
31 Dec 2020, 3:54pm
Cephywow owowowowo...yo

the targs are on full attack

mayday mayday...two nebulas under atck lol...we going to war with the bugs boys..STARSHIP TROOPER TIME BABY. operation bugzap comences now

31 Dec 2020, 4:02pm
Igneel PrimeComing back to Goonswarm getting evicted... Big Fight

For me at least, trying to view the 'image' indicated a 'security risk' & the link was broken, interminable 'loading' sequence.

No worries... I have no interest in Eve Online.
01 Jan 2021, 6:31pm
Back to Cyberpunk: This right here is propably my favourite song on the in-game radio...

...closely followed by this one...

...they always tempt me to forget about a stealth approach to any mission and instead grab one of my guns and go full-out "cyberpsycho"...
01 Jan 2021, 7:55pm
The second one fits really well into Cyberpunk's world; those two songs are among my favourites too.

Amata Lirein ...they always tempt me to forget about a stealth approach to any mission and instead grab one of my guns and go full-out "cyberpsycho"...

I found myself going all-in more and more the further I progressed in the game, mostly just because I could. All out fights are really hard in the beginning, so a stealthy approach was almost necessary, but jumping into a group of enemies with a smart AR worked fine as my V progressed and got better items. That also fits pretty well with the increased sense of urgency due to their ... condition (and can beautifully culminate in the "secret" ending).
01 Jan 2021, 8:53pm
Another favourite of mine:

... can you tell already that my favourite radio channel in-game is '89.3 Radio Vexelstorm'?
02 Jan 2021, 4:38am
Amata LireinBack to Cyberpunk: This right here is propably my favourite song on the in-game radio...

...closely followed by this one...

...they always tempt me to forget about a stealth approach to any mission and instead grab one of my guns and go full-out "cyberpsycho"...

That first one sounds a lot like NiN/Trent Reznor.

This one is good for combat.

I think my favorite outside of combat is this. Catches the mood of the city quite well.

Also these two:

There's a ton of good music in the game, but some weird stuff, too. This one's for the weebs. Annoying but memorable.

My fav radio channel for driving is Royal Blue btw. If you like film noir, 1970s thrillers such as "Taxi Driver" etc., you'll know why.

02 Jan 2021, 5:34am
I would prefer this.

02 Jan 2021, 9:45am
Mainstream music in video games is a double edged sword. For example, almost 50 songs had to be patched out of GTA IV due to expired licenses. No doubt GTA V will end up on the chopping block at some point, too. That's one of the downsides of digital distribution: content can be retroactively altered. Not only for legal but also political reasons.
02 Jan 2021, 10:11am
SakashiroMainstream music in video games is a double edged sword. For example, almost 50 songs had to be patched out of GTA IV due to expired licenses. No doubt GTA V will end up on the chopping block at some point, too. That's one of the downsides of digital distribution: content can be retroactively altered. Not only for legal but also political reasons.

And what political reasons would that be?
02 Jan 2021, 10:51am
Rebecca HailAnd what political reasons would that be?

Woke culture comes to mind.
02 Jan 2021, 12:56pm
Rebecca Hail
SakashiroMainstream music in video games is a double edged sword. For example, almost 50 songs had to be patched out of GTA IV due to expired licenses. No doubt GTA V will end up on the chopping block at some point, too. That's one of the downsides of digital distribution: content can be retroactively altered. Not only for legal but also political reasons.

And what political reasons would that be?

Perhaps, what Saka might have meant, or was thinking about, is "Politically-Correct".

We have a blatant example of that right here in E:D with the Fed vs Imp re: in-game slavery debate.

Slavery seems to be opposed by a majority of players & those who approve of the in-game depiction of slavery condemned, despite it being a valid game concept as part of the Lore.

The examples in RL of political reasons, or politically-correct or -incorrect are too numerous for me to list here.

Examples abound in social media, however, with the most recent major election in the U.S.
02 Jan 2021, 1:17pm
Rebecca HailAnd what political reasons would that be?

Woke culture comes to mind.

I honestly can't see "woke culture" having enough influence in the gaming industry to make a company retroactively change a game.

Synthya Wylder

Perhaps, what Saka might have meant, or was thinking about, is "Politically-Correct".

We have a blatant example of that right here in E:D with the Fed vs Imp re: in-game slavery debate.

Slavery seems to be opposed by a majority of players & those who approve of the in-game depiction of slavery condemned, despite it being a valid game concept as part of the Lore.

The examples in RL of political reasons, or politically-correct or -incorrect are too numerous for me to list here.

Examples abound in social media, however, with the most recent major election in the U.S.

Citing the debate of imperial slavery as an example for political correctness is quite frankly bullshit. Do you in all honesty think that the player discussing this (me included) are so stuck up over a part of the lore, that they'd actually want FDEV to retroactively remove it? I'm opposed to it and discuss it, because I align with the Federation and have a habit of teasing imps, not because I actually have a problem with it as a concept in the lore.

It's not hard to know that US politics are an even bigger pile of bullshit, and while games occasionally provide social or political commentary, that's for most games not the selling point. Any politician or political entity that'd try to pressure a company into retroactively changing a game to cater to their views would open Pandoras fucking box on themselves.
02 Jan 2021, 1:58pm
Rebecca HailI honestly can't see "woke culture" having enough influence in the gaming industry to make a company retroactively change a game.

There have been attempts to sanitize classic works of literature, e.g. editing the N-word out of Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", so I guess it's just a matter of time. CP77 in particular was attacked by SJWs before it was even released: for sexism, racism, transphobia, cultural appropriation, etc. Some countries, e.g. China and Germany, allow only sanitized versions of video games to be sold.
02 Jan 2021, 2:27pm
Without getting into a point-by-point debate, I'm glad I struck a nerve prompting a response.

You'd asked for what political reasons might content be retroactively removed... not that you or some others might wish it to be removed, but I wouldn't be at all surprised that some might wish that.

Politicians & politics wouldn't likely directly take a public position on such things, but there is a very real "mob rule" aspect where such sentiments are passed from 1 or more to others in a form of contagion via emotions, rhetoric & sentiment... & applied as a sort of peer pressure & various demands for conformity in thoughts, decisions & actions. Think, "Sheeple".

Emotions, beliefs, etc. are far more easily & quickly propagated as they require little if any actual rational thought process.

Emotions are easy & very quick... none of us has to actively engage them, they're simply there, automatically.

Mass media & all the other myriad modern forms of social connections in our current era only facilitate it.

Rational thought, on the other hand, has to be actively engaged, & it takes time & mental effort & the discipline & training to set aside the initial emotional reaction & engage rationality. Such is one of the major defining factors separating instinct-driven animals from the higher forms. i.e., sentient beings. Humans are descended from earlier forms of life & we can't ignore that. Rational thought is what's given rise to our civilization. The scene from the beginning of Space Odessey:2001 comes to mind...

The reasons for that stem from way back to humankind's evolution... the one who reacts with, say, fear to whatever is rustling unseen in the brush & runs away is far more likely to survive than the one who takes the time to try to figure out what the rustling is by using a rational thought process & becomes dinner for what is creating the rustling. Just an example.

Political Correctness often comes in the form of the game age rating... & often, certainly not without good reason.

As times & attitudes change, no doubt so will be what's allowed for general consumption; no doubt, at least in part, due to 'political correctness' & peer pressure.

I'd never be so judgmental by calling your opinion "bullshit", simply that I don't necessarily agree with it. Not all the time, anyway.

Happy New Year!
02 Jan 2021, 2:32pm
Rebecca HailI honestly can't see "woke culture" having enough influence in the gaming industry to make a company retroactively change a game.

There have been attempts to sanitize classic works of literature, e.g. editing the N-word out of Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", so I guess it's just a matter of time. CP77 in particular was attacked by SJWs before it was even released: for sexism, racism, transphobia, cultural appropriation, etc. Some countries, e.g. China and Germany, allow only sanitized versions of video games to be sold.


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