
24 Dec 2020, 6:12pm
hahaha... love it!
24 Dec 2020, 7:14pm
Synthya WylderAwwww... that's sweet... kinda reminds me of my Happy Holidays post a page ago.

Haha. Happy holidays to YOU, madam.
24 Dec 2020, 7:15pm
Aleksander MajjamEvery now and then I host a movie night. It's gotten smaller with COVID and if we aren't eating, we're all masked up huddled in my living room, but I've confirmed everyone else besides myself that will be there has not seen one of the best movies ever to grace the big screen.

I don't think I could've made a better selection for tonight's showing.


Damn...please take care

Everyone thought is was okay, lol. I let them know they were getting into a cult classic, bad movie to begin with. It always helps to taper expectations.
24 Dec 2020, 8:55pm
I refuse to wear any mask. Ofc, I have a 'medical waiver' & live alone, & refuse to let anyone visit anyway so...

I prefer my refuge from hew-manity behind my tall, thick, dense wall of evergreens, security lighting, tall dark 2 story, guarded with a retired Marine sniper & his pit-bull.

Blessed Be!

"Now, Get Off My Lawn!"

<terminally cynical>
<aspiring recluse>

Last edit: 24 Dec 2020, 9:04pm
24 Dec 2020, 10:33pm
I'll be betting that Artie will be warming his 'move topic post' button a bit, so I'll be saving him 1 here...

On the topic of "Brits" English vs "Yanks" American...
25 Dec 2020, 3:05pm
Synthya Wylder Hey, give Becca a lil credit! She never mentioned her side gig, "We have pineapple pizza. You don't. Any questions?"

<dials 1-800-PINEAPL>

Pineapple only belongs on Hawaiian...
Okay maybe alone with bacon, too.
25 Dec 2020, 7:15pm
Pineapple + ham (or Canadian Bacon) on pizza = Hawaiian pizza.

25 Dec 2020, 7:41pm
That is the worst thing I've heard. Ever. Yuck.
25 Dec 2020, 8:16pm
SakashiroSo there's one guy who played through the entire game on his PS5 without a single crash? Great! Maybe CDPR should propose to buy his console, and then use it as evidence in the upcoming lawsuit against Sony. Because apparently there are variations in Sony's PS5 production that CDPR couldn't possibly anticipate.

It was meant to be a joke, but reports about lawsuits are now coming in...

26 Dec 2020, 6:57am
26 Dec 2020, 7:50pm
mmMMmm... Holiday Cookies for the WIN!
30 Dec 2020, 10:26pm
I had a heart attack watching this, LMAO.

31 Dec 2020, 2:45am
Oh, 1 thing I do not need... a cardiac event... Thankfully, I just passed my FDoT & school district physical exams today with flying colors.

But, no use pushing my luck & tempting fate...
31 Dec 2020, 1:19pm
Coming back to Goonswarm getting evicted... Big Fight

31 Dec 2020, 1:48pm
Aleksander MajjamI had a heart attack watching this, LMAO.

CDPR has become the butt of all jokes. CP77 is the ultimate meme game.

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