
23 Dec 2020, 2:52pm
23 Dec 2020, 10:20pm
Unannounced 500 MB patch for CP77 incoming through GOG...

Edit: Announcement just came. It's hotfix 1.06, removing the save file size limit.

Last edit: 23 Dec 2020, 10:28pm
23 Dec 2020, 10:35pm
SakashiroUnannounced 500 MB patch for CP77 incoming through GOG...

Edit: Announcement just came. It's hotfix 1.06, removing the save file size limit.

Hotfix 1.06 is available on PC and consoles! Here is the full list of changes:

Dum Dum will no longer go missing from Totentanz entrance during Second Conflict.

Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.

Removed the 8 MB save file size limit. Note: this won’t fix save files corrupted before the update.

24 Dec 2020, 1:38am

Stupid consoles were the reason we got that limit in the first place.
24 Dec 2020, 3:02am
The fact that no Xbox users experienced this phenomenon leads me to believe otherwise. The entire game isn't shared code. In fact, there seems to be no save limit on Xbox at all, and you can easily find out the size of a save by deleting all others and keeping one manual save in the system. I've seen varying degrees of sizes on that system.

PS is a bit tricky as it seems to only show a static number, and you truly aren't able to do anything to see the individual size of the files. Since there are no real reports of PS users experiencing this (and I'll get to the dude you quoted there in a second), I'm thinking that "allocation" number is wrong. It might even be a bug.

BroNice only made one post in that corrupt file thread. Just one. It was the one you just posted. If you read the pages after his post, you'll see that this dude caused so much confusion by not responding to inquiries about getting more info from him (components inventoried, time played, etc). Mods and senior members were getting angry that people kept quoting him, as there was no basis of him being effected by the bug in question. This invalidates his claim in a technical thread where the burden of proof is on the poster, so the experts can deduce if the bug is really caused by a capped save file or the dude shutting his playstation down mid-save and fucking his own file up.

Still, I'm impressed CDPR got a fix out so quickly. Here's one of your old quotes back on page 20 that rings true.

If it was a PC-only issue, that would be good news because it would mean a fix already exists. However, it's more likely that the 8 MB limit on the sav.dat file is a consequence of the 12 MB slot size on the PlayStation, and that's also why they're unable to fix it, shared code base and all that.

It isn't every day I get to see a failure of this magnitude by a single individual who continues to double, triple, and quadruple down by arguing a point with as much substance and integrity as her crumble-hood, paper Courier.

As misguided as you are, I still love ya, Saka. Happy holidays to you and everyone else that has suffered us page 18 and on.
24 Dec 2020, 3:39am
Every now and then I host a movie night. It's gotten smaller with COVID and if we aren't eating, we're all masked up huddled in my living room, but I've confirmed everyone else besides myself that will be there has not seen one of the best movies ever to grace the big screen.

I don't think I could've made a better selection for tonight's showing.

24 Dec 2020, 4:03am
Aleksander MajjamPS is a bit tricky as it seems to only show a static number, and you truly aren't able to do anything to see the individual size of the files. Since there are no real reports of PS users experiencing this (and I'll get to the dude you quoted there in a second), I'm thinking that "allocation" number is wrong. It might even be a bug.

The static number (12.59 MB) is the size cap. It's larger than 8 MB because some space is reserved for the thumbnail picture and the metadata stored along with each saved game.

Fun fact: Witcher 3 had the cap set at 16.78 MB. One possible reason why it was lowered for CP is the limited cloud storage per game on the PS. Smaller slots mean more saved games can be stored in the cloud. Apparently CDPR didn't expect some PC players to use macros and/or exploits to craft thousands of items to max out the crafting skill in this game. On the other hand, plenty of players have completed the game without even getting close to the size limit. Social media blew this bug way out of proportion.

Edit: A CDPR developer responded:

Aleksander MajjamIt isn't every day I get to see a failure of this magnitude by a single individual who continues to double, triple, and quadruple down by arguing a point with as much substance and integrity as her crumble-hood, paper Courier.

As misguided as you are, I still love ya, Saka. Happy holidays to you and everyone else that has suffered us page 18 and on.

I'm aware console players have had a rough ride with this game so far, so I understand your hostility here. I sincerely hope the upcoming patches fix the game enough for you to enjoy it, too.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Last edit: 24 Dec 2020, 8:25pm
24 Dec 2020, 5:52am
Awwww... that's sweet... kinda reminds me of my Happy Holidays post a page ago.
24 Dec 2020, 8:51am
Aleksander MajjamEvery now and then I host a movie night. It's gotten smaller with COVID and if we aren't eating, we're all masked up huddled in my living room, but I've confirmed everyone else besides myself that will be there has not seen one of the best movies ever to grace the big screen.

I don't think I could've made a better selection for tonight's showing.


Damn...please take care

Last edit: 24 Dec 2020, 9:24am
24 Dec 2020, 11:05am
Amata LireinMerry Christmas everybody...

Rebecca HailWe have fuel.

You don't.

Any questions?

Ah, yes, cannot have a Christmas without a cheap plug here and there, can't we?

Hey, give Becca a lil credit! She never mentioned her side gig, "We have pineapple pizza. You don't. Any questions?"

<dials 1-800-PINEAPL>
24 Dec 2020, 11:11am
Synthya Wylder
Amata LireinMerry Christmas everybody...

Rebecca HailWe have fuel.

You don't.

Any questions?

Ah, yes, cannot have a Christmas without a cheap plug here and there, can't we?

Hey, give Becca a lil credit! She never mentioned her side gig, "We have pineapple pizza. You don't. Any questions?"

<dials 1-800-PINEAPL>

-.- I'mma place a bounty on you.
24 Dec 2020, 11:21am
24 Dec 2020, 1:27pm
Greetings Commanders, how are you?

I would like to send my personal "Merry Christams" to all of you, spreaded in the world and in the ED galaxy.

It will be a quite strange Christmas; at least for my childish side is very difficult feel today the warm and charm aspect of the Christmas while in the world this damn plague is spreading death and suffering.

BUT i don't want surrender to the bad feelings, i'm sure is just matter of time before we'll kick this Covid in the ass as it deseve.

In my Country we'll spend the next days locked in house (Government order to contain a new growth of the pandeny in the Country), but Elite will help me to feel "free" in some way.

I wish you to feel good, not only about health, but also in your soul: a moment of relief if you are sad, or scared, or depressed; we'll pass through this together, i'm sure.

Marry Xmas to you, no matter if u are Eurpean, American or Asian, no matter if u are man or woman, no matter if u are young or old, no matter if u are believer or not, no matter if u are Federal or Imperial, no matter if u are a trader, an explorer, a pirate, a miner or combat pilot; the only thing that really matter is that you and your beloved are safe and fine

Thx to all of u

Cmdr. Grecale80 (ACFS)
24 Dec 2020, 2:22pm
As one of my favorite musicians said:

I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave new year
All anguish, pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Yalda, Yule, Ashura, Kwanzaa, Festivus, or what every you chose to celebrate at this time of year!

Yeah, I know a couple of those celebrations are over, but the well wishes are there none the less.
24 Dec 2020, 5:58pm
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the stars
Not a creature was stirring, not even on Mars.
The space boots were hung by the airlock with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
The robots were nestled all snug on their tires,
As visions of upgrades danced through their wires;
Mom put on her headset while I counted prime numbers,
We had settled our brains for a long winter's slumber,
When out on the dome there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my sack to see what was the matter.
Away to the porthole I flew like a flash,
And tore open the air filter with a great clash.
The moons on the crest of a new volcano,
Gave an alien luster to objects below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a small UFO, and eight rocket reindeer,
With a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than light, his rockets they came,
And he whistled, and shouted and called them by name:
"Now Saturn! now, Sputnik! now, Titan and Atlas!
On, Redstone! on, Delta! Apollo, Polaris!
To the top of the dome! to the top of the wall!
Now blast away! blast away! blast away all!"
As meteors blaze through the heavens up high,
When they meet with the atmosphere and burn in the sky,
So up to the dome-top the rockets they flew,
With a ship full of toys, and St. Nicholas, too.
And then in a twinkling, I felt on the ceiling
The heat of the thrusters and landing tiles peeling.
As I covered my head, and was turning around,
Through the airlock old Santa Claus came with a bound.

Go to the following link for the rest of the poem

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