Elite: General talk

28 Aug 2024, 2:58pm
Rawnu Yup, the Imperial Interdictor attempts to acknowledge the issue. However I was always wondering why the ring was along the acceleration axis and not perpendicular to it. It would make for weird and potentially dangerous changes in the g vector, even if the rotation was halted. The only reason I can think of is: aesthetics. And a big f u to all practical considerations

Imperials must travel in style, and practicality is not a consideration. I believe the ring is locked when the ship is maneuvering but being as they don't maneuver in game the rings are in perpetual motion.
29 Aug 2024, 3:55pm
Anyone have some Elite Dangerous communities they'd recommend (in addition to this one here on Inara)?
I feel a little out of the loop sometimes and am wondering if I just have my ear to the ground in the wrong places. Perhaps FDev's forums themselves?

I left Reddit a while ago, so would prefer not that community. (Nothing against the grander user base of the site. Only a gripe with the corporate shills, spez especially.)
05 Sep 2024, 5:16pm
Greetings, Commanders!

From a beautiful corner of Venezuela, I want to extend a warm greeting to all the members of this incredible community, especially those who speak Spanish.

I have a question for you: Is it possible to get in touch with the commanders of the minor factions? I would love to learn more about their experiences and how we can collaborate to make our community even stronger.

I look forward to your responses and wish you clear skies and safe flights!

See you soon!
07 Sep 2024, 3:35pm
SPECULATION: I've read some convincing arguments that – after Faulcon deLacy, Lakon, and Zorgon Peterson – the next ship after the Mandalay will be from Saud Kruger. There's something to that: none of these manufacturers have rank-locked ships, so it would fit the mold so far.

If however it is a SK, I do believe that the design will be radically different from past SK ships, just like the PMk2, the T-8, and the Mandalay parted from many of their manufacturers' previous design traditions, only retaining a few (like e.g. the Mamba cockpit for the Mandalay). If the next ship is from SK, I would assume that they stick with the liner/yacht tradition but leave the "big boat in space" look behind. Maybe have something like a trimaran yacht style of a ship. This is all wild speculation, we could get something very different from idk Core Dynamics or Gutamaya. I just don't think this to be likely at this moment.

What are your thoughts?
07 Sep 2024, 7:07pm
If they go with that design people will immediately start judging it as "This could be a Star Citizen ship".

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