
22 Jan 2021, 8:50pm
22 Jan 2021, 8:53pm
Rebecca HailYou can hardly call that random

And neither me nor my character enjoys suits or Harley Quinn costumes very much

Maybe, but Harley likes her bat at least as much as you do

Well, Aleksander finally managed to finish the PS I asked him for... here's the result: Amata in her made-to-measure Remlok

Last edit: 22 Jan 2021, 8:59pm
22 Jan 2021, 9:07pm
Really wish I could've done better, but I am glad you like it.
22 Jan 2021, 10:25pm
Rebecca Hail
Amata Lirein
XeknosHappy Womb Emergence Day.

*hands Xeknos a helmet against yet another swing of Rebecca's baseball bat, just in case*

He's already used to it.

After a while, you start to build skull calluses.
23 Jan 2021, 2:32am
Please join me in honoring the actress Mira Furlan, Delenn from Babylon 5, as today, she passed beyond the vale. She awaits us beyond the rim. We live for the one, we die for the one.
23 Jan 2021, 2:54am
Wow...65 is way to soon. May she rest in peace...

And I know I'm late to the party but Happy Birthday's still the 22nd where I'm at. Cheers!
23 Jan 2021, 10:43am
Synthya WylderPlease join me in honoring the actress Mira Furlan, Delenn from Babylon 5, as today, she passed beyond the vale. She awaits us beyond the rim. We live for the one, we die for the one.

So the curse of B5 strikes again I see... RIP Mira Furlan
23 Jan 2021, 10:52am
Sooo... I just found out that the trio of Us Cracks is in reality just a duo... Makopuri and Asachill. Aaaaand their voices are just as real.

That's them doing some promo gig for Cyberpunk.
23 Jan 2021, 12:35pm
ewww... not my style.
23 Jan 2021, 4:12pm
In case someone here cares and hasn't noticed yet. The Expanse season 5 and His Dark Materials season 2 are out
24 Jan 2021, 5:11pm
Igneel PrimeIn case someone here cares and hasn't noticed yet. The Expanse season 5 and His Dark Materials season 2 are out

Thanks for posting. I know of The Expanse series, but never heard of His Dark Materials series, so I did a search & started watching the 1st episode. Intriguing.

Other previous comments, including my own, have mentioned how much The Expanse series is rather similar to Elite:Dangerous.

Along a similar topic previously discussed, re: an Elite:Dangerous movie or even a series...

I keep returning to my thoughts on how much the game would benefit from a movie &/ series based & derived from it... the potential, if somehow Frontier & a visionary (group) might be able to transfer what Lore there is to the screen.

Likely, Frontier &/ Braben has been approached before. I've even considered contacting them with my encouraging thoughts on the possibilities.

Is there a potential for a clusterfuck, sure as hell yeah! Is there also a potential for something grand, & breathing a lot more life into the E:D universe, in a similar way that Star Trek inspired a huge following including games, novels, etc., etc., etc.? Equally, sure as hell yeah!

So... Casting Call for all of the major figures, leaders of the different factions. What do you think, considering their appearance, &/ RL mannerisms & ability to portray the figures in the E:D game?

I know of one which strikes me immediately as a potential... & PLEASE let us keep our personal prejudices/feelings out of it, especially the ones involving politics...

Donald Trump playing the figure Zachary Hudson. What do you think?

Any other thoughts or suggestions, & for the other major figures also?
24 Jan 2021, 5:18pm
Read the books, ignore the TV series.

Your imagination, is better than anyone elses.
24 Jan 2021, 7:07pm
ShabbyjRead the books, ignore the TV series.

Your imagination, is better than anyone elses.

That's a matter of personal taste. I prefer watching
24 Jan 2021, 8:23pm
I'm sure I am speaking to the choir here, but I haven't seen much role playing since I've come here. I see texts that signify actions, just like the old AOL chatrooms. It's like a warm homecoming. lol

I never knew ED has such a massive community fanbase like this. I'm a comic book nerd and only had the chance to go to one comic con, un/fortunately.  Js ... This brings back memories and good times.
24 Jan 2021, 8:59pm
You might look at some of the commanders personal logbooks. Some are doing “solo” role play in addition to posting under the tabs above. It was suggested to me a bit ago to start role play there to get a better understanding of your Elite Dangerous commanders character. I actually just started my logbook last week...never wrote before...and had to get the guts to put myself out there...

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Anything not directly and indirectly related to Elite:Dangerous, Starfield, Inara, galaxy and so on. Just please no politics, religion and similar usually heated discussions, please. It never ends well despite the best efforts...