
09 Dec 2020, 11:15pm
Also, let's get some non-spoiling player reviews here.

Does it unlock tonight for the PC plebs?
09 Dec 2020, 11:16pm
Synthya Wylder
Aleksander MajjamSeries X for the win.


Extremely rarely do I ever have a crash or CPU or GPU 'choking', even though it's also >10 years old.

My main issue is a relatively slow connection, something I doubt from which any kind of gaming platform would be immune.

09 Dec 2020, 11:17pm
Aleksander MajjamAlso, let's get some non-spoiling player reviews here.

Does it unlock tonight for the PC plebs?

At midnight GMT for Steam
09 Dec 2020, 11:25pm
30 minutes ...
09 Dec 2020, 11:48pm
Good luck peeps. Imma nap.

10 Dec 2020, 12:18am
I think the hamsters on Steam's download servers have not gotten enough food today as it seems to stand still
10 Dec 2020, 12:34am
Good news: It's unlocked.

Bad news: Another game that hates left-handed people. Almost the entire keybinding section is useless because very few keys can actually be rebound. Numpad-Enter? Nope. Cursor down? Nope. P-key? Nope. I-key? Nope.
10 Dec 2020, 1:13am
Good thing I'm right-handed then... but I can imagine your pain.
10 Dec 2020, 1:21am
The game's config file is in json format, so it can be modified with a text editor. Maybe there's hope... Need to keep an eye on forums and wiki for more info.
10 Dec 2020, 3:56am
SakashiroGood news: It's unlocked.

Bad news: Another game that hates left-handed people. Almost the entire keybinding section is useless because very few keys can actually be rebound. Numpad-Enter? Nope. Cursor down? Nope. P-key? Nope. I-key? Nope.

Lefties. Hehheheheh.
10 Dec 2020, 4:27am
Trying to create an Asian character in the game, but the result is deep in the uncanny valley. And there are no sliders, only presets.
10 Dec 2020, 4:51am
I'd like to see what you come up with.
10 Dec 2020, 5:08am
I guess I'll do a few restarts to see which background and playstyle will suit me more. But so far it's a really impressive game
10 Dec 2020, 5:04pm
Synthya WylderThat it was. Call me "old-fashioned".

<born in the time when we had 9 planets & only 49 states>

I might be very wrong about this, but didn't Alaska and Hawaii become states almost simultaneously?
10 Dec 2020, 9:56pm
Synthya WylderThat it was. Call me "old-fashioned".

<born in the time when we had 9 planets & only 49 states>

I might be very wrong about this, but didn't Alaska and Hawaii become states almost simultaneously?

Dates of statehood for Hawaii & Alaska were January 3 & August 21, respectively. I was born in '59 between those 2 dates.

List of states by date of admission.

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