Elite: General talk

09 Jun 2023, 11:16am
I've been flying back and forth between Coriolis and surface stations, practicing FA/off landings and dockings. My next challenge is a FA/off landing on Achenar 3.
09 Jun 2023, 11:24am
My approach to fa off was:
1. Getting a ship (in my case Chieftain). Equip it for core mining.
2. Get to a planet ring disable FA and remove the switch setting.
3. When you sell few full cargo holds you will be done with fa off training.

P.S. I forgot how to fly too and not only FA off
09 Jun 2023, 11:40am
.... and that's why true humble heroes and masters of piloting (read: lazy average gamers like me) fly with FA on and gimballed weapons = no need to relearn anything.
09 Jun 2023, 2:36pm
It's not because of FA/off but because I took a 5-month break from the game. While I was doing gank evasion, I could operate the controls without even consciously thinking about it. Today I feel like a newbie again.

But there's still hope; muscle memory appears to be coming back now.
09 Jun 2023, 2:51pm
Hm. Logged in recently to reposition my carrier and take a few screenshots. Seems like it's really about the muscle memory, I've been able to take off, fly around and do some manoeuvers without any trouble. Still, I don't think I'm ready to kill a Medusa without using any repair limpets though.
09 Jun 2023, 3:09pm
I need to git gud.
09 Jun 2023, 3:43pm
Oh, I am sure I can recover my muscle memory in few hours play session. The question is why I would do it and unfortunately, I have no answer to it.
09 Jun 2023, 4:17pm
EpisparhThe question is why I would do it and unfortunately, I have no answer to it.
Exactly. That's the point.
09 Jun 2023, 4:24pm
I feel like that is the sentiment of many players out there currently. I have been playing ED since just before horizons and as of the odyssey expansion, I have played I think a grand total of 100hrs. I hop in my ship and I spend the first bit trying to relearn my controls but give up because I just feel meh about the game. It used to be my go to after a long day of work but as of late I just find it tedious.
09 Jun 2023, 5:23pm
Artie.... and that's why true humble heroes and masters of piloting (read: lazy average gamers like me) fly with FA on and gimballed weapons = no need to relearn anything.

Right there with ya. I only ever turn FA off when in combat, and even then I am toggling it. Off for maneuvering, on for when I need to line up a shot or get a missile lock. When not in auto pilot while entering a station I find it easier with FA on to just manually yaw the ship with a few taps of the controls rather than try to match the rotation with it off.
09 Jun 2023, 10:33pm
FA/off feels like actual space travel. I never bothered to practice it before because supercruising in relative mouse mode was a pain, but now with the absolute/relative toggle that problem has been solved.

FDev should have added that feature years ago.
09 Jun 2023, 10:48pm
EpisparhOh, I am sure I can recover my muscle memory in few hours play session. The question is why I would do it and unfortunately, I have no answer to it.

There was never a good reason to play except the flight physics. All the "content" of the game was generated to give you reasons to fly from A to B and optionally shoot at C. We knew that for years and played it anyway.
19 Jul 2023, 6:51pm
Here's a little game

The sphinx asks;

Who's decides whenever the cat lives or dies?
20 Jul 2023, 4:59pm
if you mean Schrodinger's cat , then it is determined when an observer opens the box
21 Jul 2023, 6:13am
Actually the one who puts the cat in the box with cyanide and gamble with entropy makes the decision

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