
29 Jun 2024, 4:59am
Check this out

30 Jun 2024, 1:54am
Well, nature decided to issue a reminder tonight that it's not to be trifled with. The 'mild thunderstorm warning' of the day before quickly turned into a "Don't go outside unless you have to and absolutely not on foot"... which around 10 PM(nearly 6 hours ago) manifested as, well, quite the ridiculous storm by local [country] standards. Wasn't a lot going on one moment, then the very next wind was rattling the windows (and blowing strong enough that I had trouble closing mine), it was raining enough to form big puddles in the street within a minute, and for about thirty minutes that was accompanied by near-constant lightning and thunder.

On the bright side, the plants are watered for a few days.
yesterday, 1:51pm
At these times, even the guardians remaining in their room, and just peeking trough a dark hole to see what's outside, nor the predators go anywhere. They too busy with their lair.

Last edit: 01 Jul 2024, 1:59pm

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