
20 Jan 2021, 3:25am
Synthya WylderI don't think that this website has anything to do with the quality of the Bios that those members who have chosen to write, have written.

Or not written.

Perhaps you might show us your example, rather than merely criticize...?

To make an attempt is, IMO, something more than to have made no attempt at all.

Jus' sayin'.

I appreciate how you say it doesn't matter, then immediately contradict yourself.

Wow. Please elaborate on both points. I'm most curious & fascinated to learn how you arrived at such conclusions!
20 Jan 2021, 5:33am
JB Threepwood
ED's lack of narrative is what steers everyone into creating their own story, so everyone is RPing to some extent.

I'm pretty sure Elite was deliberately designed for people to have their own personal stories within. But if you really do want some narrative within the Elite universe, there's plenty of novels out there.
20 Jan 2021, 6:19am
JB Threepwood
ED's lack of narrative is what steers everyone into creating their own story, so everyone is RPing to some extent.

I'm pretty sure Elite was deliberately designed for people to have their own personal stories within. But if you really do want some narrative within the Elite universe, there's plenty of novels out there.

You seemed to have concurred with my original points.
20 Jan 2021, 8:46am
Did anyone here give Everspace 2 a go (in early access since the 18th)? If so, what did you think about it?
20 Jan 2021, 9:16am
I'm going to wait until it's passed early access, but I'll be keeping my eye on it. The first one was fun.
20 Jan 2021, 9:50am
It looks like it could scratch a Freelancer-sized itch I've had since 2003.
21 Jan 2021, 12:10pm
Cyberpunk 2077 can be soooo random at times...

Meet Blue Moon, Purple Force and Red Menace... aka "Us Cracks"...

...did I say "random"? I meant "weird as hell"
21 Jan 2021, 1:37pm
Amata LireinCyberpunk 2077 can be soooo random at times...

Meet Blue Moon, Purple Force and Red Menace... aka "Us Cracks"...

...did I say "random"? I meant "weird as hell"

No doubt that song is a contributing factor to the widespread occurrence of cyberpsychosis, as it can be heard at various places all over Night City.

It probably starts like this...

21 Jan 2021, 2:05pm
You can listen to the full song on one of the radio channels... or look it up on YT...

22 Jan 2021, 4:43am
That song is great.
22 Jan 2021, 9:38am
XeknosThat song is great.

Then you'll love what they are actually singing here... though it will make the music video even more confusing.

...mainichi anata to PONPON sasete... (Let me PONPON with you everyday...)


...and I really hope I do not need to point out what "PONPON" stands for.
22 Jan 2021, 10:28am
Amata Lirein
XeknosThat song is great.

Then you'll love what they are actually singing here... though it will make the music video even more confusing.

...mainichi anata to PONPON sasete... (Let me PONPON with you everyday...)


...and I really hope I do not need to point out what "PONPON" stands for.

That song is still great. Even greater, actually.
22 Jan 2021, 11:26am
Amata Lirein
XeknosThat song is great.

Then you'll love what they are actually singing here... though it will make the music video even more confusing.

...mainichi anata to PONPON sasete... (Let me PONPON with you everyday...)


...and I really hope I do not need to point out what "PONPON" stands for.

That song is still great. Even greater, actually.

22 Jan 2021, 11:39am
Amata Lirein
XeknosThat song is great.

Then you'll love what they are actually singing here... though it will make the music video even more confusing.

...mainichi anata to PONPON sasete... (Let me PONPON with you everyday...)


...and I really hope I do not need to point out what "PONPON" stands for.

That song is still great. Even greater, actually.

22 Jan 2021, 12:18pm
Rebecca Hail
Amata Lirein

Then you'll love what they are actually singing here... though it will make the music video even more confusing.

...and I really hope I do not need to point out what "PONPON" stands for.

That song is still great. Even greater, actually.


*takes away baseball bat from Rebecca* Nope, not today. Go and apologize.


That's why:

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