
18 Mar 2021, 4:02pm
Aleksander Majjam Okay! NVM, I see what you meant. Lol. I need coffee.

Obviously I've played a female character and, to be honest, stopped shortly after doing Watson District quests. Too much bugs and overall disappointments for me. So I didn't get that far to have romance options open.

It's all about you mentioning a bug that looks much as one of "soft no" things that you can run into in life. Found it peculiar. Not that I did that stuff, because I less care about people getting angry at me, but it exists. :p
18 Mar 2021, 4:07pm
There are actually two more scenes during the part where you go scuba diving with her. First when you compliment her on looking fine in a wetsuit and another scene just a bit later.

Her reactions differ on V's gender.
18 Mar 2021, 7:41pm
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko
Rebecca Hail
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko

very good guess, and very correct. but trigonometry is complex, and i would like some basic guidelines for it.

Are you trying to get your math homework done here?

i really need to get an A in the last Grading Quarter


May I offer a suggestion?

Stop screwing around on game related forums, switch off your PC, buy a bloody trigonometry book, some A4 pads and a clutch pencil, solve equations and draw graphs.

Oh, a calculator would probably be useful, too, but not strictly necessary, depending on how many pads and pencil leads you have.

19 Mar 2021, 3:00pm
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko
Rebecca Hail

Are you trying to get your math homework done here?

i really need to get an A in the last Grading Quarter


May I offer a suggestion?

Stop screwing around on game related forums, switch off your PC, buy a bloody trigonometry book, some A4 pads and a clutch pencil, solve equations and draw graphs.

Oh, a calculator would probably be useful, too, but not strictly necessary, depending on how many pads and pencil leads you have.


even though this is harsh, i know that it is true. i may be distracted or lazy, but i am self aware. the point is, if you couldn't tell, i dont have the easiest time dedicating myself to a task. that is the whole meaning of these messages. of course i want help with trigonometry, but that isnt the point. if i really did, i would just go to khan academy. so since im telling you this, i would like to ask you to give me some pointers. i know everyone says "yeah concentrating is hard for me lol", but it seriously is. i cant convey the full idea, but i will assume i got my point across.
19 Mar 2021, 5:10pm
I mean, it's not like anyone here can give you pointers if you don't describe what you need to do.

"Give me basic pointers to the entirety of trigonometry" won't go anywhere, that's simply too vast a topic.
19 Mar 2021, 5:20pm
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko

i really need to get an A in the last Grading Quarter


May I offer a suggestion?

Stop screwing around on game related forums, switch off your PC, buy a bloody trigonometry book, some A4 pads and a clutch pencil, solve equations and draw graphs.

Oh, a calculator would probably be useful, too, but not strictly necessary, depending on how many pads and pencil leads you have.


even though this is harsh, i know that it is true. i may be distracted or lazy, but i am self aware. the point is, if you couldn't tell, i dont have the easiest time dedicating myself to a task. that is the whole meaning of these messages. of course i want help with trigonometry, but that isnt the point. if i really did, i would just go to khan academy. so since im telling you this, i would like to ask you to give me some pointers. i know everyone says "yeah concentrating is hard for me lol", but it seriously is. i cant convey the full idea, but i will assume i got my point across.

Trigonometry full course for Beginners
19 Mar 2021, 6:04pm
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko

i really need to get an A in the last Grading Quarter


May I offer a suggestion?

Stop screwing around on game related forums, switch off your PC, buy a bloody trigonometry book, some A4 pads and a clutch pencil, solve equations and draw graphs.

Oh, a calculator would probably be useful, too, but not strictly necessary, depending on how many pads and pencil leads you have.


even though this is harsh, i know that it is true. i may be distracted or lazy, but i am self aware. the point is, if you couldn't tell, i dont have the easiest time dedicating myself to a task. that is the whole meaning of these messages. of course i want help with trigonometry, but that isnt the point. if i really did, i would just go to khan academy. so since im telling you this, i would like to ask you to give me some pointers. i know everyone says "yeah concentrating is hard for me lol", but it seriously is. i cant convey the full idea, but i will assume i got my point across.

As a teen I had ADHD and it nearly resulted in my death as the brain fog and impulsiveness were extremely harmful. Please get that checked out if you can. It will make things so much easier on you, just as it did me.
20 Mar 2021, 3:38pm
Aleksander Majjam Okay! NVM, I see what you meant. Lol. I need coffee.

Obviously I've played a female character and, to be honest, stopped shortly after doing Watson District quests. Too much bugs and overall disappointments for me. So I didn't get that far to have romance options open.

It's all about you mentioning a bug that looks much as one of "soft no" things that you can run into in life. Found it peculiar. Not that I did that stuff, because I less care about people getting angry at me, but it exists. :p

Yeah. Some bugs are tolerable, and not so much for others. As long as the game didn't glitch in a way that I couldn't proceed, then I just powered through it. For a console version (Series X), I honestly didn't run into anything that demolished my game. Only a few glitches that took me out of the game frame of mind, so to speak.
20 Mar 2021, 4:06pm
Aleksander MajjamYeah. Some bugs are tolerable, and not so much for others. As long as the game didn't glitch in a way that I couldn't proceed, then I just powered through it. For a console version (Series X), I honestly didn't run into anything that demolished my game. Only a few glitches that took me out of the game frame of mind, so to speak.

Well, damage models of characters and environment are 1997, not 2077, even not 2020. Let alone the "spongy" enemies (I guess, it's usual for loot&shoot games), but cars, exploding after hitting their roof and doors with hammer, and indestructable immovable LCD screens (even those that aren't interactable), windows, glasses, etc., all that stuff that you can shatter with your bare hands; pigeon-brained AI... Sloppy job. It looks awesome for a demo release with visual effects, animation and cutscenes done and everything else is still in progress, far from completion. But charging money for it... I'd be rather ordering a pizza that day I purchased CP77.

Remembered me the warcraft 2, where orcs were hitting a building with axes and it catches fire. Then came the human peasants and were hitting it again with hammers, to stop the fires and repair it. Was ok for '95. Where's the progress of damn 25 years?

But it was a good benchmark for my makeshift PC, revealed a memory timing problem that was treated like "sh...t, this stuff gone bluescreen again" before, because it required a heavy load from quite unpolished app to pinpoint the source.

Digital distribution and all these endless updates of everything that you have installed made the software industry a damn disservice. It's easy to goof everything up if you know that you'll have the money today, and a year more to fix everything you've done sloppy.

Last edit: 20 Mar 2021, 4:24pm
21 Mar 2021, 10:28am
I don't want to play devil's advocate, but let's not forget that CP2077 was released due to management shareholders pressure and developers had to choose between releasing unfinished game - or face being fired from their jobs due to how easily authoritarian employers can become in Poland. Situation with CDPR only vocalized the problem a lot of people prefer not to bring up in fear of being laid off - even worse, being laid off with black stain in their papers that might make them unable to find a job in their degree.

Pandemic didn't help too, because trying to do something done connected to project with multiple layers even if just part of works is done remotely is not as effective as working face-to-face in the same room. There was a period in which Poland had a rather tight lockdown and video game company workers are not critical workers who are required to do their jobs directly like police, couriers or food delivery services.

Last edit: 21 Mar 2021, 10:34am
21 Mar 2021, 2:59pm
Sure. Clearly shows some social and working ethics problems that exist almost everywhere and some specific ones for IT and game dev industry. Too bad it was brought to that kind of state: CP was one of few '20 major releases and it was just that undercooked. Maybe if people had more options to choose from, it wouldn't be such a massive disappointment, but CP was tied to being maybe the most bright anticipation of the year, being excessively overhyped mostly by random people, not the CDPR itself. They still have a chance for redemption.
21 Mar 2021, 4:23pm
Vinh KruczekI don't want to play devil's advocate, but let's not forget that CP2077 was released due to management shareholders pressure and developers had to choose between releasing unfinished game - or face being fired from their jobs due to how easily authoritarian employers can become in Poland. Situation with CDPR only vocalized the problem a lot of people prefer not to bring up in fear of being laid off - even worse, being laid off with black stain in their papers that might make them unable to find a job in their degree.

Pandemic didn't help too, because trying to do something done connected to project with multiple layers even if just part of works is done remotely is not as effective as working face-to-face in the same room. There was a period in which Poland had a rather tight lockdown and video game company workers are not critical workers who are required to do their jobs directly like police, couriers or food delivery services.

I've always done the right thing regardless of the consequences as I'd sooner die than live with dishonor, but that's just me. I've worked in QA and have killed multimillion dollar projects over poor quality. Sadly, few care about quality, reputation, honor, integrity, etc. They just want money and to not be hassled. I hate people like that.
21 Mar 2021, 4:33pm
There are a few things of more value than bowing to the 'Almighty Profit'. Those are among them.

And I'm a 'Free-Market Anarcho-Capitalist'.

Last edit: 21 Mar 2021, 8:28pm
21 Mar 2021, 5:20pm
Try to make too many people happy, and you'll disappoint everyone. The last-gen console versions of CP2077 should have been canceled.
23 Mar 2021, 1:20pm
Hm, I found this:

Very nice series for alternative history.

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