
05 Apr 2021, 6:45am
Aleksander MajjamEveryone show off your sexy space legs holos.

As you requested...

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The level of detail they put on these new suits is insane. And it creates a weird contrast to the old pilot suits when you see them side by side. It's like they are from different games. Maybe the time has come to remodel the old suit, for the sake of visual consistency.

The black pioneer skins promised as pre-order bonus are not yet in the alpha. The new combat suit will be introduced in phase 2 which will reportedly begin next Wednesday or Thursday. There's also a range of more civilian outfits in the game, currently worn only by NPCs. I guess some of those will be made available through the Arx store at some point.

As expected, everyone in Odyssey has the same body height and shape (except for male/female of course).

Approved! Very nice!
05 Apr 2021, 1:14pm
Valburg got a makeover, too.

05 Apr 2021, 1:18pm
He can buy me a drink anytime!
05 Apr 2021, 11:50pm
I just realized I've been playing ED for more than a year.

Let's shut down everything and stay at home for a few weeks to flatten the curve, they said. My husband and I got bored, so we bought a few video games to pass the time. ED happened to be on sale and looked interesting. We expected to postpone our annual trip to Taiwan until autumn. We entertained ourselves while waiting for the lockdown to end. I found Inara and started writing.

One year later we're still struggling to flatten the curve. Recent developments suggest that vaccines won't stop viral transmission, and mutations have already made some of them partially ineffective. Governments seem willing to impose lockdowns forever and enforce them by increasingly authoritarian means.

I guess that's it, folks. The new normal. The end of the world as we know it.
06 Apr 2021, 12:37am
SakashiroI just realized I've been playing ED for more than a year.

Let's shut down everything and stay at home for a few weeks to flatten the curve, they said. My husband and I got bored, so we bought a few video games to pass the time. ED happened to be on sale and looked interesting. We expected to postpone our annual trip to Taiwan until autumn. We entertained ourselves while waiting for the lockdown to end. I found Inara and started writing.

One year later we're still struggling to flatten the curve. Recent developments suggest that vaccines won't stop viral transmission, and mutations have already made some of them partially ineffective. Governments seem willing to impose lockdowns forever and enforce them by increasingly authoritarian means.

I guess that's it, folks. The new normal. The end of the world as we know it.

Don't worry, it was always going to be this way. Climate change is the root of everything, it's our great filter and we failed to surpass it. The thing that has brought me the most peace was cutting my consumption way down, eliminating food waste, and eliminating most meat/dairy from my diet. Elite helps since I'll never get to explore space IRL. Another good resource is The Star Surveys here . Marveling at the universe and remembering how small and insignificant we are in the face of it, is a great feeling.
06 Apr 2021, 12:53am
The lockdowns have had a very negative impact on my job, and thus, my paycheck. I'm very thankful for ED as it gives me an opportunity to roleplay as someone who makes money.
06 Apr 2021, 5:57am
I'll offer my opinion re: this recent virus & the lockdowns.

After doing a search comparing other global pandemics (I saved those searches for reference, provided upon request) all of them seemed to be in general agreement - the current virus epidemic is by far not the most deadly; its current spread has been exacerbated by the frequency & volume of global travel, & is relatively mild compared to other past pandemics.

Although some of the age groups most affected vary widely - for example, the Spanish Flu of 1918 affected the young most severely while this current virus affects the elderly & those with co-morbidity factors the most - the current virus case fatality rate seems to be noticeably less than 5 other virus pandemics going back to 1918.


"The global case rates and case fatality rates for six major pandemics are:

1918 influenza (H1N1): 50 million; CFR 2%-3%.
Avian influenza A (H5N1 and H7N9): H5N1 had 649 cases; 60% CFR; H7N9 had 571 cases; 37% CFR.
COVID-19: ~2.1 (variable estimates due to ongoing pandemic)
Ebola: over 30,000 cases; average 50% CFR.
MERS-CoV: 2,502 cases; 34% CFR.
SARS-CoV: 8,422 cases; 15% CFR."
[CFR = Case Fatality Rate]

What has magnified the current perceived crisis is not so much the virus itself, but the extent of the global intercommunication, & the often distorted media coverage & the questionable case-reporting methodology leading to a panic-driven over-reaction.

The ensuing economic damage has not been caused by the virus itself, but various gov't responses to it; akin to the "chicken little syndrome".

One may read into that what one may like, but I think that the statement made by one of our past (US) administrations chief of staff casts a serious shadow of doubt:

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
-Rahm Emanuel

TL;DR: While the China Virus is real, the panic surrounding it & the resultant economic damage is manufactured.
06 Apr 2021, 8:52am
One year later we're still struggling to flatten the curve. Recent developments suggest that vaccines won't stop viral transmission, and mutations have already made some of them partially ineffective. Governments seem willing to impose lockdowns forever and enforce them by increasingly authoritarian means.

I guess that's it, folks. The new normal. The end of the world as we know it.

Don't worry, it was always going to be this way. Climate change is the root of everything, it's our great filter and we failed to surpass it. The thing that has brought me the most peace was cutting my consumption way down, eliminating food waste, and eliminating most meat/dairy from my diet. Elite helps since I'll never get to explore space IRL. Another good resource is The Star Surveys here . Marveling at the universe and remembering how small and insignificant we are in the face of it, is a great feeling.

Um, overpopulation is the actual 'root of everything' including Climate Change. Mass production and consumption results in increased pollution and food wastage, increased population density creates ideal conditions for pandemics. This has been known and predicted for at least half a century but not enough people took it seriously and our chickens are coming home to roost.

As the population continues to grow we will see more pandemics and Climate Change will become more difficult to fight. As food resource scarcity becomes a problem you'll start to see conflict between the haves and have-nots more and more, even in wealthy nations (1%ers unite or die). That said your personal life choices still work to mitigate your contribution to the problem (so to speak) and should be applauded despite the inaccurate motivation.
06 Apr 2021, 9:20am
Synthya Wylder

1918 influenza (H1N1): 50 million; CFR 2%-3%.

TL;DR: While the China Virus is real, the panic surrounding it & the resultant economic damage is manufactured.

The similarity of our modern day situation with the 1918 pandemic is possibly the most striking. The one major difference being the age group most at risk.
The 1918 virus was first noticed in America in the army training camps as they prepared for entry into the European arena. Woodrow Wilson was advised not to send troops from those camps immediately, but to wait until the outbreak had been contained. WW was faced with Hobson’s Choice! Either he kept those troops back, failing on his sworn commitment to the Allies, or he sent them and risked spreading the virus. He felt his commitment to the war was the priority - those troops had to go. There is no doubting that the American troops arrival shortened the war thus preventing a more prolonged loss of life.
However, there is also no doubting that the virus spread quicker as a result. Many of the troop transports reported high levels of infection.

So, considering that the Spanish Flu virus killed a conservative 50 million people, more than died in all theatres of the first WW, and that widespread travel was a significant factor, are the modern day attempts to contain the spread a panic measure or a vital part of keeping the death toll far below the catastrophic level of 1918/1919?
And if your population is much reduced and weakened by disease, wouldn’t that result in economic damage anyway?
06 Apr 2021, 9:22am
Synthya Wylder TL;DR: While the China Virus is real, the panic surrounding it & the resultant economic damage is manufactured.

GTFO of here with your this carefully worded opinion fed to you by Fox News, racist, politically motivated bollocks 'murican. CFR is not the only consideration when looking at a diseases threat potential. How well it spreads before killing people is the chief concern and the CORNOAVIRUS has shown it is very good at this.

Compare Sweden's 'oops all infected' policy did little to protect their economy or community whereas New Zealand getting their shit together protected theirs despite the 'dictatorial' brief lockdowns.

There is no 'panic', there is shrewd knowledgeable advice not being heeded because of politics, systemic poor education, and the basest of human nature. Had the world shut down for a month together simultaneously a year ago when the medical and scientific communities recommended it this 'indeed truly manufactured problem' would have been solved back then.

Over 2 million lives have been lost because of this kind of myopic thinking and it's only going to get worse apparently so long as the misguided have equal say.
06 Apr 2021, 10:05am
One year later we're still struggling to flatten the curve. Recent developments suggest that vaccines won't stop viral transmission, and mutations have already made some of them partially ineffective. Governments seem willing to impose lockdowns forever and enforce them by increasingly authoritarian means.

I guess that's it, folks. The new normal. The end of the world as we know it.

Don't worry, it was always going to be this way. Climate change is the root of everything, it's our great filter and we failed to surpass it. The thing that has brought me the most peace was cutting my consumption way down, eliminating food waste, and eliminating most meat/dairy from my diet. Elite helps since I'll never get to explore space IRL. Another good resource is The Star Surveys here . Marveling at the universe and remembering how small and insignificant we are in the face of it, is a great feeling.

Um, overpopulation is the actual 'root of everything' including Climate Change. Mass production and consumption results in increased pollution and food wastage, increased population density creates ideal conditions for pandemics. This has been known and predicted for at least half a century but not enough people took it seriously and our chickens are coming home to roost.

As the population continues to grow we will see more pandemics and Climate Change will become more difficult to fight. As food resource scarcity becomes a problem you'll start to see conflict between the haves and have-nots more and more, even in wealthy nations (1%ers unite or die). That said your personal life choices still work to mitigate your contribution to the problem (so to speak) and should be applauded despite the inaccurate motivation.

Two hundred years ago, COVID-19 wouldn't even have registered as a disease, because it kills almost no one below the age of 60, and the average global life expectancy back then was below 40 years.

If you believe our problem is overpopulation, why are you worried about pandemics? Shouldn't you embrace them as possible solutions?
06 Apr 2021, 10:10am
One year later we're still struggling to flatten the curve. Recent developments suggest that vaccines won't stop viral transmission, and mutations have already made some of them partially ineffective. Governments seem willing to impose lockdowns forever and enforce them by increasingly authoritarian means.

I guess that's it, folks. The new normal. The end of the world as we know it.

Don't worry, it was always going to be this way. Climate change is the root of everything, it's our great filter and we failed to surpass it. The thing that has brought me the most peace was cutting my consumption way down, eliminating food waste, and eliminating most meat/dairy from my diet. Elite helps since I'll never get to explore space IRL. Another good resource is The Star Surveys here . Marveling at the universe and remembering how small and insignificant we are in the face of it, is a great feeling.

Um, overpopulation is the actual 'root of everything' including Climate Change. Mass production and consumption results in increased pollution and food wastage, increased population density creates ideal conditions for pandemics. This has been known and predicted for at least half a century but not enough people took it seriously and our chickens are coming home to roost.

As the population continues to grow we will see more pandemics and Climate Change will become more difficult to fight. As food resource scarcity becomes a problem you'll start to see conflict between the haves and have-nots more and more, even in wealthy nations (1%ers unite or die). That said your personal life choices still work to mitigate your contribution to the problem (so to speak) and should be applauded despite the inaccurate motivation.

Climate change is the effect, overpopulation and overconsumption are the cause. In the context of what I was saying, climate change was the root of the ongoing collapse of everything. This is just me keeping it in simple terms since this isn't really the place to go in depth on this stuff. My contributions and my short lifespan will keep me under 1 Earth worth of consumption, but that doesn't matter. None of us exist in a vacuum. We live together or we die together, as one species. Sadly you already know how this is gonna go.
06 Apr 2021, 10:15am

Don't worry, it was always going to be this way. Climate change is the root of everything, it's our great filter and we failed to surpass it. The thing that has brought me the most peace was cutting my consumption way down, eliminating food waste, and eliminating most meat/dairy from my diet. Elite helps since I'll never get to explore space IRL. Another good resource is The Star Surveys here . Marveling at the universe and remembering how small and insignificant we are in the face of it, is a great feeling.

Um, overpopulation is the actual 'root of everything' including Climate Change. Mass production and consumption results in increased pollution and food wastage, increased population density creates ideal conditions for pandemics. This has been known and predicted for at least half a century but not enough people took it seriously and our chickens are coming home to roost.

As the population continues to grow we will see more pandemics and Climate Change will become more difficult to fight. As food resource scarcity becomes a problem you'll start to see conflict between the haves and have-nots more and more, even in wealthy nations (1%ers unite or die). That said your personal life choices still work to mitigate your contribution to the problem (so to speak) and should be applauded despite the inaccurate motivation.

Two hundred years ago, COVID-19 wouldn't even have registered as a disease, because it kills almost no one below the age of 60, and the average global life expectancy back then was below 40 years.

If you believe our problem is overpopulation, why are you worried about pandemics? Shouldn't you embrace them as possible solutions?

Chaos is never a solution. When a species falls from the top, it's easy for it to drag everything else down. We need to manage our descent through degrowth, but everyone is stuck thinking in the short term. No one cares about anyone outside of their bubble, humans aren't evolved enough as a whole and there aren't enough of us that are to force change to occur. A problem without any realistic solution.
06 Apr 2021, 10:18am
Welp, I hope someone brought milk because it looks like shit's about to get spicy again.

Last edit: 06 Apr 2021, 10:25am
06 Apr 2021, 10:29am
LordPsymonWelp, I hope someone brought milk because it looks like shit's about to get spicy again.

Is there rioting where you are? Best way to deal with most gas is fresh air. My city probably won't riot again until mid summer.

That aside, who is excited for the Artemis missions!

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