
28 Jan 2021, 8:52pm
I do not think it is based on book. The creator is referred by Wikipedia as a screenwriter.
29 Jan 2021, 2:50am
I will do more photoshops. I just need some inspiration.
29 Jan 2021, 8:05am
Since we apparently need to keep Offtopic alive...anyone been keeping an eye on the stock market?
29 Jan 2021, 8:11am
Oh boi. Not sure if we want to start that topic here.
29 Jan 2021, 8:52am
Igneel PrimeSince we apparently need to keep Offtopic alive...anyone been keeping an eye on the stock market?

Man, I can't shake the feeling that the S&P 500 is overpriced AF. Just loook at those numbers, ridiculous! I smell a bubble, I mean just look at the charts before 2009's big bang. That's where we're headed, so strap yourselves in, it's gonna be a hell of a ride.

But, ofc, I'm no expert.

Oh, an by the way, where are all the snowflakes whining about mass lawsuit against CDPR now, huh? Hell, whish I could ask for a bailout from the government everytime I've made uninformed decision.
29 Jan 2021, 9:17am
We are staring to eat the rich and I am so fucking here for it.
29 Jan 2021, 9:22am
Oh we're absolutely heading towards a crash if nobody does something silly like deciding we're artificially resetting to 1-2 weeks ago (which would probably cause riots on a whole new level). The interesting thing about this one is that normal people came up to the few rich and said in a language the rich understand "get fucked". Be funny if this turns into the next revolution. A wealth redistribution the US and the rest of the world could really do with right about now
29 Jan 2021, 10:54am
XeknosWe are staring to eat the rich and I am so fucking here for it.

Igneel PrimeOh we're absolutely heading towards a crash if nobody does something silly like deciding we're artificially resetting to 1-2 weeks ago (which would probably cause riots on a whole new level). The interesting thing about this one is that normal people came up to the few rich and said in a language the rich understand "get fucked". Be funny if this turns into the next revolution. A wealth redistribution the US and the rest of the world could really do with right about now

More words to describe the same thing: Theft. Stalin & Mao Tse Tung used them.
29 Jan 2021, 11:07am
all i know is that the world we come from hates inbalance, and feel that the pandemic is here for our abuse of the environment which we need to rebalance and work with not against. Then the human construct it's self is also highly un balanced with 0.01% of the global population owning something like 90% of the worlds wealth. Back in the 90's i worked in the City of London and a stat that really stood out was that if you earned £30 k per annum you where in the worlds top 5% in regards to wealth... That feels such a wrong statistic.
29 Jan 2021, 11:16am
Synthya Wylder
XeknosWe are staring to eat the rich and I am so fucking here for it.

Igneel PrimeOh we're absolutely heading towards a crash if nobody does something silly like deciding we're artificially resetting to 1-2 weeks ago (which would probably cause riots on a whole new level). The interesting thing about this one is that normal people came up to the few rich and said in a language the rich understand "get fucked". Be funny if this turns into the next revolution. A wealth redistribution the US and the rest of the world could really do with right about now

More words to describe the same thing: Theft. Stalin & Mao Tse Tung used them.

Wealth redistribution isn't necessarily theft.

Sometimes it's just hedgefunds making dumb decisions.
29 Jan 2021, 11:27am
Synthya Wylder
XeknosWe are staring to eat the rich and I am so fucking here for it.

Igneel PrimeOh we're absolutely heading towards a crash if nobody does something silly like deciding we're artificially resetting to 1-2 weeks ago (which would probably cause riots on a whole new level). The interesting thing about this one is that normal people came up to the few rich and said in a language the rich understand "get fucked". Be funny if this turns into the next revolution. A wealth redistribution the US and the rest of the world could really do with right about now

More words to describe the same thing: Theft. Stalin & Mao Tse Tung used them.

arrogant and greedy rich people deserve to be robbed. And that's mild. Last time it was a big deal people beheaded them for it.
29 Jan 2021, 11:30am
I assume you are all referring to this

I think that this is a great story that shows the power of modern communications, and collective action.

i hope the Redditers win and show that these very mighty hedge funds are very vulnerable to collective thinking...
29 Jan 2021, 11:51am
that is exactly what I was talking about. And the crying of billionaires about people uniting against them is music in my ears
29 Jan 2021, 12:57pm
Funny how the casino must be temporarily closed and the rules be changed the very moment Joe Sixpack starts winning.

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