
11 Dec 2020, 7:59am
I fnally remapped the cursor keys in Cyberpunk 2077 by editing the keybindings .json file, so the game is now playable by KBAM for me. I tried using a gamepad first, but that made me move through the game like I was constantly drunk.

Would I recommend the game at this point? I haven't found any game-breaking bugs yet, but there are occasional glitches. For example yesterday, after fixing the keymap issue and starting my first "serious" playthrough, I entered my apartment in Night City for the first time. This was after several busy tutorial missions, so I slowed down a bit and made myself familiar with the inventory screen. My character was wearing a pair of sneakers which were described as "smelly" after day-long use, so I took them off. Then I sat down on my sofa and, in first person view, saw myself still wearing the sneakers! In third person photo mode however I was barefoot. But the weirdness didn't stop there. In my apartment there's a bathroom sink with a mirror, and whenever I use that mirror to look at myself, I appear completely naked! But again, looking down at myself, I still see my clothing, including the sneakers that I did take off...

I love character editors in games, so of course I spent a while to carefully design my version of "V". Unfortunately most character editors do a poor job recreating Asian features, and Cyberpunk 2077 is no exception. This one doesn't use any sliders at all, so all you can do is combine a number of presets for eyes, nose, mouth, jaw etc. There is exactly one nose preset with a low bridge, one pair of monolid eyes, and two additional eye presets with epicanthic folds. The results with these look somewhat OK in the editor, but when you see the character in the game world later, it's rather disappointing. If you see Asian faces in RL on a daily basis, you'll find that the game, like so may others, fails to nail the look. I was hoping to create a sneaky netrunner looking like Soo-Joo Park or Fernanda Ly, but the game wouldn't let me. Creating good-looking Caucasian characters however is easy with this editor, and there are plenty of presets to choose from to make your creation unique. Customization mostly involves the head though. There's no way to make your character's body more or less athletic or skinny, and V's age is fixed due to the story. There are three breast sizes for female characters, and several pubic hair options if you choose to have a vagina. Indeed Cyberpunk 2077 lets you put a male voice and a dick on a female body if you so choose. And there's also the option to have literally nothing between the legs, lol. What I found most disappointing is that once the character is created and sent into the world, there's no way to change its appearance later. Which is especially odd since this is a game about a world where people modify and augment their bodies all the time.

The map of Cyberpunk 2077 is incredibly detailed, and there are indeed no visible loading screens. Although I don't have the game on a SSD, I noticed no stuttering or pop-up effects at all. I have a 1070 graphics card, so there's no raytracing for me, but I don't feel that I'm missing anything. The game looks and feels closer to a movie than anything else I've played so far.
11 Dec 2020, 12:13pm
Yeah, I have experienced no gamebreaking bugs either so far, only display errors similar to what Sakashiro described above. Mirrors seem to be the worst offenders by far. You wear a hat? Expect the mirror image to not display it and your V being bald. You wear an outer layer jacket? Your pants are missing in the reflection.

Those glitches aren't overly annoying and will most likely get patched in the near future, so I'm not overly concerned. That being said I will start anew a second time today as I get the feeling that I did not do enough side stuff between the really well written primary storyline missions to earn my V some eddies (EuroDollars) to get me those sweet bodymods at the various ripperdocs, thus falling too far behind the NPCs. The first time I did after I finally understood most of the controls (So many options available in a fight that you will need quite some time to adjust to them, in the beginning I forgot quite often that you can hack and/or mark your opponents to put DoTs and debuffs on them or not lose track of them when they move from one cover to the next), the game is very complex in that regard. So just as a fair warning: Do ALL the tutorials and repeat them a few times, otherwise you WILL get overwhelmed by the controls.

One neat trick the game does that I absolutely LOVE: The VOs are not just in English, but in other languages as well, like Spanish, Russian and Japanese. The subtitles for those are in these languages first as well, but then get "universally translated" on the go, which works wonders for immersion as it not only reinforces the fact that Night City is a multicultural melting pot very well but also reminds you: You are a cyborg with lots of computers and other hardware in your body. Kudos to CDPR for once again going above and beyond on such small details which sucks you into the game and then some...
11 Dec 2020, 2:07pm
Naked? Sans pants? Sounds legit. I approve.

Now, how about Jell-O Wrestling?
11 Dec 2020, 4:33pm
Nice writeups guys.

@Saka, what is the best character creator that you've used that can get you as close as possible to your vision of your Asian characters?
11 Dec 2020, 7:02pm
Oh, found a shoutout/easteregg in Vs appartment: Go and check out the walls next to the toilet
11 Dec 2020, 9:34pm
12 Dec 2020, 11:48am
Aleksander MajjamI'd like to see what you come up with.

12 Dec 2020, 1:04pm
Oh great, now I have to take a pic of my V as well  :D


And here she is...

Last edit: 12 Dec 2020, 1:24pm
12 Dec 2020, 2:02pm
12 Dec 2020, 2:27pm
Synthya WylderSwords.

Oh, you can do swords too if you want, the game has katanas... hell, you can even get yourself Mantis-blades for even more awesomeness

12 Dec 2020, 4:38pm
If you buy the game on, there'll be a katana waiting for you in your apartment right from the start. If you buy it on Steam or a console, you can get the sword by linking your game to a GOG account.
12 Dec 2020, 4:45pm
SakashiroIf you buy the game on, there'll be a katana waiting for you in your apartment right from the start. If you buy it on Steam or a console, you can get the sword by linking your game to a GOG account.

Wasn't that part of the pre-order bonus?

(And have you found the shout-out/easter-egg I mentioned next to V's toilet? )
12 Dec 2020, 6:19pm
Amata LireinWasn't that part of the pre-order bonus?

There seems to be some confusion about this. The preorder bonus is a 30% discount on CP2077 merchandise. The in-game bonus items are called "registration awards" and meant to promote CDPR's GOG platform. As such it wouldn't make sense to tie them to a preorder.

However, I did preorder (one day before launch ) so there's no way for me to confirm this. But then again, there's a better katana available to everyone early in the game anyway.

12 Dec 2020, 6:23pm
Hmm... seems like you either didn't find that shout-out I talked about or did not recognize it?

And since I'm going for a stealth/hacking build that uses rifles if she fails I have no need for that katana... will pick it up though it I stumble across it
12 Dec 2020, 8:39pm

Dammit, no Andromeda 2 then. I was really looking forward to that.

That being said:

a) What ending of those 3 from ME 3 will they make canon? (Or will it be that new ending they want to do for the remaster that I heard rumors about)?

b) So apparently humanity nuked its home in the end?

c) Are they going to reassemble Shepard yet again? That poor guy/girl just can't get a rest now, can s/he?

d) Was that supposed to be Liara?

Oh, and of course:

e) How much time will have passed by since ME 3?

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