am
Been watching season 3 of the orville, great show but I can't help but draw parallels to the shuttles and the diamond back Explorer. Kinda like if lakon and the imperials did a joint project. What do you think ?
20 Dec 2022, 1:18pm
I am seeking an audience with a representative of the Imperial Conquistadors Player Faction.

I represent a newly formed player squadron in the game. We have been slowly learning to coordinate and work the BGS in a small system not previously inhabited by other player groups or factions. That work is now under threat by the expansion of Imperial Conquistadors in that system. I am attempting to start a dialog with someone that represents this group so we can come to terms in the Pira system.

Any representative from Imperial Conquistadors that wishes a dialog on this issue, please DM me, thank you.
21 Dec 2022, 12:57am
Achievement unlocked! I am now perma-banned from Frontier's forums.
21 Dec 2022, 2:15am
Yuna SakashiroAchievement unlocked! I am now perma-banned from Frontier's forums.

... should I ask how?
21 Dec 2022, 9:30am
Yuna SakashiroAchievement unlocked! I am now perma-banned from Frontier's forums.

I've skimmed your posts from last few days... Perhaps your offense was deleted, but from I've seen you kind of tried to shield Frontier with your white armor.
21 Dec 2022, 10:31am
Yuna SakashiroAchievement unlocked! I am now perma-banned from Frontier's forums.

... should I ask how?

The Frontier forums are a place where you can call gankers and pirates all kinds of names, from "idiots" to "psychopaths" to "low IQ basement muppets". That's perfectly acceptable, and no one gets banned for it.

But if you point out that there are plenty of in-game ways and tools to mitigate ganking and that blocking and combat logging is for people who suck at playing the game, you're out. Because that's toxic.

EpisparhI've skimmed your posts from last few days... Perhaps your offense was deleted, but from I've seen you kind of tried to shield Frontier with your white armor.

What you see there is all I said. Nothing was deleted.
21 Dec 2022, 11:37am
Isn't leaving posts that warrant banning someone where they are kinda toxic in itself?
21 Dec 2022, 3:04pm
Broken MessIsn't leaving posts that warrant banning someone where they are kinda toxic in itself?

I see two people liked the post. Someone should warn them. Last year my toxic opinions got me banned from shops, restaurants and trains.
24 Dec 2022, 8:55pm

A for effort.
25 Dec 2022, 2:29pm
Yuna Sakashiro

A for effort.

He's been trying to reach you about your vehicle's extended warranty.

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