Elite: General talk

13 Mar 2023, 8:02pm
13 Mar 2023, 8:05pm
Good ....
I intended to reveal only one ganker....
13 Mar 2023, 8:08pm
SLF dies instantly on swarm. DMG is laughable. I usually have scouts and interceptors jumping around , rubber banding when there is SLF in the instance. As more players are in the instance as higher is the degrading from SLF.

IMO, it is a hefty price for one's fun. Especialy, when ruining the fun of multiple other individuals.

But who knows, frontier might have fixed that. Last time I've checked was just after u14.

Bottom line, do not use SLF in populated AX instance. People maybe triggered just from that and kill you on sight. It is not because they are gankers, but because you are ganking the instance with a stupid SLF.
13 Mar 2023, 8:32pm
Johnson STGood ....
I intended to reveal only one ganker....

you serious

That made my day
13 Mar 2023, 9:23pm
In the words of Maurice Switzer: "It's better to shut up and let people think you're an idiot than to speak up and remove doubt."
13 Mar 2023, 9:28pm
Calling me a ganker speaks well enough

Let me summarize that for you.

1. You come and moan about being ganked in open, a mode that you admitted you are not familiar with.

2. I give you advise to get better awereness and always have a good escape plan. While hinting you to not use SLF because even I will attack you in such case.( Note: I didn't said kill you.)

3. You and some other guy call me ganker because I am telling you that SLFs in open is messing the instance.

I haven't ganked anyone. I haven't said I will gank you. But then I am an idiot.

Perhaps, I am...trying to help you with advise.


Last edit: 13 Mar 2023, 9:40pm
31 Mar 2023, 5:24pm
I've been off-game for a while now and just getting back into it on X-Box (I know, I know - should switch to PC...), but I seem to remember a
comment/note/something/ that said the Inara databases would no longer be reporting/updating data in relation to the console version in terms of commodities, etc.?

Am I remembering correctly?
31 Mar 2023, 8:32pm
Kevin J BeasleyAm I remembering correctly?

Yes. And it's not just the console versions but also the legacy version on PC.
01 Apr 2023, 12:21am
Yuna Sakashiro
Kevin J BeasleyAm I remembering correctly?

Yes. And it's not just the console versions but also the legacy version on PC.

Thanks - most appreciated.
03 Apr 2023, 9:23pm
Hi guys,
Sorry, I tried to find some information but couldn't...
Could any of you explain to me why I can't link my account to PS4? Every time I try, it connects my account with the PC, and I don't use it.
Thanks in advance!
Greetings commanders!
03 Apr 2023, 10:10pm
EliminatorPLHi guys,
Sorry, I tried to find some information but couldn't...
Could any of you explain to me why I can't link my account to PS4? Every time I try, it connects my account with the PC, and I don't use it.
Thanks in advance!
Greetings commanders!

Hello, since the game update 14 and the game split to Legacy and Live versions, Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey). As Frontier's console account transfer portal opened just today, please consider moving to the Live game version on PC.
20 Apr 2023, 3:49pm
My latest tinkering seems to work. After hunting (unsuccessfully) for some way to access my mission log live online, I'm uploading the journal file manually to my own web server after taking on a load of courier missions. It gets scanned for "mission accepted" missions and all the systems and stations added to an itinerary. My own mission planner then sorts the systems into a "shortest route" using the old travelling salesman recursion that's good for about 10 systems, where you get to up to 3 million possible routes. It then tracks me using EDSM's "live" location to suggest the best commodities to buy and sell for each hop, refreshing every 30 seconds so I'm hands-free on the mobile.

In short, I'm old enough to usually write stuff down, so now I don't have to.
You get the idea...
20 Apr 2023, 7:52pm
Johnson STIn the words of Maurice Switzer: "It's better to shut up and let people think you're an idiot than to speak up and remove doubt."

wise words
24 Apr 2023, 3:06am
CRISPR-Cas9 augmented cat via Subspace Rift.

28 Apr 2023, 2:30pm
wait?!?! people still belive in gankers when they sayd slfs destory the instances??? that is weird . i play with dudes from korea and me being from europe we should have rubberbanding . but we dont and he spams my slfs lol

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