
12 Mar 2021, 12:29am
Thanatos au Grimmus
Synthya Wylder
Quillmonkey‘Come with me if you want to live’
But I’m not even off the passenger mission screen when I start receiving impatient complaints.
‘Is this rescue going to take all day?’ they ask before I’ve even retracted my landing gear.
Well ladies & gents. We’re in a dolphin so yes, we can quite happily sit in this burning station all day and never overheat. Maybe you’d feel better getting out and walking, you ungrateful little shits?

It’s a good job I’m not doing this for money.

Yeah, in my mind, I was thinking, "STFU & be grateful yer alive"...

I've never hauled passengers.

I get any lip from them & I'd likely give them "The Expanse" treatment...

Enjoying that show immensely, only on episode 2 (of the last season) - trying not to binge watch them.

Oh, yes. Most scientifically-accurate space SciFi series I've watched. Not to mention, including a compelling & plausible storyline.

I'll post no spoilers.
12 Mar 2021, 12:37am
Synthya Wylder
Thanatos au Grimmus
Synthya Wylder

Yeah, in my mind, I was thinking, "STFU & be grateful yer alive"...

I've never hauled passengers.

I get any lip from them & I'd likely give them "The Expanse" treatment...

Enjoying that show immensely, only on episode 2 (of the last season) - trying not to binge watch them.

Oh, yes. Most scientifically-accurate space SciFi series I've watched. Not to mention, including a compelling & plausible storyline.

I'll post no spoilers.

Thank you, I did, however, read the James Corey novels that the show is based on - very well done.
12 Mar 2021, 2:18am
Synthya Wylder Assuming that you weren't actually talking about his mom, the answer to your question is very likely the same answer to the question, why does a male dog lick his balls?

Because he can. Because he can.

Never had met the guy, but just like a school yard bully who gets his prey in trouble when he gets called out for it,
"I didn't do anything wrong Teacher, he just started yelling at me for no reason at all."

I asked him why, and when he answered with I called his mom names, I completely did the wrong thing, and called him a ganking twatwaffle... which of course caused him to wait for me to leave the station so he could smash me again. He reiterated that I called his mom names, and I decided to roll play and said this: "Your mom gave me space herpies and was a lousy lay on top of it. Blowing up my ship won't change that." SO... he reported me for abusive language and I fed his ego... I know better than to do that, do not feed the trolls, and I did it anyways. Meh, lesson learned.

and yeah, he did it because he can.
12 Mar 2021, 2:24am
ON a totally different note... can I post some very unrelated artwork I just finished in here?
12 Mar 2021, 2:31am
Synthya Wylder Assuming that you weren't actually talking about his mom, the answer to your question is very likely the same answer to the question, why does a male dog lick his balls?

Because he can. Because he can.

Never had met the guy, but just like a school yard bully who gets his prey in trouble when he gets called out for it, "I didn't do anything wrong Teacher, he just started yelling at me for no reason at all"
I asked him why, and when he answered I did the wrong thing, and called him a ganking twatwaffle... which of course caused him to wait for me to leave the station so he could smash me again. He reitterated that I called his mom names, and I decided to roll play and said this: "Your mom gave me space herpies and was a lousy lay on top of it. Blowing up my ship won't change that." SO... he reported me for abusive language and I fed his ego... I know better than to do that, do not feed the trolls, and I did it anyways. Meh, lesson learned.

IF I was the judge in the FDev court, I wouldn't find anything you said abusive, just as you said, roleplaying into it. The biggest egos tend to be the most fragile.

Be advised though, in my experience, in such instances at least, like online games & those who do the judging, they tend to pander to the lowest common denominator, & those wheels that squeak first tend to get the grease.

Go ahead with the taunts, but if I were you, next time, I'd leave the station in something other than Open mode.

Last edit: 13 Mar 2021, 4:33am
12 Mar 2021, 2:34am
WarCat72ON a totally different note... can I post some very unrelated artwork I just finished in here?

In the Gallery, maybe? But heck, this is OffTopic, so why the hell not?
12 Mar 2021, 4:24am
Mainly because it's not artwork related to ED
12 Mar 2021, 5:49am
Store it off-site, e.g. on You can still embed it here.
12 Mar 2021, 5:51am
Give it a shot anyway. Things often get discussed in this section that have nothing whatsoever to do with E:D.

There are options under which you're able to classify different types of postings in the Gallery too.

The worst that can happen is someone complains, or even that Artie, Hallowed Be His Name, removes it.
12 Mar 2021, 10:32am
Eh, I uploaded a few screenshots from Cyberpunk into the gallery, making sure though to select the proper category. So far I got no complaints.
12 Mar 2021, 4:43pm
13 Mar 2021, 4:17pm
Anybody here willing to make me a squadron banner? Technically i could do it, but i suck. It doesn't have to be for free, I'm not that guy
13 Mar 2021, 6:50pm
OtohaAnybody here willing to make me a squadron banner? Technically i could do it, but i suck. It doesn't have to be for free, I'm not that guy

Done a quick one for you but not sure how to share images on here as I don't really use photo sharing sites. I'd post it in the gallery but it says it's not for squad logos etc.
13 Mar 2021, 10:11pm
I can make one of needed, but if you're satisfied with JB's, all good.

@JB -
13 Mar 2021, 10:30pm
Aleksander MajjamI can make one of needed, but if you're satisfied with JB's, all good.

@JB -

Thanks Aleksander, great shout.

This is a cropped version, Otoha, you may need to edit it if you want to fit it in the banner... not sure.
Click here

Last edit: 13 Mar 2021, 10:55pm

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