Elite: General talk

12 Dec 2023, 7:54pm
Kasumi GotoIf the Titans were placed there because of something only partially related to us and we're the ones off worse after it if they are "driven off", well, won't be me who's looking so stupid...

Hah, that reminds me of the Out of the Darkness novel. I wonder if Frontier actually considers it a part of the canon…

Kasumi Goto[snip a lot of points I agree with]

But hey, it's easier to blast the "bad/mindless bug" like the propaganda's been telling you to than to question why the supposed invasion hasn't really been an invasion, and think critically.

Yeah, that’s been the sad truth ever since the Thargoids appeared…

Kasumi Goto
Sampi OgonekOh, I’m perfectly aware that clearing the Titans had very little to do with actual combat. I well understand the fun that people have decoding the system and then using strategy to achieve goals, but the way it all has gone thus far feels rather off to me (even though I have been mostly absent from the game for a couple of months this year, and AX stuff has not been a major part of my play time).

In what way does it feel off to you, the strategies applied or just the direction it has taken?

I mean mostly the strategy, with AX combat tending to be far less effective than the sampling grind. Although the long period of mostly uneventful pushing back of the frontlines followed by what appears to be ‘panic adjustments’ on the FDev part does not help, either. As you said, it does not feel like a real war.

Kasumi Goto (I feel like I'm supposed to doubt this "contaminant" - which totally isn't a poison or anything - actually really being that 'effective'. The [Galnet] report feels more like a mockery of 21st century "Going to this dangerous or abandoned place with a history for the views with no scientific/historic insights or study" trends.)

Definitely, that’s also my impression. I, too, think it was deliberate, although I’m not sure if it was supposed to make us doubt the effectiveness of the contaminant, or was just a thinly veiled satire on the real-life phenomenon.

Kasumi Goto[snip more points I agree with]

TL;DR is I find the way spire progress is handled stupid, if only because of the point that hitting one spire site can somehow have the effect of clearing 1-3 others at the same time, instead of those needing attention separately. And tons upon tons of Orthrus for an "important logistical operation", but there are no ships guarding it until sabotage or destruction of logistical/recon vessels within it occurs.

Indeed. It is painfully obvious that, while the spire sites are visually stunning and the activity around them is fun, their war progress mechanic does not appear to be well-thought-out at all.

Silvia SharpeKasumi all of what you said is exactly why I feel like the war is just another failure of a hail Mary.

There’s the question how much of a ‘hail Mary’ it was supposed to be in the first place, though. After all, Frontier has to cater to players who are not going to drop everything else and do AX stuff, no matter what happens within the game (and I suspect such players form a decisive, if not overwhelming, majority).

Kasumi GotoI'm not sure about wiping the Bubble(Frontier upsetting players that much? they removed Scythe interdictions entirely and only now left some hyperdictions in only when you leave an alert/invasion while doing evacs). I'm not even sure - as per above - whether to expect them doing what they should and making the Thargoids slam down a hammer... or five... on humanity's collective stupidity. If they wanted to make the story more interesting, they absolutely should not be listening to the BGSers and whoever all stuck in their comfort zone that want none of it messed with in any way or under any circumstance so they can keep 'maintaining' it until the end of time with only some interference from other players. Because they're not the ones interested in the Thargoid story, most likely, yet they're like a giant road-blocking wall just waiting to be smashed down.

Pretty sure it’s not going to happen, for the above mentioned reason.

I’m kinda torn on this — on the one hand, I agree the story so far has been meh, and it would be cool to have anything actually upset the status quo (one totally redundant engineer in the utter backwater of the Witch Head Nebula being out of commission for a couple of weeks hardly counts); on the other hand, I know I would not have the time or dedication to participate full-time in an actual war, and if non-AX activity in the Bubble became unsustainable, I would either move to Colonia (only if it were to expand; currently it is a bit too small to support enough diverse options for fun) or disengage from the game altogether.

Kasumi GotoAs long as there eventually are some interactions to the Thargoids beyond primitive cargo 'donations' or shooting them in the face...

That’s what I’m hoping for, too. I find that current Thargoid-related activities are reasonably fun to me but I have little motivation to do them beyond trying out new stuff.
13 Dec 2023, 7:43pm
At least the story might go somewhere soon-ish now that they've stopped forgetting about Nemesis, following 7... 6 and a half months of utter dead silence on it. Why do I get a feeling that a choice between "Salvation"/Guardians and Aegis/less inclined toward outright genocide will have to be made as such a split appears within humanity?
14 Dec 2023, 6:05am
one year later and im still missing one new state of the art megaship
14 Dec 2023, 10:01pm
First time logging in here (and the actual game on Xbox) since before Covid. In fact, I had to create a new account because my old login no longer worked. Seems the game and this site have lost most of its players. Too bad. Great game, but there just isn't much to do. Read where Frontier is no longer making game updates or versions for consoles. Again, that's too bad.

Any rumors or thoughts about what is come for Elite or Frontier?
14 Dec 2023, 10:02pm
RS YoteAny rumors or thoughts about what is come for Elite or Frontier?
Quiet death after years of palliative care, maybe?
14 Dec 2023, 10:33pm
RS YoteFirst time logging in here (and the actual game on Xbox) since before Covid. In fact, I had to create a new account because my old login no longer worked. Seems the game and this site have lost most of its players. Too bad. Great game, but there just isn't much to do. Read where Frontier is no longer making game updates or versions for consoles. Again, that's too bad.

Any rumors or thoughts about what is come for Elite or Frontier?

Not sure about the numbers in the game, but Elite player numbers on Inara are still fine, definitely nothing in a category of "most players were lost".
14 Dec 2023, 10:48pm
RS YoteFirst time logging in here (and the actual game on Xbox) since before Covid. In fact, I had to create a new account because my old login no longer worked. Seems the game and this site have lost most of its players. Too bad. Great game, but there just isn't much to do. Read where Frontier is no longer making game updates or versions for consoles. Again, that's too bad.

Any rumors or thoughts about what is come for Elite or Frontier?

We've been having to recreate a Legacy community, and it's admittedly been shaky and quite rocky. We're trying our best but there's been a lot of infighting going on unfortunately.
15 Dec 2023, 12:21am
ArtieNot sure about the numbers in the game, but Elite player numbers on Inara are still fine, definitely nothing in a category of "most players were lost".

Numbers in the game look bad.

Source: steamdb.info
15 Dec 2023, 2:08am
I found a squadron that was for PS 4 players only, I sent in an app but haven’t heard back.
15 Dec 2023, 2:21am
AmedievalmanI found a squadron that was for PS 4 players only, I sent in an app but haven’t heard back.
Maybe because they're inactive for a year... or two... or three... :p
15 Dec 2023, 3:54am
I can't remember when I last played Elite, but I'm still here on the forums!

...for some reason.
15 Dec 2023, 4:06am
Aleksander Majjam...for some reason.
Perhaps you secretly enjoy watching insane people in their habitat.
15 Dec 2023, 6:48am
Aleksander Majjam...for some reason.

Perhaps you secretly enjoy watching insane people in their habitat.

Post Elite guilty pleasure, I suppose.

15 Dec 2023, 7:36am
AmedievalmanI found a squadron that was for PS 4 players only, I sent in an app but haven’t heard back.

Yea, that's understandable. PS Elite Dangerous had an influx of players from the PS+ discount Elite Dangerous has now, but most Squadrons are dead nowadays. Those of us who're still around have had to reach out to each other to keep the game chugging.
15 Dec 2023, 7:38am
Aleksander MajjamPost Elite guilty pleasure, I suppose.
Since this space boat is being dragged into a brown hole, I'm busy copying Meowers in 3D-modelling stuff. Lol.

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