
18 Dec 2020, 10:08pm

CP77 drama intensifies.

I hope CDPR learns the lesson and stops wasting time on console ports. The idea that a game like this could run smoothly on 2013 hardware is just bonkers.

Last generation consoles, I'll correct you.

PS5 and XB Series X have more powerful hardware in it than our 1070s and CPUs right now.
18 Dec 2020, 10:49pm
Aleksander MajjamLast generation consoles, I'll correct you.

PS5 and XB Series X have more powerful hardware in it than our 1070s and CPUs right now.

CP77 development started when those last-gen consoles were still next-gen.

PCs can grow with the development of a game, but consoles can't. You'll end up with a product that either wastes the potential of current-gen PCs, or exceeds the potential of consoles, as in this case.

I frankly don't understand why people buy consoles at all, except for the Nintendo Switch, which offers portable gaming. But then again, people don't have unreasonable expectations about Switch games. Nintendo is filling a gap. Sony and Microsoft just ruin games that could otherwise have been excellent.
18 Dec 2020, 10:52pm
Aleksander MajjamLast generation consoles, I'll correct you.

PS5 and XB Series X have more powerful hardware in it than our 1070s and CPUs right now.

CP77 development started when those last-gen consoles were still next-gen.

PCs can grow with the development of a game, but consoles can't. You'll end up with a product that either wastes the potential of current-gen PCs, or exceeds the potential of consoles, as in this case.

I frankly don't understand why people buy consoles at all, except for the Nintendo Switch, which offers portable gaming. But then again, people don't have unreasonable expectations about Switch games. Nintendo is filling a gap. Sony and Microsoft just ruin games that could otherwise have been excellent.

Yeah, but afaik the entire technical foundation got scraped at least once during those seven years.

That it has been in development for seven years doesn't mean that it has actually been developed for seven years.
18 Dec 2020, 11:40pm
Rebecca HailYeah, but afaik the entire technical foundation got scraped at least once during those seven years.

Kudos to them for doing that. They could have scrapped their ambitions instead and played it safe and family-friendly. I'm glad they didn't.

I predict CP77 will be with us for many years to come. It's basically the birth of a new mainstream franchise, as was the Witcher. There will be sequels, prequels, spin-offs, movies, Netflix series, books, comics, cosplay events, etc. William Gibson is already miffed about CDPR working with Mike Pondsmith instead of him.

But people need to keep their expectations reasonable. I wasn't expecting my current PC to handle this game at all, I was convinced that an upgrade would be necessary. Now I see reviewers complaining that Night City "feels dead" because NPC pedestrians are just decoration and don't engage in meaningful conversations. Wtf, are you guys for real? Ever had a stranger address you on a sidewalk of a major city? Give me a break...
19 Dec 2020, 12:45am
Aleksander MajjamLast generation consoles, I'll correct you.

PS5 and XB Series X have more powerful hardware in it than our 1070s and CPUs right now.

CP77 development started when those last-gen consoles were still next-gen.

PCs can grow with the development of a game, but consoles can't. You'll end up with a product that either wastes the potential of current-gen PCs, or exceeds the potential of consoles, as in this case.

I frankly don't understand why people buy consoles at all, except for the Nintendo Switch, which offers portable gaming. But then again, people don't have unreasonable expectations about Switch games. Nintendo is filling a gap. Sony and Microsoft just ruin games that could otherwise have been excellent.

LMAO. Fucking hilarious.

If you don't understand why over 120 million people bought PS4's last generation, then I'm not going to go through the trouble of explaining why. I will explain how a business works, however. CDPR is a company. Companies want to make money. If CDPR wanted to exclude 100's of millions of console players, they sure as hell could've if the PC is the end all, be all, like you tout. However, no company wants to leave money on the table. It's as simple as that.

Crying about consoles holding back PC's though? What year is it?

No one fucked CDPR but CDPR. They marketed this game as a console game, on the console part of E3. If you're going to say that the game works for consoles, it's not unreasonable to expect that the game works on consoles. Hell, the game isn't even optimized for next-gen consoles, but is being brute-forced by backwards compatible hardware. When it finally gets next-gen patches, expect base PS5/SBSX to handle this game at settings above what your 1070 2016 POS of a video card can chug out.

19 Dec 2020, 1:42am
Aleksander MajjamLMAO. Fucking hilarious.

If you don't understand why over 120 million people bought PS4's last generation, then I'm not going to go through the trouble of explaining why. I will explain how a business works, however. CDPR is a company. Companies want to make money. If CDPR wanted to exclude 100's of millions of console players, they sure as hell could've if the PC is the end all, be all, like you tout. However, no company wants to leave money on the table. It's as simple as that.

Crying about consoles holding back PC's though? What year is it?

No one fucked CDPR but CDPR. They marketed this game as a console game, on the console part of E3. If you're going to say that the game works for consoles, it's not unreasonable to expect that the game works on consoles. Hell, the game isn't even optimized for next-gen consoles, but is being brute-forced by backwards compatible hardware. When it finally gets next-gen patches, expect base PS5/SBSX to handle this game at settings above what your 1070 2016 POS of a video card can chug out.

It may well be true that CDPR didn't want to exclude 100's of millions of console players, but that is exactly what's happening now anyway. In case you missed it, the game was pulled from the PS4 store. And considering its current state, it's unlikely to return. It just won't run on 2013 hardware, no matter how much one might wish it would.

I agree with you that this game should never have been marketed as a console game. In fact that was exactly the point I was making. It's a PC game. Games will always look and feel better on the latest PC hardware than on the latest consoles. And even if you don't care that much about graphics and just want to enjoy the game right now, you need a PC.

The business model of consoles involves subsidized hardware in exchange for inflated game prices and a fixed life cycle after which your games collection will expire. MS and Sony aren't charities, they got involved in video game consoles because it's a way to screw customers, i.e. you. They used to share the spoils with game developers, but it seems that this model is showing initial signs of failure. Pulling a triple-A title off the shelves just before the christmas holiday is unprecedented, and it should serve as a lesson to CDPR and a major warning to other game developers. Things like this can happen only if a single corporation controls an entire hardware platform.
19 Dec 2020, 1:52am
Synthya WylderWell, there are those who play their same gender in games/online as they are in RL.

Others... there's...


But Yes, the female of the species can often be disproportionally vicious, sometimes taking advantage of the stupifying effects of testosterone-induced lust.

Also known as


Synthya Wylder
Amata Lirein


OK, here's what's below that skimpy outfit... (Warning: NSFW!)

Show more >>

Mantis blades, nice. My V's currently running around with a free legendary monowire you can find... also a rather mean accessory

A garote? Nasty...

Oh, it can also be used as a molecular whip... really nasty
19 Dec 2020, 3:25am
Aleksander MajjamLMAO. Fucking hilarious.

If you don't understand why over 120 million people bought PS4's last generation, then I'm not going to go through the trouble of explaining why. I will explain how a business works, however. CDPR is a company. Companies want to make money. If CDPR wanted to exclude 100's of millions of console players, they sure as hell could've if the PC is the end all, be all, like you tout. However, no company wants to leave money on the table. It's as simple as that.

Crying about consoles holding back PC's though? What year is it?

No one fucked CDPR but CDPR. They marketed this game as a console game, on the console part of E3. If you're going to say that the game works for consoles, it's not unreasonable to expect that the game works on consoles. Hell, the game isn't even optimized for next-gen consoles, but is being brute-forced by backwards compatible hardware. When it finally gets next-gen patches, expect base PS5/SBSX to handle this game at settings above what your 1070 2016 POS of a video card can chug out.

It may well be true that CDPR didn't want to exclude 100's of millions of console players, but that is exactly what's happening now anyway. In case you missed it, the game was pulled from the PS4 store. And considering its current state, it's unlikely to return. It just won't run on 2013 hardware, no matter how much one might wish it would.

I agree with you that this game should never have been marketed as a console game. In fact that was exactly the point I was making. It's a PC game. Games will always look and feel better on the latest PC hardware than on the latest consoles. And even if you don't care that much about graphics and just want to enjoy the game right now, you need a PC.

The business model of consoles involves subsidized hardware in exchange for inflated game prices and a fixed life cycle after which your games collection will expire. MS and Sony aren't charities, they got involved in video game consoles because it's a way to screw customers, i.e. you. They used to share the spoils with game developers, but it seems that this model is showing initial signs of failure. Pulling a triple-A title off the shelves just before the christmas holiday is unprecedented, and it should serve as a lesson to CDPR and a major warning to other game developers. Things like this can happen only if a single corporation controls an entire hardware platform.

What part of the game working fine on PS5/XBSS/SBSX don't you get? You absolutely DO NOT need a PC to enjoy CP77 right now. LOL. You are arguing in such bad faith that I'm surprised you're being this obtuse.

Don't mistake one company's fuck-up for some sign of biblical end times for developers supporting consoles. Other developers have supported console gaming through multiple generations without looking like complete idiots.

Stop. Blaming. Consoles. For. CDPR's. Mismanagement. And start blaming them for their transphobia and crunching their developers to near death. That's another story though.

The game was pulled after millions of people bought it. People can still buy it as far as PC and Microsoft are concerned. I'm sure things will return to normal once CDPR learns how to A) Properly QA a game, and B) Release games when they're not a glitchy mess. Sound familiar? Because it does as The Witcher released similarly and got much better in time with patches, like most games.

Right now, the lowest console dominator for a stable playthrough of CP77 is the XBSS. It's a $300 console that has managed to reach 4K 120 FPS on several games using VRR and even manages ray tracing fairly well. You can't even look at a modern GPU in a magazine for that kind of money (let alone build a PC for that kind of money to equal the performance of that one console). The OG Xbox One and PS4 released in 2013, and I'd argue that any hardware released around time (PC included) will have a hard time swallowing CP77's massive, unoptimized balls.

If you don't want your games to "expire", then keep your consoles. Or go with Xbox approach to backwards compatibility where you can still play games from the original 2001 Xbox on every, single console going forwards. I can buy a Series X for $500 and get modern, High-End PC performance in a small box w/ GamePass Ultimate for $1 and enjoy over 100 games instantly. If you're a GP subscriber, you also get all MS first party games on the service Day 1.

First party. That's an interesting thing as well. Can't remember the last PC-only games with as high of a MC number as Playstation exclusives have gotten the last 7 years. PC gamers have been whining to hell and back for console makers to put their 1st party games on PC because if it isn't being made by MS or Sony, it's either going to be an MMO, Indie, Sim, or VR game. As someone who games on both PC and console, I can give two fucks about this pitiful fight between PC and console gamers. I throw jokes about it because frankly, its hella funny. You on the other hand have your head so far up your PC-master-race ass that you actually said you don't understand why people buy consoles, and was actually serious about it. I will straight up paypal you $50 if you go on the Gaming subreddit, Playstation subreddit, and Xbox subreddit and ask the people there why they own consoles while also letting them know that they're getting screwed for buying them.

I'll wait.

Last edit: 19 Dec 2020, 3:51am
19 Dec 2020, 3:40am
"Laaadieeesss & Gennntlemennn! Iinnn thiiiss cornerrr we haavve the PeeCee faannn & iinn the faarr cornnerrr we haavve the Gaamme Connssolle faannn... Nnowww, conntesstaanntsss... Mmeeett iinnn the cennntterrr, toouucchh gglovves, reeetuurrrnnn tooo yourrr corrnnerrss, & coommee ouutt sswwwiinnggiiinn'! Llettss hhaavvve a clleeaannn bouuuttt!" <Ding-DING>
19 Dec 2020, 4:42am
Aleksander MajjamWhat part of the game working fine on PS5/XBSS/SBSX don't you get? You absolutely DO NOT need a PC to enjoy CP77 right now. LOL. You are arguing in such bad faith that I'm surprised you're being this obtuse.

So what is this?

With the newly released Cyberpunk 2077 update promising "improved stability", we obviously had to go and check whether one of the game's biggest problems has been fixed. We are, of course, talking about the consistent crashing issue that's been present since day one. It exists on both PS4 and PS5 (through backwards compatibility), with the game crashing roughly every hour and a half of play, pretty much without fail. Some players have it worse than others, though.

Unfortunately, update 1.05 hasn't helped. Once again, after slumming it around Night City for about 90 minutes, the game crashed on us when we entered a busy area. Very disappointing. We're currently reading similar reports around the web.

What's more, the patch did not address the game-breaking bug that currently holds our 65-hour save file hostage, despite the patch notes claiming that it would. In fact, our in-game phone appears to be completely broken — quest givers simply refuse to contact us, even for smaller side jobs and gigs. Unbelievable stuff.

It's unclear whether Cyberpunk 2077 will receive any further patches before the holidays. CD Projekt Red has stated that two big updates are coming in January and February 2021 respectively, and if they work wonders, then we might see the game return to the PlayStation Store within the next few months.

Apparently it'll take a few more patches until the game is ready to be played even on next-gen consoles. Oh wait, you even said so yourself!

Aleksander MajjamI just want to say I haven't played it yet. I'm waiting until 1 or 2 more patches release before I jump in.
19 Dec 2020, 4:53am
Interesting and thoughtful discussion about consoles vs PCs

I would choose a pc if I could afford to upgrade it - I imagine one would have to "engineer" the PC to get the most of this game. I am hoping to move my account over when I can upgrade (currently using Xbox).
19 Dec 2020, 4:57am
Aleksander MajjamWhat part of the game working fine on PS5/XBSS/SBSX don't you get? You absolutely DO NOT need a PC to enjoy CP77 right now. LOL. You are arguing in such bad faith that I'm surprised you're being this obtuse.

So what is this?

With the newly released Cyberpunk 2077 update promising "improved stability", we obviously had to go and check whether one of the game's biggest problems has been fixed. We are, of course, talking about the consistent crashing issue that's been present since day one. It exists on both PS4 and PS5 (through backwards compatibility), with the game crashing roughly every hour and a half of play, pretty much without fail. Some players have it worse than others, though.

Unfortunately, update 1.05 hasn't helped. Once again, after slumming it around Night City for about 90 minutes, the game crashed on us when we entered a busy area. Very disappointing. We're currently reading similar reports around the web.

What's more, the patch did not address the game-breaking bug that currently holds our 65-hour save file hostage, despite the patch notes claiming that it would. In fact, our in-game phone appears to be completely broken — quest givers simply refuse to contact us, even for smaller side jobs and gigs. Unbelievable stuff.

It's unclear whether Cyberpunk 2077 will receive any further patches before the holidays. CD Projekt Red has stated that two big updates are coming in January and February 2021 respectively, and if they work wonders, then we might see the game return to the PlayStation Store within the next few months.

Apparently it'll take a few more patches until the game is ready to be played even on next-gen consoles. Oh wait, you even said so yourself!

Aleksander MajjamI just want to say I haven't played it yet. I'm waiting until 1 or 2 more patches release before I jump in.

Damn. You're right. My bad. CP77 crashing is a console issue. I'm sor... wait. What's that? WHAT DO MY EARS HEAR?

A 114 page thread exclusively for PC CP77 crashing??

You're still arguing in bad faith. STILL.

This guy played the game from beginning to end on his PS5 and recorded it. 33 videos.

Surprise, Saka! Experiences may vary! People having issues with the game does NOT invalidate others not having issues. Just stop.

And nice taking my words out of context. I'm certain that the game is VERY playable on my Series X. I'm just waiting for the game to pump out a few patches so it's smoother.

19 Dec 2020, 5:13am
Hotfix 1.05 patch just started downloading on my SX.

Here's the notes.

Looks like it's fixing a shitload of bugs. Especially PC specific crash bugs, but consoles are getting it first. I bet that makes your blood boil.

I don't have any issues waiting until this technical mess is patched up. If I had a PC, I'd be doing the same thing so my first play through is a GREAT playthrough and not just what you're settling for with this comment.

And even if you don't care that much about graphics and just want to enjoy the game right now, you need a PC.

I care about everything, Saka. Everything.
19 Dec 2020, 5:50am
Aleksander MajjamA 114 page thread exclusively for PC CP77 crashing??

No one claimed that the game never crashes on PCs. Since the PC platform is extremely varied, there will be rigs where the game crashes, sometimes even for reasons entirely unrelated to the game itself, e.g. heat issues, instability due to overclocking, obsolete drivers, bad PSUs, etc.

Still, if you look at the overall scores on review aggregators, the PC platform is where the game gets positive reviews. For example, these are the current user scores on metacritic:

PC: 7.1 (21590 votes)
Xbox: 4.3 (3028 votes)
PS4: 3.1 (7975 votes)

So there's one guy who played through the entire game on his PS5 without a single crash? Great! Maybe CDPR should propose to buy his console, and then use it as evidence in the upcoming lawsuit against Sony. Because apparently there are variations in Sony's PS5 production that CDPR couldn't possibly anticipate.
19 Dec 2020, 6:07am
Aleksander MajjamA 114 page thread exclusively for PC CP77 crashing??

No one claimed that the game never crashes on PCs. Since the PC platform is extremely varied, there will be rigs where the game crashes, sometimes even for reasons entirely unrelated to the game itself, e.g. heat issues, instability due to overclocking, obsolete drivers, bad PSUs, etc.

Still, if you look at the overall scores on review aggregators, the PC platform is where the game gets positive reviews. For example, these are the current user scores on metacritic:

PC: 7.1 (21590 votes)
Xbox: 4.3 (3028 votes)
PS4: 3.1 (7975 votes)

So there's one guy who played through the entire game on his PS5 without a single crash? Great! Maybe CDPR should propose to buy his console, and then use it as evidence in the upcoming lawsuit against Sony. Because apparently there are variations in Sony's PS5 production that CDPR couldn't possibly anticipate.

CDPR lawsuit against Sony.....................................

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