28 Apr 2021, 4:29am
Also this is how I see the neural link would work for VR stuff in Elite. This is Monty Glow about to have fun in a VR remake of Treasure Planet.
Last edit: 28 Apr 2021, 6:27am
29 Apr 2021, 7:00am
Knightwolf 1785 Someone get some shades. That's bright.
According to Aleksander (who made this) it is a side effect when you use Photoshop to turn something white from a darker color. He actually "dimmed" the shininess by quite a lot
29 Apr 2021, 3:05pm
Knightwolf 1785That's some side effect.
It's the closest I saw so far that represents Amata's made-to-measure Remlok-suit though
29 Apr 2021, 3:10pm
29 Apr 2021, 4:31pm
Amata LireinMeowersHeels in 34th...
And that's a bad thing... why?
Because in the 34th century we'll be wearing sexy toe shoes instead.