
19 Dec 2020, 6:07am
Aleksander MajjamHotfix 1.05 patch just started downloading on my SX.

Here's the notes.

Looks like it's fixing a shitload of bugs. Especially PC specific crash bugs, but consoles are getting it first. I bet that makes your blood boil.

I see exactly two PC crash bugs mentioned. One occurs on ancient CPUs (pre-Core) without AVX support, the other is a bug that made the Steam Overlay crash on game shutdown (but not the game itself).

If that is all you have to make your point, then you just failed to make your point.
19 Dec 2020, 12:45pm
I frankly don't understand why people buy consoles at all, except for the Nintendo Switch, which offers portable gaming. But then again, people don't have unreasonable expectations about Switch games. Nintendo is filling a gap. Sony and Microsoft just ruin games that could otherwise have been excellent.

It's about preferences - sure, you can get better looking games on PC, but you will pay for it (to have solid gaming rig is much more costly). Also, some people simply do not need PC, because they are interested only in gaming while comfortably sitting on their couch in their living room. Some are interested in the exclusive games Playstation has. Some are interested to play with friends on the consoles. There are many reasons why somebody may choose console over PC, it's individual and not unreasonable. Although I am a PC player, I had Xbox (and Wii) next to PC in the past and even the Xbox had its place back then.
19 Dec 2020, 1:01pm
I do get why people get consoles but there just aren't enough good reasons for me. Plus plenty of reasons to have a PC instead. Also...

AUDIO WARNING: Turn it down a bit to not get your ears raped at the end

19 Dec 2020, 3:15pm
HokotsHi there. I’m in the org and just getting back into the game after having my account moved from Xbox to pc.

Last edit: 19 Dec 2020, 3:21pm
19 Dec 2020, 8:39pm
CDP(R) definitely fucked up marketing wise, and I'd argue they should've had pushed the release for last gen consoles back until they can actually offer a good experience.

But holy moly, CP2077 is a phenomenal game when it runs well (which it does even on two year old hardware). Sure, there are a few fairly big issues (the police system and AI come to mind), but for me at least those don't much keep me from enjoing everything else. I've also noticed a bunch of things CDPR planned to implement but scrapped last minute (cloaking, more weapon mods), so I'm very curious what the future holds
19 Dec 2020, 10:29pm
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam

The ladies of Elite Dangerous are vicious. Ganking really does screw you up IRL.

Edit: BTW, just realized I am gender assuming and apologize.


Why do you forsake me, Becca.


Somewhat late as response, still fits.

20 Dec 2020, 1:33am
20 Dec 2020, 10:34am
Something to look forward to for my second playthrough, I guess... Availability of RTX cards (for sane prices, at least) is still awful here.
20 Dec 2020, 12:38pm
Cyberpunk seems a lil too dystopian for me... got enough dystopia in RL as it is right now, although from watching a few videos, it sure does look realistic.

Maybe a bit too much for me...

Last edit: 20 Dec 2020, 12:47pm
20 Dec 2020, 1:19pm
Synthya WylderCyberpunk seems a lil too dystopian to me... got enough dystopia in RL as it is right now, although from watching a few videos, it sure does look realistic.

Maybe a bit too much for me...

CP77 is definitely the darkest and most adult game I've ever played. But it does have a beautiful story and very convincing characters. I was genuinely touched by the ending of the heist episode, and the sense of urgency created by V's condition (trying not to spoil anything here) feels very real.

It helps that the game's setting wasn't pulled out of thin air. Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk RPG has been around for a long time, so there's plenty of lore to discover. Once the dust around the botched console launch has settled, I'm sure this game will be recognized for the piece of art that it is.
20 Dec 2020, 5:51pm
Ouch. Well, seems like one shouldn't be doing an insane amount of crafting...
20 Dec 2020, 6:33pm
KalenarOuch. Well, seems like one shouldn't be doing an insane amount of crafting...

I haven't crafted anything yet, but my save file keeps growing regardless. Unless I rush through the main quest line soon, I won't be able to finish this playthrough. The game has only been out for ten days, and some players are already hitting the size limit now. For an open world game with so many things to do, this is a real showstopper.

Might as well stop playing now.
20 Dec 2020, 7:15pm
This is a PC only issue. Looks like consoles are in the clear, FYI.

Seems waiting until the bugs are ironed out is a good idea after all.

20 Dec 2020, 7:39pm
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail


Why do you forsake me, Becca.


Somewhat late as response, still fits.


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