Elite: General talk

24 Sep 2023, 8:35am

With some no benefits.

Fixed that for you.

Fix your ego first, boy, like I need YOU to tell me what is benefit for me in this game and yes, ranking is benefit...
24 Sep 2023, 9:01am
Ha! I have nothing to add to this, the last thing right we need right after when your worst trying to edify how to fight, is when someone trying to tell you what's what and what's good to you while he has nothing to do with you he's a no one and means nothing to you. Someone really waaay over his head right there!
24 Sep 2023, 9:49am
MinonianHa! I have nothing to add to this, the last thing right we need right after when your worst trying to edify how to fight, is when someone trying to tell you what's what and what's good to you while he has nothing to do with you he's a no one and means nothing to you. Someone really waaay over his head right there!


I appreciate the irony, the guy who has more badges pinned to this wall than a boy scout specialized in chasing grannies telling people about how little benefit ranking offers to players, if they have no value he should fix his own profile, delete it and start from scratch...

Anyway, I managed to get my Propulsion stock, it took me half the time I thought it would, now I need to put some Credit on the Carrier for Upkeep and other expenses...

When I'm ready to leave for Colonia (finances & fuel top up) I will advertise my schedule in this topic, so if anyone wants a lift...

Enjoy your game everyone!
24 Sep 2023, 10:47am

Fix your ego first, boy, like I need YOU to tell me what is benefit for me in this game and yes, ranking is benefit...

The only benefit (access to Jameson Memorial and scaled missions) you get from elite rank. It is a fact.

.... Unless, you are in some 2,3,4,5 decals and "I am more Elite than you" rhetoric.
24 Sep 2023, 1:03pm
ThinderYeah, that was what I meant, good going anyway, I wouldn't pay too much attention on what other players or Squadron achieve right now, better focusing on your own way.

I noticed you fly a T9 and upgraded it, it's a pity we can't sell our ships and modules to other players because I just sold mine (I don't really need a Type 9) and it was well equipped and engineered...

Yea, I'm running a Trade Loop between two systems that I wouldn't be surprised if they were oversatured with players on PC but on Playstation it's completely empty; I've run into exactly one player since early April and only momentarily a few days ago

I'm saving up for a heat resistant hull and if I havnae hit Elite Trade by then I'll keep running it until I do

Once I hit Elite Trade I'm gonna get myself a fresh Asp Explorer and start setting it up for long range interstellar travel.. maybe I should travel out to Beagle Point, the farthest I've ever been is Sagittarius A* and this system called PSR J0024-7204U that takes a fairly upgraded and engineered ship to get to on account of being far outside of the galactic plane

Edit: I am disappointed to discover that systems that far outside of the plane are no longer accessible to console ):<
24 Sep 2023, 1:50pm

I have a bit of a jank setup (absolutely nightmare power usage) but it works
24 Sep 2023, 4:00pm
madamepestilencePSR J0024-7204U that takes a fairly upgraded and engineered ship to get to on account of being far outside of the galactic plane

Edit: I am disappointed to discover that systems that far outside of the plane are no longer accessible to console ):<

Perhaps you’re instead thinking of PSR J0024-7204E?


That is one hot neutron star, if I do say so myself. I’m guessing a pulsar that has been catalogued IRL, judging by that classification/name.
24 Sep 2023, 4:12pm
Kasumi GotoPerhaps you’re instead thinking of PSR J0024-7204E?

I've got PSR J0024-7204U written in one of my old sketchbooks for an old account I don't associate with anymore but I can't see either system either way

The stars load momentarily on my galaxy map and show me their positions and then vanish immediately, so I can't grab one and look at it

Stars stop appearing for me at roughly -2,000 Y coordinate now, even only to -2,819 Y underneath Sagittarius A*

The lowest star I can find now is Kyluae Pri LI-H 011-1 ):
24 Sep 2023, 4:29pm
Ah. Well, maybe they turned off those far away stars that nobody can ever physically visit due to being so absurdly far away, to serve on server space for Legacy… but I wouldn’t know for sure, and it’d seem odd since there’s so few stars out there anyway, meaning those systems wouldn’t take up much space on a drive/system. Sounds more like some kinda bug, though.

Beats me, either way. They should technically still be there. And I can’t find your system on EDSM either, with an U instead of an E. Can check in-game as I run Live on PC though, see if it shows up there.
24 Sep 2023, 4:37pm
Honestly though, it's upsetting.. I pioneered the path to the first discovery of some of the systems wayyyy down there and got them logged onto EDSM

Most people go horizontal, but I was doing vertical travel since the heatmaps show most people only go slightly above or below the galactic plane for neutron highways

Honestly, random unrelated thing, if there happens to be anyone left doing Trade on the Playstation platform, there's a good trade route between LHS 6309 Fontana Horizons [Sell Gallite, Buy Cobalt] and G 180-18 Hale Port [Sell Cobalt, Buy Gallite] and I unofficially operate out of Zlotrimi, I wouldn't mind company

Though, considering I've only seen one human (momentarily) since April 3, and I've solo surpassed Earth Defense Force, Omega Merchant Command, Aislings Angels, The Raxxla Initiative, Pilot Syndicate 4 and am creeping up on surpassing the Pilots Trade Network Squadron and Galactic Trade Corporation at 78/576 in Trade, and there's a 3 day old Squadron I recognize currently in slot 51, I don't have much hope ):
24 Sep 2023, 4:54pm
Kasumi Gotoand it’d seem odd since there’s so few stars out there anyway, meaning those systems wouldn’t take up much space on a drive/system. Sounds more like some kinda bug, though.
I highly doubt they have all 100-something-billion star systems stored in the database. Everything screams that they have a generation pattern and those Blah-Blah-Bah-Bah-Oh-Oh-some-numbers nameless systems are being 'created' and then transmitted to players once discovered.
24 Sep 2023, 5:07pm
That’s what I was told. So it wouldn’t make much sense for those systems to just be ‘gone’ from the ‘Legacy’ Elite versions… but Frontier have broken worse. Apparently, with U16, interceptors straight up just don’t shoot at you even when they have a shot, at completely random intervals. An example video I’ve seen -

(Even the first two or so minutes are enough to tell. The Medusa literally doesn’t fire a single shot during the entire first heart.)

Sadly, they likely won’t fix that issue with the galaxy map in Legacy/3.8 since it’s not a gamebreaking bug, and they aren’t really looking at it after the split in U14.

madamepestilenceMost people go horizontal, but I was doing vertical travel since the heatmaps show most people only go slightly above or below the galactic plane for neutron highways

I tend to combine both in my travels(off of the central plane and horizontal), but prior to my switching off of Xbox because of the Live/Legacy split, never really left the Bubble - beyond Guardian sites and Pleiades/Witch Head nebula. Might have gone out to Orion/Barnard’s Loop once too, not sure. I was not the most invested at the time, so with little to no engineering(and I was an idiot taking a Corvette out there), it felt like an age-long trek. So I only really began to follow some of my longer-term plans for Elite beginning in… October last year, I think, when I did the transfer.

I had to run Odyssey with FSR enabled to get 60 FPS on my GTX1060 of my old PC prior to the upgrade, though, so it looked a bit garbage. Which is beside the point, but I never contributed to any real discoveries in the 3.8 version of the game.
24 Sep 2023, 5:12pm
Kasumi GotoI had to run Odyssey with FSR enabled to get 60 FPS on my GTX1060 of my old PC prior to the upgrade, though, so it looked a bit garbage. Which is beside the point, but I never contributed to any real discoveries in the 3.8 version of the game.

Speaking of which, how badly optimized is the PC version? I can neither afford nor physically have the space to install a computer right now and I can barely run TF2 on low graphics on my laptop, so I've just kept ED in my Steam wishlist and not even bothered buying it at the moment.
24 Sep 2023, 5:22pm

Speaking of which, how badly optimized is the PC version? I can neither afford nor physically have the space to install a computer right now and I can barely run TF2 on low graphics on my laptop, so I've just kept ED in my Steam wishlist and not even bothered buying it at the moment.

It runs ok-ish in space, but you’re liable to see frame drops anywhere around Odyssey settlements, and potentially the big starports even with a 1060(I don’t really recall which CPU I had, might’ve played into things… some old intel processor, might’ve been an i7-4000 something? would need to check).

Albeit, the settlements are more likely to cause them because they are part of the poorly optimized code Odyssey was rushed out with, rather than any graphical details(except fires). Spaceports are more likely to pose issues purely because of all the visual details - they certainly seem to make a 3080 work a good bit, though frames are usually relatively stable, within the 10% range.

The Ody settlements, and areas with lots of plants, however, I’ve had FPS drops from 120 to 75 or even 60 because it’s just a mess of code(and I run 1440p, not 4K). And it used to be absurdly bad even for high-end devices when Odyssey originally released.

Anyway, if your laptop struggles to run TF2 on low settings, I’m not sure I’d recommend putting it anywhere near Elite(or vice versa). It probably would look neither good nor run too well.
24 Sep 2023, 5:25pm
Kasumi GotoAnyway, if your laptop struggles to run TF2 on low settings, I’m not sure I’d recommend putting it anywhere near Elite(or vice versa). It probably would look neither good nor run too well.

Not to fret, I don't plan on it - this thing's only got a handful of GBs in RAM and I don't wanna overwork it

I will say it is very thermal efficient as the vents come out of the top instead of the sides or underneath, but yea it definitely can't even handle low graphics Apex Legends without dropping to 3fps

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