
21 Dec 2020, 11:12am
Happy Winter Solstice, everyone, & now begins the Yuletide.
21 Dec 2020, 11:16am
Synthya WylderHappy Winter Solstice, everyone, & now begins the Yuletide.

And to you.

Although I admit, with the 60 degree weather we're strangely seeing lately, doesn't feel much like winter at all.
21 Dec 2020, 11:19am
Aleksander MajjamHm.

I am sorry, Aleks, but I don't have the patience to explain to you the difference between "saved data" and "save file" yet again.
21 Dec 2020, 11:38am
Aleksander MajjamHm.


I am sorry, Aleks, but I don't have the patience to explain to you the difference between "saved data" and "save file" yet again.

Lol! Plopping that up there first was an attempt at dry humor that you obviously didn't get. I'm sorry for that.  :D

Don't worry, Saka. If six years of uni between my bachelors and masters, as well as being a senior software engineer at a pretty reputable US defense company hasn't taught me the difference between saved data and save file, then I promise you there's no hope for me.

Rest easy, CMDR. Save your patience.


How about we stop mucking this thread up since we have each other's discord and can bicker there.

Last edit: 21 Dec 2020, 11:47am
21 Dec 2020, 9:06pm
I feel like it's still worth mentioning that a friend of mine has a 16MB save file on PC lol
21 Dec 2020, 10:28pm
Synthya WylderHappy Winter Solstice, everyone, & now begins the Yuletide.

Diolch, a chi.

Have you introduced your neighbours to the Mari Lwyd?
22 Dec 2020, 12:06am
Igneel PrimeI feel like it's still worth mentioning that a friend of mine has a 16MB save file on PC lol

Would not want to be QA/Test for this game at all.

Remember, CP77 was supposed to release months earlier. Can't even imagine what state it was in, lol.
22 Dec 2020, 12:32am
Just wanted to share one of my favorite Star Wars fanfic pieces. I listen to it when I'm headed back to Jameson station from somewhere far. This is epic.

22 Dec 2020, 4:00am
Aleksander MajjamLol! Plopping that up there first was an attempt at dry humor that you obviously didn't get. I'm sorry for that.  :D

I'm glad it was a joke because for a moment it did make you look like a complete moron.
22 Dec 2020, 6:08am
Aleksander MajjamLol! Plopping that up there first was an attempt at dry humor that you obviously didn't get. I'm sorry for that.  :D

I'm glad it was a joke because for a moment it did make you look like a complete moron.

Jfc, just get a room already.
22 Dec 2020, 9:45am
Rebecca Hail

Jfc, just get a room already.

My thoughts
22 Dec 2020, 12:21pm
Psh. Not like anything else of note is going on in OT.
22 Dec 2020, 12:25pm
Aleksander MajjamPsh. Not like anything else of note is going on in OT.

That is true enough.
22 Dec 2020, 3:58pm
Marra Morgana
Synthya WylderHappy Winter Solstice, everyone, & now begins the Yuletide.

Diolch, a chi.

Have you introduced your neighbours to the Mari Lwyd?

Heh, No. I do my best not to tempt raising the ire of my neighbors, in a town of not many more than 2000, & a couple of dozen exclusively Christian churches within the town limits alone, not to mention, more than I can count or even know about in a very large & devoutly Christian county.

I did have a skull topping my porch light to ward off the occasional 7th Day Adventists & Mormons, which worked rather well, until my 2 Christian tenants removed it one day... they know that I'm Wiccan & a practicing Witch, & don't have any issues with that, but I don't suppose I object to their doing so, it being their place of residence too.

They, & more importantly, my neighbors simply would not understand the tradition of Mari Lwyd. Nope. No way. They'd likely call the police.
23 Dec 2020, 1:28pm

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