
20 Dec 2020, 8:08pm
Aleksander MajjamThis is a PC only issue. Looks like consoles are in the clear, FYI.

No, they're not. I already posted a link to an article talking about a broken 65-hour save file on PS5. It took PC players to figure out that all the corrupt files are the same size, because on PCs you can actually look at individual files, while on the PS you only see a grand total of "save data" per game.

The worst thing though is CDPR's response: The limit "might be raised" in the future, but hey, you're doing too much crafting! We're quickly getting into Fallout 76 territory here.
20 Dec 2020, 8:49pm
Aleksander MajjamThis is a PC only issue. Looks like consoles are in the clear, FYI.

No, they're not. I already posted a link to an article talking about a broken 65-hour save file on PS5. It took PC players to figure out that all the corrupt files are the same size, because on PCs you can actually look at individual files, while on the PS you only see a grand total of "save data" per game.

The worst thing though is CDPR's response: The limit "might be raised" in the future, but hey, you're doing too much crafting! We're quickly getting into Fallout 76 territory here.

What article? Your linked Reddit post references 2 forum links and the CDPR response link.

Top comment on the Reddit post specifies PC only and the reason..

Wtf, I've been loot goblining every pack of cards and trash to deconstruct while finishing up every single quest.

Guess I'm doomed.

Edit: This is a PC specific problem where the specific sav.dat file in the save files shouldn't exceed 8mb.

Some tips I've got for keeping the file size small are:

Sell to dropboxes instead of vendors.

Consume crafting components of you have loads of them.

Keep your inventory clean.

Sorting by new, console players are chiming in that they're not affected and that might be because consoles might come with a pre-loaded specified save file. More research indicates this save file is..

My save file ManualSave-0 and AutoSave-8 are both 12.59MB on my PS5 and I have no issues. My user profile is 4.20MB.

This game is a buggy, technical PoS. Can you link to any posts stating that this occurs on consoles and is confirmed to be this particular issue? I've seen reports of saves being corrupted 2-3 weeks ago.
20 Dec 2020, 9:18pm
FYI. Consoles DO show individual save file sizes. It has nothing to do with consoles, but is a developer implementation. For instance, if I look at my Xbox save file from the home screen I would see the save for Game A look like this..

Jam - Game A - 2 Save Files = 1.0 MB
Jam - Game A Save Allocation = 2 GIGS

However, if I look at the saves within the game UI, I would see something like..

Save 1 = .5 MB
Save 2 = .5 MB

Might be another CDPR oversight though.
20 Dec 2020, 9:25pm
All the saved game data for CP77 on PS shows as 12.59 MB, whether you're hours into the game or just started fresh. It's a pre-allocated block. Look around, you'll see every PS owner reporting the exact same number.

You need a PC to actually open the folder and see the size of the sav.dat file inside. Mine is currently at 3,972 KB because I haven't crafted yet, only looted a lot. I destroyed a considerable number of the guns I looted and then saved again, and the file size actually decreased a bit, but only marginally so.

The problem is, even if they raise the limit, it'll only postpone the inevitable. Having a limit at all is not an accident but a fundamental design flaw and may not be easy to fix without refactoring large parts of the code. So yes, I agree it's a PoS. I'm thinking about refunding now. What a mess...
20 Dec 2020, 9:38pm
SakashiroAll the saved game data for CP77 on PS shows as 12.59 MB, whether you're hours into the game or just started fresh. It's a pre-allocated block. Look around, you'll see every PS owner reporting the exact same number.

You need a PC to actually open the folder and see the size of the sav.dat file inside. Mine is currently at 3,972 KB because I haven't crafted yet, only looted a lot. I destroyed a considerable number of the guns I looted and then saved again, and the file size actually decreased a bit, but only marginally so.

The problem is, even if they raise the limit, it'll only postpone the inevitable. Having a limit at all is not an accident but a fundamental design flaw and may not be easy to fix without refactoring large parts of the code. So yes, I agree it's a PoS. I'm thinking about refunding now. What a mess...

To compare, my Skyrim saves from 2016 where Xbox allowed all PC mods to be used on the console still work 'till this day.
20 Dec 2020, 10:03pm
Aleksander MajjamTo compare, my Skyrim saves from 2016 where Xbox allowed all PC mods to be used on the console still work 'till this day.

I remember people reporting Fallout 4 save game file sizes exceeding 80 MB. These took a while to load, but they did load.

Amateur hour at CDPR...
20 Dec 2020, 10:09pm
Aleksander MajjamTo compare, my Skyrim saves from 2016 where Xbox allowed all PC mods to be used on the console still work 'till this day.

I remember people reporting Fallout 4 save game file sizes exceeding 80 MB. These took a while to load, but they did load.

Amateur hour at CDPR...

I need to look up what console save file limits are. Should be unlimited since they are stored on the cloud and not locally on your HD.

Also. New GoG article up.

Though initially reported as affecting games across all platforms, some now suggest it's just a PC issue.

In either case, if I were you, I would absolutely stop playing this game and just wait it out for six months if you can.
20 Dec 2020, 11:09pm
If it was a PC-only issue, that would be good news because it would mean a fix already exists. However, it's more likely that the 8 MB limit on the sav.dat file is a consequence of the 12 MB slot size on the PlayStation, and that's also why they're unable to fix it, shared code base and all that.

Anyway, if you manage to make a save file larger than 8 MB, send me a copy.
20 Dec 2020, 11:56pm
SakashiroIf it was a PC-only issue, that would be good news because it would mean a fix already exists. However, it's more likely that the 8 MB limit on the sav.dat file is a consequence of the 12 MB slot size on the PlayStation, and that's also why they're unable to fix it, shared code base and all that.

Anyway, if you manage to make a save file larger than 8 MB, send me a copy.

What does having a 12 MB allocated slot file on PS (In which is seems both Xbox and Playstation players are having no issues) have anything to do with PC players having corrupt save files at 8 MB?

Or are you just joking? Which I hope you are.
21 Dec 2020, 1:37am
Aleksander MajjamWhat does having a 12 MB allocated slot file on PS (In which is seems both Xbox and Playstation players are having no issues) have anything to do with PC players having corrupt save files at 8 MB?

Or are you just joking? Which I hope you are.

The save data slot on the PS is pre-allocated to hold all the data of a saved game. Think of it as a folder. On a PC you can display the contents of that folder: a metadata.json file containing the current stats of your character, a 456x256 screenshot PNG file taken the moment you save the game and used as a thumbnail, and a sav.dat binary file containing the current state of the world, your inventory, and your stashes. The format of the sav.dat file is derived from Witcher 3, which is why there are already tools available to decrypt its contents.

You cannot see these folder contents on the PS. But you can see that the folder's size is fixed at 12.59MB right from the start of a playthrough. And since all the data mentioned above has to fit into that space, the sav.dat file gets truncated to 8 MB when written. Now you may wonder why this happens on platforms that don't have such folder size restrictions. The answer is shared code. They can fix this on the PC but not on the PS without also raising the pre-allocation quota, so the limit is likely here to stay.
21 Dec 2020, 2:08am
Aleksander MajjamWhat does having a 12 MB allocated slot file on PS (In which is seems both Xbox and Playstation players are having no issues) have anything to do with PC players having corrupt save files at 8 MB?

Or are you just joking? Which I hope you are.

The save data slot on the PS is pre-allocated to hold all the data of a saved game. Think of it as a folder. On a PC you can display the contents of that folder: a metadata.json file containing the current stats of your character, a 456x256 screenshot PNG file taken the moment you save the game and used as a thumbnail, and a sav.dat binary file containing the current state of the world, your inventory, and your stashes. The format of the sav.dat file is derived from Witcher 3, which is why there are already tools available to decrypt its contents.

You cannot see these folder contents on the PS. But you can see that the folder's size is fixed at 12.59MB right from the start of a playthrough. And since all the data mentioned above has to fit into that space, the sav.dat file gets truncated to 8 MB when written. Now you may wonder why this happens on platforms that don't have such folder size restrictions. The answer is shared code. They can fix this on the PC but not on the PS without also raising the pre-allocation quota, so the limit is likely here to stay.

You keep mentioning consoles, yet you haven't shown me that this is a console issue. I have not seen one post on any site that I've combed through since your post that has a console user having a corrupted save in accordance with this bug.
21 Dec 2020, 4:15am
Aleksander MajjamYou keep mentioning consoles, yet you haven't shown me that this is a console issue. I have not seen one post on any site that I've combed through since your post that has a console user having a corrupted save in accordance with this bug.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Since console users cannot see the size of their save files, there is no way to tell whether the console version of the game is affected by the bug or not.
21 Dec 2020, 5:02am
Aleksander MajjamYou keep mentioning consoles, yet you haven't shown me that this is a console issue. I have not seen one post on any site that I've combed through since your post that has a console user having a corrupted save in accordance with this bug.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Since console users cannot see the size of their save files, there is no way to tell whether the console version of the game is affected by the bug or not.

So in laymen's terms...

You have no fucking clue.

Splendid. Going to apply this logic to most of your conjecture regarding console/PC, so I think we can call this chat between us case closed until there are further developments.
21 Dec 2020, 9:35am
Aleksander MajjamSo in laymen's terms...

You have no fucking clue.

Splendid. Going to apply this logic to most of your conjecture regarding console/PC, so I think we can call this chat between us case closed until there are further developments.

I don't have to prove anything. You're the one claiming it's a PC-only issue. No one else does, not even CDPR. So what clue do you have to make that claim? None whatsoever.

If everything is fine and dandy on your shiny next-gen console, why don't you play the game that you paid for like everyone else, instead of making bold claims about it while waiting for patches that may or may not come? Show us PC plebs how large your save file can get without being corrupted. You're all talk but no action.
21 Dec 2020, 10:40am
Aleksander MajjamSo in laymen's terms...

You have no fucking clue.

Splendid. Going to apply this logic to most of your conjecture regarding console/PC, so I think we can call this chat between us case closed until there are further developments.

I don't have to prove anything. You're the one claiming it's a PC-only issue. No one else does, not even CDPR. So what clue do you have to make that claim? None whatsoever.

If everything is fine and dandy on your shiny next-gen console, why don't you play the game that you paid for like everyone else, instead of making bold claims about it while waiting for patches that may or may not come? Show us PC plebs how large your save file can get without being corrupted. You're all talk but no action.

I don't have to prove anything. You're the one claiming it's a PC-only issue. No one else does, not even CDPR. So what clue do you have to make that claim? None whatsoever.


It took me longer to snip those and upload them to imgur than it did to do a little research in the very threads that you posted earlier to find them. At this point, who cares if it's a bug for what system.

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