
24 Jan 2021, 9:17pm
I would have to figure out how to pack my character into a story that makes sense in the Elite Universe. From a story perspective a lot of the game aspects don't make a huge lot of sense and I believe that's where the difficulty would be in making a movie/series set in the Elite universe. Where would the characters be from? What role would the factions play? The Expanse is very similar in a few aspects but that is more a reason to need to avoid making something that is too similar or it would look like a copy.
24 Jan 2021, 9:55pm
Igneel PrimeI would have to figure out how to pack my character into a story that makes sense in the Elite Universe. From a story perspective a lot of the game aspects don't make a huge lot of sense and I believe that's where the difficulty would be in making a movie/series set in the Elite universe. Where would the characters be from? What role would the factions play? The Expanse is very similar in a few aspects but that is more a reason to need to avoid making something that is too similar or it would look like a copy.

Where the major players would be from, would be based on their descriptions in the Powers & Codex.

While I have no experience with such things, I can see a rough idea as to how some sort of screen portrays would be like.

The possibility that a lot of E:D's story/lore doesn't make a lot of sense, seems an opportunity to fill in the gaps, as it were.

So, come on, indulge us if you will. IF such a thing were to come to pass, what are anyone's thoughts on a Casting Call for E:D?
24 Jan 2021, 11:41pm
Amata LireinSooo... I just found out that the trio of Us Cracks is in reality just a duo... Makopuri and Asachill. Aaaaand their voices are just as real.

That's them doing some promo gig for Cyberpunk.

Fantastic. Praise be. Thank you.

25 Jan 2021, 2:51am
Igneel PrimeI would have to figure out how to pack my character into a story that makes sense in the Elite Universe. From a story perspective a lot of the game aspects don't make a huge lot of sense and I believe that's where the difficulty would be in making a movie/series set in the Elite universe. Where would the characters be from? What role would the factions play? The Expanse is very similar in a few aspects but that is more a reason to need to avoid making something that is too similar or it would look like a copy.

I agree with Synthya here; Elite's paper-thin lore should not be seen as an obstacle but as an opportunity. You can write about pretty much any subject matter; if your work features at least a few things known from the game and doesn't outright contradict what little lore there is, it will pass as legit Elite fanfiction.
25 Jan 2021, 8:01am
Igneel PrimeI would have to figure out how to pack my character into a story that makes sense in the Elite Universe. From a story perspective a lot of the game aspects don't make a huge lot of sense and I believe that's where the difficulty would be in making a movie/series set in the Elite universe. Where would the characters be from? What role would the factions play? The Expanse is very similar in a few aspects but that is more a reason to need to avoid making something that is too similar or it would look like a copy.

I agree with Synthya here; Elite's paper-thin lore should not be seen as an obstacle but as an opportunity. You can write about pretty much any subject matter; if your work features at least a few things known from the game and doesn't outright contradict what little lore there is, it will pass as legit Elite fanfiction.

I agree with that but lemme give you an example of what I mean... How do you write a story that accurately reflects someone who has Federal rank and the Vette that comes with it, Imperial rank and the Cutter that comes with it and keeps those ranks in both factions for some reason and flies both ships? I mean you could certainly write some kinda secretly deserting bs but that won't hold up for long and the gameplay machanic of the rank grinds for the ships doesn't make sense in a story.
25 Jan 2021, 8:22am
Igneel Prime
Igneel PrimeI would have to figure out how to pack my character into a story that makes sense in the Elite Universe. From a story perspective a lot of the game aspects don't make a huge lot of sense and I believe that's where the difficulty would be in making a movie/series set in the Elite universe. Where would the characters be from? What role would the factions play? The Expanse is very similar in a few aspects but that is more a reason to need to avoid making something that is too similar or it would look like a copy.

I agree with Synthya here; Elite's paper-thin lore should not be seen as an obstacle but as an opportunity. You can write about pretty much any subject matter; if your work features at least a few things known from the game and doesn't outright contradict what little lore there is, it will pass as legit Elite fanfiction.

I agree with that but lemme give you an example of what I mean... How do you write a story that accurately reflects someone who has Federal rank and the Vette that comes with it, Imperial rank and the Cutter that comes with it and keeps those ranks in both factions for some reason and flies both ships? I mean you could certainly write some kinda secretly deserting bs but that won't hold up for long and the gameplay machanic of the rank grinds for the ships doesn't make sense in a story.

Don't tie your character 100% to your ingame actions or your ingame character. You can take inspiration from them but taking them over 1:1 usually doesn't make for a good story.

You have to take at least some creative liberty with ED. And yeah, being both an admiral and a king in the federal and imperial auxilliaries doesn't make sense lorewise. You can make up other excuses for flying a Vette or a Cutter though (found/stole/salvaged/inherited it for example).
25 Jan 2021, 11:13am
Igneel Prime
Igneel PrimeI would have to figure out how to pack my character into a story that makes sense in the Elite Universe. From a story perspective a lot of the game aspects don't make a huge lot of sense and I believe that's where the difficulty would be in making a movie/series set in the Elite universe. Where would the characters be from? What role would the factions play? The Expanse is very similar in a few aspects but that is more a reason to need to avoid making something that is too similar or it would look like a copy.

I agree with Synthya here; Elite's paper-thin lore should not be seen as an obstacle but as an opportunity. You can write about pretty much any subject matter; if your work features at least a few things known from the game and doesn't outright contradict what little lore there is, it will pass as legit Elite fanfiction.

I agree with that but lemme give you an example of what I mean... How do you write a story that accurately reflects someone who has Federal rank and the Vette that comes with it, Imperial rank and the Cutter that comes with it and keeps those ranks in both factions for some reason and flies both ships? I mean you could certainly write some kinda secretly deserting bs but that won't hold up for long and the gameplay machanic of the rank grinds for the ships doesn't make sense in a story.

I never mentioned any story involving specific players... what I mentioned was, screenplay involving the heads of the different major factions shown in the Codex.
25 Jan 2021, 2:24pm
Igneel PrimeI agree with that but lemme give you an example of what I mean... How do you write a story that accurately reflects someone who has Federal rank and the Vette that comes with it, Imperial rank and the Cutter that comes with it and keeps those ranks in both factions for some reason and flies both ships? I mean you could certainly write some kinda secretly deserting bs but that won't hold up for long and the gameplay machanic of the rank grinds for the ships doesn't make sense in a story.

I'm familiar with that problem. My RP character is a shipyard mechanic and runaway imperial slave, but she's flying a ship that requires a navy rank. If someone were to bring this up during RP, Sakashiro would reveal that her family worked at a Gutamaya production plant, so she learned how to bypass security measures preventing anyone but navy officers from flying a Courier. Gutamaya's ships are assembled by slaves, so she feels entitled to flying them. Act of defiance, yadda yadda yadda. You get the idea. Just use your imagination and make something up. Fill the gaps in the lore with your personal story.
25 Jan 2021, 2:28pm
maybe I'll give it a shot after I'm done with Expanse season 5
25 Jan 2021, 2:56pm
Igneel PrimeI agree with that but lemme give you an example of what I mean... How do you write a story that accurately reflects someone who has Federal rank and the Vette that comes with it, Imperial rank and the Cutter that comes with it and keeps those ranks in both factions for some reason and flies both ships? I mean you could certainly write some kinda secretly deserting bs but that won't hold up for long and the gameplay machanic of the rank grinds for the ships doesn't make sense in a story.

I'm familiar with that problem. My RP character is a shipyard mechanic and runaway imperial slave, but she's flying a ship that requires a navy rank. If someone were to bring this up during RP, Sakashiro would reveal that her family worked at a Gutamaya production plant, so she learned how to bypass security measures preventing anyone but navy officers from flying a Courier. Gutamaya's ships are assembled by slaves, so she feels entitled to flying them. Act of defiance, yadda yadda yadda. You get the idea. Just use your imagination and make something up. Fill the gaps in the lore with your personal story.

Like what I did, writing Synthya's Bio. When I 1st started, I made some mistakes that were not congruent with E:D Lore & a couple of "Lore-Meisters" pointed them out, & I went back & corrected them. I'm still open to advice, but I think it creates a unique & interesting backstory.

Now when I ever get back to continuing with her RP story, I'll be doing my best to develop & build on that. It should be interesting & I have a number of ideas & directions in which I can take that.

Because of my old fingers, & the current cold weather especially, & a well-worn keyboard, & that I have a bad habit of trying to type too fast, I use Grammarly in my browser which automatically checks & makes suggestions as to correct spelling, syntax & word use. It's free... no idea as to how well that might work for others who are not native English users (their native language might create confusions/conflicts/complications).

It might be worth a try, & might even garner more "Shiny" clicks - some might be more impressed with the quality of little things like those. Your mileage may vary.
25 Jan 2021, 3:37pm
In my view, a literal transposition of gameplay to story would make for a poor story. One can very well have their story informed by gameplay, but Elite does virtually nothing in terms of character development and plot.
25 Jan 2021, 4:42pm
M. LehmanIn my view, a literal transposition of gameplay to story would make for a poor story. One can very well have their story informed by gameplay, but Elite does virtually nothing in terms of character development and plot.

I certainly agree.
25 Jan 2021, 6:59pm
as a special agent to the greater good then it is in my interests to be of Federal Rank and an Imperial Snob to be able to operate freely in their respective spaces and gets you access to many otherwise locked systems.
26 Jan 2021, 2:07am
Synthya Wylder
Igneel PrimeI agree with that but lemme give you an example of what I mean... How do you write a story that accurately reflects someone who has Federal rank and the Vette that comes with it, Imperial rank and the Cutter that comes with it and keeps those ranks in both factions for some reason and flies both ships? I mean you could certainly write some kinda secretly deserting bs but that won't hold up for long and the gameplay machanic of the rank grinds for the ships doesn't make sense in a story.

I'm familiar with that problem. My RP character is a shipyard mechanic and runaway imperial slave, but she's flying a ship that requires a navy rank. If someone were to bring this up during RP, Sakashiro would reveal that her family worked at a Gutamaya production plant, so she learned how to bypass security measures preventing anyone but navy officers from flying a Courier. Gutamaya's ships are assembled by slaves, so she feels entitled to flying them. Act of defiance, yadda yadda yadda. You get the idea. Just use your imagination and make something up. Fill the gaps in the lore with your personal story.

Like what I did, writing Synthya's Bio. When I 1st started, I made some mistakes that were not congruent with E:D Lore & a couple of "Lore-Meisters" pointed them out, & I went back & corrected them. I'm still open to advice, but I think it creates a unique & interesting backstory.

Now when I ever get back to continuing with her RP story, I'll be doing my best to develop & build on that. It should be interesting & I have a number of ideas & directions in which I can take that.

Because of my old fingers, & the current cold weather especially, & a well-worn keyboard, & that I have a bad habit of trying to type too fast, I use Grammarly in my browser which automatically checks & makes suggestions as to correct spelling, syntax & word use. It's free... no idea as to how well that might work for others who are not native English users (their native language might create confusions/conflicts/complications).

It might be worth a try, & might even garner more "Shiny" clicks - some might be more impressed with the quality of little things like those. Your mileage may vary.

I'm not sure if I'd categorize "copying elements of Star Trek literally wholesale because multiverse" is really a mistake, though. Seems like you have to go into that with some intention.

But hey, backstories don't really matter, right?
26 Jan 2021, 2:25am
When I mentioned the "failure of the playerbase" a few pages ago, this is largely what I was talking about. Elite provides us a sandbox and gives us a framework (albeit loosely) of lore to operate in. It then falls to us to explore this universe. Our creativity is tested by us finding certain places and making them our own, either as a group or individually. You can find a system, create a player group, back a faction, and literally make that space your own.

We were given *almost* true freedom to create our own backstories, with the only limitation being Elite's very basic framework. This is any creative person's dream. And a bunch of people have capitalized on that dream.

Others have attempted to rip off Firefly or Star Trek or Star Wars or Fallout or...

Back when I used to roleplay, mostly on World of Warcraft, some of our biggest issues were people pretending to be someone important or taking the role of a character already established in lore. It goes about as well as you expect. I partially fault WoW for this, because the narrative of that game places the player character onto a pedestal, and so it's understandable that some people want to feel validated and carry this feeling into RP, as well.

Elite doesn't have this problem. Our characters are nobodies. It is okay not to be special. And some of the best characters I've seen on this website are the people who find a way to make being a nobody interesting.

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