
29 Jan 2021, 3:36pm
Desert Fox CXVIIAll this controversy over stocks won't be a problem after the GLORIOUS PROLETARIAT REVOLUTION.

You are absolutely right mate, 100% agree.

We would have other problems, far more serious ones.
29 Jan 2021, 3:50pm
ArtieI consider most posts here as a sarcasm, because it's quite obvious that the utopian socialism apparently doesn't work, despite the flawed efforts that are closer to previously hinted Orwell's Animal farm than anything else.


Synthya WylderBTW, not even addressing what I can't decide is either sarcasm or profound stupidity/Kool-Aid drinking...

Has anyone seen or recall watching the movie Trading Places (Trailer)?

It's more justified anger at how broken our system of capitalism is. People can barely make rent and keep food on the table, and the one time people band together to do what they've been telling us to do, they shut the market down to fiddlefuck with it behind the scenes.

You call it theft. I call it justice.

I'm not objecting to what's happening with the current stock market/investment shenanigans; what I'm objecting to is all the rest, re: capitalism, fascism, & socialism/communism/collectivism being the golden be-all & end-all solution, as depicted in that ridiculous propaganda poster earlier.

Only the blind, ignorant, uneducated & gullible would actually believe that claptrap. To those that would & do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn & waterfront real estate in Florida to sell them.

I'm not meaning to overly generalize, but most people with resources, worked long & damned hard to earn them.

Being able to reap & keep the fruits of their efforts is a fundamental aspect of humanity.

The trouble with collectivism is that, as was already posted, if everyone were equal in their resources, then everyone would be equally miserable & poor. As the saying goes, "Misery loves company".

For instance, if I sat on my @$$ all day & made a career of lamenting over how my hard-working neighbor has lots (more) than I do, & clamored for "Justice" by having the fruits of my neighbor's efforts given to me for doing relatively nothing but bitching & whining, do you think at some point my neighbor would think, 'Why bother? All I have to do is the same!' & then, from where do the Marxists & collectivists think whatever it is they get, is going to continue coming?

The main problem with Socialism is, sooner or later, it runs out of other peoples' money.

Mission, should you choose to accept it: Read George Orwell's Animal Farm, & Nineteen Eighty-Four, & Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.
29 Jan 2021, 3:54pm
Ok, Artie, I'm done. AFAIC, that topic's closed.
29 Jan 2021, 3:57pm
What have I started?
29 Jan 2021, 4:00pm
Let's blame Igneel for everything for now.
29 Jan 2021, 4:05pm
How about no
29 Jan 2021, 4:40pm
Yo, anyone who says "if anyone believes that bullshit, I have a bridge to sell you," and in the same breath recommends Ayn Rand as an unironic good read should not be listened to. This is coming from the self admitted shitposter. Rand's writing is nothing more than a libertarian fever dream fueled by virulent hatred of the working class. Fuck Rand. Don't read any of her work, its not worth your time or the paper its printed on.

Last edit: 29 Jan 2021, 4:45pm
29 Jan 2021, 4:43pm
I for one find it hilarious that Robin Hood basically combat logged on the gankers, breaking the TOS.
29 Jan 2021, 4:47pm
Desert Fox CXVIIYo, who says "if anyone believes that bullshit, I have a bridge to sell you," and in the same breath recommends Ayn Rand as an unironic good read should not be listened to. This is coming from the self admitted shitposter. Rand's writing is nothing more than a libertarian fever dream fueled by virulent hatred of the working class. Fuck Rand

Agreed. Rand is a massive pile of horseshit. Theres a reason libertarianism doesn't survive long past college.
29 Jan 2021, 4:49pm
Also, unrelated to anything:

Has anyone noticed how star trek is 100% a socialist utopia? No money, no economy, no class, and no poverty.

EDIT: the Federation is portrayed as a socialist utopia, but libertarian societies like the Ferengi are seen as "misguided" and wrong. THE GLORIOUS SOCIALIST REVOLUTION IS OBVIOUSLY THE ONLY WAY FORWARD

Last edit: 29 Jan 2021, 4:55pm
29 Jan 2021, 5:03pm
Something close to Star Trek is my desired end game, actually. Basic living needs like food, housing, healthcare and security are handled by the state, while capitalism handles the luxuries and innovation. Best of both worlds.

I mean, ideally, in a post scarcity society we would be full Star Trek. Let people follow their dreams without regard for "who's going to pay for it."
29 Jan 2021, 5:28pm
Class wars stop when basic needs become abundant to everyone. If anyone can just tell a machine to make them their food or something the market for that stuff becomes redundant and dies. That also leads to currency eventually becoming useless. Moral of the story Star Trek has a great system but it only works because nobody needs to be paid for stuff. Especially not for essentials so why fight/compete in any form for anything? Capitalism on the other hand literally makes use of the demand for things to make other people do your bidding. It's just a matter of how far people go for what reward. On paper it works great but it does mean if the system has flaws like no living wages leading to mass poverty those poor and even middle class people become slaves and that will sooner or later piss them off a lot.
29 Jan 2021, 5:34pm
Synthya WylderThe main problem with Socialism is, sooner or later, it runs out of other peoples' money.

For the record, I wasn't promoting socialism, but I wasn't being sarcastic either. You can't preach the virtues of free market capitalism to the working and middle class and at the same time force them to bail out the wealthy elites whenever they lose money on their bets. That is other people's money, quite literally. And the bailouts haven't stopped since 2008. As you say yourself, this cannot continue forever, it's going to collapse one way or another.

Banks stopped paying interest on savings accounts to force people to invest in stocks. Now people did invest in stocks, and because some hedge funds got burned in the process, the rules suddenly have to be changed again. It's a scam, and people are becoming increasingly aware of it.

Even Ayn Rand promoted selfishness as a universal virtue; she didn't suggest to be selfish towards the poor but altruistic to the rich.
29 Jan 2021, 5:41pm
*is happy to live in Germany and its social market economy...*

Yeah, it has its flaws, but none as severe then pure capitalism or communism
29 Jan 2021, 5:53pm
Amata Lirein*is happy to live in Germany and its social market economy...*

Yeah, it has its flaws, but none as severe then pure capitalism or communism

That is the best temporary solution until other issues are fixed. Most of the problems that remain are thanks to...special people... being in charge

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