
04 Jan 2021, 10:05pm
Aleksander MajjamIt's still killing me how eerily familiar this conversation is going.

Maybe you are the reason why she's doing it.

Aleksander MajjamWhy would anyone be foolish enough to do that??

That would be like someone who isn't a software developer thinking they need to explain software to a software developer.

Oh wait...

Oh, I see where this is going.

What if I am a software developer with a law degree who happens to speak fluent German?
04 Jan 2021, 10:24pm
Aleksander MajjamIt's still killing me how eerily familiar this conversation is going.

Maybe you are the reason why she's doing it.

Aleksander MajjamWhy would anyone be foolish enough to do that??

That would be like someone who isn't a software developer thinking they need to explain software to a software developer.

Oh wait...

Oh, I see where this is going.

What if I am a software developer with a law degree who happens to speak fluent German?

Then it would just mean that it would be even more glorious to watch you die a second time on a hill that you seem to go all in on, but have no business climbing.
04 Jan 2021, 10:36pm
Aleksander MajjamThen it would just mean that it would be even more glorious to watch you die a second time on a hill that you seem to go all in on, but have no business climbing.

I had no idea you were so vindictive.
04 Jan 2021, 10:43pm
I already pointed out why the Gauland+Swastika-thing was not prosecuted: It was referring to contemporary events surrounding Gauland's party, the AfD, which is considered far-right... so far-right in fact that parts of it are currently under observation by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution as well as by several State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution.
04 Jan 2021, 10:51pm
Rebecca HailYou fail to realize that Angela Merkel herself had nothing to do with that verdict.

You fail to realize that this is not the verdict I was referring to. There are two cases involving the defendant Hans Burkhard Nix. One of them went to the ECtHR. The other one was about Merkels picture. So the court decision you're quoting is unrelated to the case I was talking about.

And the second case I mentioned (Günter Wangerin) you keep ignoring completely. So much for cherry-picking.

The other case is mentioned in there as well. Have you read your own source?

Turning to the facts of the present case, the Court determined that the symbol used in the blog post could not have had any other meaning than that of Nazi ideology. The Court also noted that Mr. Nix must have been aware of the relevant law, not least because he had been convicted of the same offence for publishing photographs of Angela Merkel in Nazi uniform.

Particular spotlight on "same offence". So it kinda is irrelevant whether you mean the first or the second verdict in Hans Burkhard Nixs case because the ECHR rejection confirms them both.

As for Günter Wangerin, what am I supposed to say about him? He took that case through three instances and lost every time because the court found that his display of unconstitutional symbols were not covered by any exception. There's just nothing to say about him. He looks a bit like Hide the pain Harold, but that's about it. There's nothing noteworthy about that case, it's like thousands of other cases of 86a as well. What is so noteworthy about it, in your opinion? Apart from Angela Merkel being on the picture.

Rebecca HailTo explain it simply, the display of the swastika + Gauland in the game is covered under freedom of arts, as the game clearly was an art project. {...} The display of Trump with the nazi salute is covered under the exception of reporting on current or historical events and freedom of arts.

Don't you find it interesting how those exceptions never apply to pictures of Merkel but always to pictures of her political opponents?

You cherry-picked yourself three cases and try to base the conclusion that this is only applied to pictures of Merkel? Are you serious? The Verfassungsschutz reported 14.000 offenses against StGB §86a last year alone.

You can go to a random german AfD facebook group and will find hundreds of pictures that depict Angela Merkel as Hitler within an hour.

Rebecca HailThe general attorney refused to investigate because of the outdated precedence and thus the legal framework changed.

Question: What was the legal basis for his decision that a precedent court decision was outdated?

Answer: There was none. As members of the executive branch, state attorneys have no authority to change legal frameworks. They cannot overturn court decisions, they cannot pass laws.

I answered this question twice already. You seem to think that the legal framework only consists out of codified law and precedence verdicts, but in reality a large part of it are established interpretations and their implementation as well.

That the state attorney rejected this case doesn't mean that it can't be prosecuted. The person who filed the case could still complain about the termination of the case and even force a trial. If they do and it gets rejected again, they can go directly to the court and force a trial. In the case of Bundesfighter, the person who filed the case did complain and after the next higher state attorney rejected it as well, they settled for the "changed interpretation of law" the state attorney used as a reason. It's worth mentioning that they did file that case exactly for starting a debate around the censorship of unconstitutional symbols in video games. It's also worth mentioning that the state attorney didn't justify this decision with his understanding of the law, but referred to juristical literature.

You can read the complaint and the responses yourself if you want, but I'm not going to translate them. I don't bother that much.

The Attorney General declined to consider the game illegal under Section 86a, stating that the 1998 ruling was outdated; since then, USK had adopted age ratings for video games, and that there was no reason not to consider video games as art within the social adequacy clause. As a result, the Supreme Youth Protection Authority of the Federal States adapted the Attorney General's ruling to be applicable for all video games within Germany

There's the change in the legal framework, taken from your own source. This is obviously not codified law, the precedence from 1998 is officially still valid and will be until it actually comes to a new lawsuit over this topic. Nonetheless, the fact that the state attorney refused to take action over it, is clearly indicating that perspectives have changed a lot in the last 20 years. This becomes quite obvious when you read the german wikipedia entry on the USK:

Seit August 2018 ist auch eine USK-Einstufung von Computerspielen möglich, wenn diese verfassungswidrige Symbole wie das Hakenkreuz enthalten. Hintergrund ist eine geänderte Rechtsauffassung der OLJB, die nunmehr davon ausgeht, dass die in § 86 Abs. 3 StGB festgeschriebene Sozialadäquanzklausel nicht nur für althergebrachte Medien wie Filme, sondern auch für Computerspiele gilt.

It roughly translates to: "Since August 2018 a USK game age rating of videogames is possible, if those contain unconstitutional symbols like the swastika. Background is a changed interpretation of law by the OLJB [that's what's called the Supreme Youth Protection Authority in the source you quote] which no longer assumes that the in § 86 Abs. 3 StGB codified social adequacy clause is only valid for traditional forms of medias like movies, but also for video games."

The main reason is that the USK is required to deny a game age rating if it has the impression that the game or movie that's rated fulfills a criminal offense like for example 86a. The reason why it can fulfill a criminal offense under 86a is because, according to the precedence verdict from 1998, video games are not art. Since that is no longer the case anymore, due to a changed interpretation of the law video games can be rated even if they contain unconstitutional symbols.
04 Jan 2021, 11:02pm
Aleksander MajjamThen it would just mean that it would be even more glorious to watch you die a second time on a hill that you seem to go all in on, but have no business climbing.

I had no idea you were so vindictive.

Vindictiveness has nothing to do with it. Most folks enjoy watching arrogant know-it-alls getting smacked down.
04 Jan 2021, 11:05pm
Aleksander MajjamThen it would just mean that it would be even more glorious to watch you die a second time on a hill that you seem to go all in on, but have no business climbing.

I had no idea you were so vindictive.

I'm not, but the way you argue makes me annoyed. You absolutely do cherry-pick points to try to support your augments, but they wind up being hollow as fuck, and just as easily broken. However, when someone tries to explain to you why it's broken, it seems to go in one ear and out the other. This is what it feels like arguing with you:

Case #56743: Saka The All-Knowing vs An Astronomer

Saka: Judge, after seeing my evidence today, I will convince you that the moon is a crescent shape, and not round like most idiots believe.

Judge: And you're prepared to refute this statement, Astronomer?

Astronomer: Yes, judge. Putting aside that I'm a subject matter expert, I have the grade school equivalent of the skill needed to search the internet beyond the first googled result. Then based on further research, show that I can form a hypothesis to get you as close to the truth of my argument as possible.

Judge: Very well. You may begin, Saka.

Saka: Based on this picture: and this article: ..we clearly have evidence that the moon is indeed crescent-shaped, and not round.

Astronomer: Objection. Saka is arguing in bad faith, judge. Had she researched a little more, and not tried to present evidence at face value, she would have learned that the moon simply holds a crescent shape due to direct sunlight, and it not actually being that shape. If she just clicked on the pertinent link in the URL she herself referenced, she would've gotten some insight on lunar phases.

Judge: I see. Saka, do you have anymore evidence to support your claims?

Saka: No, but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Everyone: ఠ_ఠ

Last edit: 05 Jan 2021, 3:33am
04 Jan 2021, 11:12pm
It's okay to take the L sometimes, Saka. Happens to everybody, and nobody will think any less of you.
05 Jan 2021, 12:27am
Rebecca Hail
Effie Trinket

The whole discourse is a little odd. Bless them both for their stamina though!


05 Jan 2021, 12:35am
Aleksander Majjam

Saka: Judge, after seeing my evidence today, I will convince you that the moon is a crescent shape, and not round like most idiots believe.

That reminds me of the story of Happiness Stan, who wondered why the Moon hung sometimes full moon all scintillating dangly in the heavenly bode and other times only half.
05 Jan 2021, 1:35am
Amata LireinI already pointed out why the Gauland+Swastika-thing was not prosecuted: It was referring to contemporary events surrounding Gauland's party, the AfD, which is considered far-right... so far-right in fact that parts of it are currently under observation by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution as well as by several State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution.

This certainly appears to be the reason for the attorney's decision. And that is exactly why it looks politically motivated. A smear campaign using Nazi symbols doesn't magically turn into art just because it targets the "right" person. Think what you will of Gauland; he was a member of Merkel's conservative party for 40 years. In fact he joined the party at a time when Merkel was still busy propagating Marxism in East Germany's FDJ. If he's indeed a Nazi and/or antisemite, one has to wonder how he managed to remain undetected in that party for four decades.

However, if the attorney was actually concerned about an outdated court precedent as he claimed, the proper thing to do would have been to pass the case on and give the court an opportunity to overturn that precedent. Rejecting the case achieved the opposite: the outdated decision remains in effect; legal certainty ("Rechtssicherheit") has not been established.
05 Jan 2021, 1:44am
Rebecca HailYou can go to a random german AfD facebook group and will find hundreds of pictures that depict Angela Merkel as Hitler within an hour.

Sure, but how many of these have been mistaken for art by a state attorney?
05 Jan 2021, 3:49am
Amata LireinI already pointed out why the Gauland+Swastika-thing was not prosecuted: It was referring to contemporary events surrounding Gauland's party, the AfD, which is considered far-right... so far-right in fact that parts of it are currently under observation by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution as well as by several State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution.

This certainly appears to be the reason for the attorney's decision. And that is exactly why it looks politically motivated. A smear campaign using Nazi symbols doesn't magically turn into art just because it targets the "right" person. Think what you will of Gauland; he was a member of Merkel's conservative party for 40 years. In fact he joined the party at a time when Merkel was still busy propagating Marxism in East Germany's FDJ. If he's indeed a Nazi and/or antisemite, one has to wonder how he managed to remain undetected in that party for four decades.

However, if the attorney was actually concerned about an outdated court precedent as he claimed, the proper thing to do would have been to pass the case on and give the court an opportunity to overturn that precedent. Rejecting the case achieved the opposite: the outdated decision remains in effect; legal certainty ("Rechtssicherheit") has not been established.

Woooooow... careful here, you are now threading on very thin ice. Membership in the FDJ in the GDR was actually not really a choice you had, but kinda mandatory, especially if (like Merkel) you wanted to visit an university and get yourself a doctorate (which Merkel has btw, she has a doctorate in physics). And having to propagate Marxism in the GDR was very much a necessity for survival, otherwise you might had a visit by the Stasi.

Also: Political views can change in 4 decades. That's something all humans have in common.

And no... Gauland and the swastika was NOT a smear campaign... especially not when in the very same game Merkel (as chancellor) got displayed as a slithering snake-hybrid and the leadership of the Green Party gets depicted as siamese twins. The very obvious (and still ongoing) public displays of antisemitism from inside the AfD allow for the satirical use of the swastika due to said contemporary events. And satire IS a form of art.

And just FYI: There are very high hurdles to overcome that a political party can be a) put under observation by an Office for the Protection of the Constitution and b) ever higher ones to get an extremist party forbidden.
05 Jan 2021, 5:00am
Amata LireinWoooooow... careful here, you are now threading on very thin ice. Membership in the FDJ in the GDR was actually not really a choice you had, but kinda mandatory, especially if (like Merkel) you wanted to visit an university and get yourself a doctorate (which Merkel has btw, she has a doctorate in physics). And having to propagate Marxism in the GDR was very much a necessity for survival, otherwise you might had a visit by the Stasi.

Also: Political views can change in 4 decades. That's something all humans have in common.

And no... Gauland and the swastika was NOT a smear campaign... especially not when in the very same game Merkel (as chancellor) got displayed as a slithering snake-hybrid and the leadership of the Green Party gets depicted as siamese twins. The very obvious (and still ongoing) public displays of antisemitism from inside the AfD allow for the satirical use of the swastika due to said contemporary events. And satire IS a form of art.

And just FYI: There are very high hurdles to overcome that a political party can be a) put under observation by an Office for the Protection of the Constitution and b) ever higher ones to get an extremist party forbidden.

Unlike Gauland, who fled to West Germany after his graduation from high school, Merkel arranged herself with the socialist regime. At least that is what people claim who were around her at the time.
A new biography covering Chancellor life in East Germany has caused a stir by suggesting she was closer to the communist apparatus and its ideology than previously thought.

Published this week and written by journalists Günther Lachmann and Ralf Georg Reuth, the book quotes Gunter Walther, a former colleague of hers at the Academy of Sciences in East Berlin, as saying she had been secretary for "Agitation and Propaganda" in the Freie Deutsche Jugend (FDJ) youth organization at the institute. Merkel, a trained physicist, worked at the academy from 1978 until 1989.
The book explores Merkel's life growing up in German Democratic Republic (GDR), where her father Horst Kasner was a Protestant pastor and a committed socialist. He moved to East Germany from West Germany in 1954.

Merkel has said in the past that her FDJ role at the academy was more that of a cultural secretary and that her duties included buying theater tickets and organizing book readings.
But former German Transport Minister Günther Krause -- an eastern German politician who worked with her in the final months of the GDR and as a fellow minister in the government ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl in the early 1990s -- contradicts her in the book and says she propagated Marxism-Leninism.

"With Agitation and Propaganda you're responsible for brainwashing in the sense of Marxism," he said. "That was her task and that wasn't cultural work. Agitation and Propaganda, that was the group that was meant to fill people's brains with everything you were supposed to believe in the GDR, with all the ideological tricks. And what annoys me about this woman is simply the fact that she doesn't admit to a closeness to the system in the GDR. From a scientific standpoint she wasn't indispensable at the Academy of Sciences. But she was useful as a pastor's daughter in terms of Marxism-Leninism. And she's denying that. But it's the truth."

On Sunday evening, Merkel said she hadn't covered up anything about her past. "I can only rely on my memory," she said at a public screening of her favorite movie, a popular love film made in East Germany, on Sunday night. "If something turns out to be different, I can live with that."

And frankly, your idea that displaying someone with a swastika or the Nazi salute is anything other than a smear campaign is preposterous. Depicting opposition members or foreign leaders with a swastika doesn't take courage. Depicting Merkel with a hammer and sickle does. Good satire punches up, not down.

As far as I can tell, Gauland's views haven't changed. On the contrary, they seem forever stuck in the CDU's past. If you look at the party's slogans from the 1990s and earlier about topics such as immigration, you'll find they are almost identical to AfD's. Gauland hasn't moved to the right, but his former party has moved to the left. Even the Social Democrats of the 1970s were further right than today's CDU.
05 Jan 2021, 6:18am
Rebecca HailYou can go to a random german AfD facebook group and will find hundreds of pictures that depict Angela Merkel as Hitler within an hour.

Sure, but how many of these have been mistaken for art by a state attorney?

There is no bias for Merkel and you presenting 3 cases out of 100000+ within the last ten years doesn't prove that. The political censorship in Germany does not have the intent of supporting the government and the government has no influence on these trials. It has the intent of hindering undemocratic far-right and far-left ideologies like communism and nazism.

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