Elite: General talk

11 Oct 2022, 5:01am
They probably think they are better off milking what they already have for all they can with what is left of the playerbase rather than making something that people genuinely want. Am I the only one that has not any spent money on arx?
11 Oct 2022, 8:31pm
well, the thing is, i would be happy to buy arx or even a subscription .. if there is some return of the investment.
but constantly noticing bugs that standing out for years already isn't a great incentive for somethings like that
11 Oct 2022, 10:19pm
Yuna SakashiroAFAIK there's no reliable way to see who donated the tritium. You may guess it by checking who docked, if the EDDN picked up their logs.

haha no thats good, i just like to drop a little trit off to friends of mine once and a while , just because, was just curious

? donate a noticable number 123, 404, etc so they know it was you ?
12 Oct 2022, 10:03pm
They have crazy moderators.
Banning people of not having the "Right" Opinions is typical of fdev
Forums there is ultra woke
14 Oct 2022, 11:14am
I just sent this email to community@frontier.co.uk:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to bring to your attention that I am being repeatedly harassed by the forum's team of volunteer moderators. At least one such moderator (going by the account name "Ozric") has publicly alleged that I am violating the Frontier EULA by playing the recently released latest version of the game "Elite Dangerous: Horizons". Since I am a licensee of the "ED: Horizons Season Pass" (through Steam since April 1st, 2020), I find these allegations unsubstantiated and abusive, especially since they have lead to similar allegations made by other forum members who apparently feel empowered by having a forum moderator on their side.

Since then, I have repeatedly been subject to moderation actions which are clearly vindictive, apparently with the goal of keeping me out of the forums and unable to respond to those allegations and accusations against me.

Therefore I am kindly asking you to review the forum posts that lead to the recent warnings issued against me and lately to the suspension of my forum account until November 27th. It should be obvious that I am not held to the same standard as other forum members, especially those verbally attacking me on a personal level. I consider this double standard a form of online harassment, as I am being kept from defending myself and clearing my name.

If for whatever reason you find that the moderation actions against me are justified and/or cannot be reversed, I hereby request (in accordance with Frontier's terms of service and Article 17 of the UK GDPR) that you delete my forum account ("Sakashiro") along with all the posts I have made.

Thank you.

14 Oct 2022, 12:04pm

You got banned again?
14 Oct 2022, 3:12pm
Yuna SakashiroI just sent this email to community@frontier.co.uk:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to bring to your attention that I am being repeatedly harassed by the forum's team of volunteer moderators. At least one such moderator (going by the account name "Ozric") has publicly alleged that I am violating the Frontier EULA by playing the recently released latest version of the game "Elite Dangerous: Horizons". Since I am a licensee of the "ED: Horizons Season Pass" (through Steam since April 1st, 2020), I find these allegations unsubstantiated and abusive, especially since they have lead to similar allegations made by other forum members who apparently feel empowered by having a forum moderator on their side.

Since then, I have repeatedly been subject to moderation actions which are clearly vindictive, apparently with the goal of keeping me out of the forums and unable to respond to those allegations and accusations against me.

Therefore I am kindly asking you to review the forum posts that lead to the recent warnings issued against me and lately to the suspension of my forum account until November 27th. It should be obvious that I am not held to the same standard as other forum members, especially those verbally attacking me on a personal level. I consider this double standard a form of online harassment, as I am being kept from defending myself and clearing my name.

If for whatever reason you find that the moderation actions against me are justified and/or cannot be reversed, I hereby request (in accordance with Frontier's terms of service and Article 17 of the UK GDPR) that you delete my forum account ("Sakashiro") along with all the posts I have made.

Thank you.


Any idea what posts may have caused it? I haven't paid much attention over the past days as it's pretty much tumbleweed in the forum (presumably until U14 hits...) but based on your posting history I'd doubt it was actually ban worthy - for 1.5 months, sheesh - may as well make it permanent at this stage /smh
14 Oct 2022, 4:16pm
Broken MessAny idea what posts may have caused it?

I guess it was my response to Northpin's post here:
but if they dont want instance with you in 3.8... or they dont want to spend 5 euro on a steam odyssey key to instance with you in odyssey...
do you still call them friends? while they do the nyah-nyah-nyah at you from H40?

I wrote two lines to point out the hypocrisy of this, sine Odyssey is €35 outside of a sale, so a site selling it for five bucks cannot be legit. That post disappeared, so I guess it's the one that triggered the six week suspension. The reason given is "flaming". I guess I'm no longer allowed to disagree with certain people.

Feels a bit North-Korean over there, so I'm inviting The Party to give me the final headshot.
14 Oct 2022, 4:31pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Broken MessAny idea what posts may have caused it?

I guess it was my response to Northpin's post here:
but if they dont want instance with you in 3.8... or they dont want to spend 5 euro on a steam odyssey key to instance with you in odyssey...
do you still call them friends? while they do the nyah-nyah-nyah at you from H40?

I wrote two lines to point out the hypocrisy of this, sine Odyssey is €35 outside of a sale, so a site selling it for five bucks cannot be legit. That post disappeared, so I guess it's the one that triggered the six week suspension. The reason given is "flaming". I guess I'm no longer allowed to disagree with certain people.

Feels a bit North-Korean over there, so I'm inviting The Party to give me the final headshot.

If they applied the ban hammer as per the actual forum rules (particularly the discuss the post not the poster rule) the forum would be a more pleasant place again. I almost got soft and thought about returning but looking who's left and how the forum is moderated these days - nah.

PS unless it was always like that and I just didn't notice as I was on the whiter side of things... who knows. I just feel that ever since the mood dropped as a result of EDO's launch, the forum PvP hasn't been the same either. I guess you have to expect a certain defensiveness (from the company's viewpoint) when things become more negative overall.

PPS will be interesting to see if they address your complaint in earnest or just proceed to nuke your account.

Last edit: 14 Oct 2022, 4:40pm
14 Oct 2022, 5:49pm
Broken Mess
Yuna Sakashiro
Broken MessAny idea what posts may have caused it?

I guess it was my response to Northpin's post here:
but if they dont want instance with you in 3.8... or they dont want to spend 5 euro on a steam odyssey key to instance with you in odyssey...
do you still call them friends? while they do the nyah-nyah-nyah at you from H40?

I wrote two lines to point out the hypocrisy of this, sine Odyssey is €35 outside of a sale, so a site selling it for five bucks cannot be legit. That post disappeared, so I guess it's the one that triggered the six week suspension. The reason given is "flaming". I guess I'm no longer allowed to disagree with certain people.

Feels a bit North-Korean over there, so I'm inviting The Party to give me the final headshot.

If they applied the ban hammer as per the actual forum rules (particularly the discuss the post not the poster rule) the forum would be a more pleasant place again. I almost got soft and thought about returning but looking who's left and how the forum is moderated these days - nah.

PS unless it was always like that and I just didn't notice as I was on the whiter side of things... who knows. I just feel that ever since the mood dropped as a result of EDO's launch, the forum PvP hasn't been the same either. I guess you have to expect a certain defensiveness (from the company's viewpoint) when things become more negative overall.

PPS will be interesting to see if they address your complaint in earnest or just proceed to nuke your account.

Frontier's approach of elevating regular forum members into positions of authority was a recipe for disaster from the very beginning. The mechanics of this have been known at least since the Stanford prison experiment.

I expect them to nuke my account, because what else can they do at this point? Admit that their unpaid "volunteer moderators" have cultivated a climate of groupthink?

I guess the writing was on the wall last year when they perma-banned Kai Zen, who used to be one of the most enthusiastic ED fans and community event organizers I've ever met. His crime? He used an idiom that some moderator construed as a drug reference. Of course the real reason was that he disagreed with someone about something, and the moderator was merely waiting for him to make a "mistake".
15 Oct 2022, 7:24am
I suppose appointing mods from the community is not unusual, but yeah I've seen it go to people's heads (teh powah!) elsewhere before.

Given the company has the resources to employ so many CMs with comparatively little actual engagement output they could probably take on moderation duty but hey if someone is willing to do it for free (and even better they behave like actual corporate drones)... it's still their sandcastle at the end of the day, but ultimately a pretty inconsequential one, particularly as poster count has come down quite significantly over the past year or so.
15 Oct 2022, 7:26pm
Having volunteer moderators from the community is not an unusual thing and those are usually doing it in their free time, from their good will and for the good intentions. There is no need to mock or insult people that are trying to give something back to the community they like, speaking generally. Of course, mistakes can happen, but that's up to the respective company and their community managers to sort it out, so any problematic cases are best to be solved with the people that can do something about it, as I said earlier.
15 Oct 2022, 9:10pm
I disagree.
16 Oct 2022, 9:47am
Am I imagining things, or is this place somewhat quiet lately?
16 Oct 2022, 11:02am
Dread before the storm, everyones a little on edge, wondering whats coming , meanwhile im just helping cause a riot around the bubble upsetting faction wars

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